How can he bear to be around her in this state? Wouldn't it stink?

How can he bear to be around her in this state? Wouldn't it stink?

>Wouldn't it stink?
I would smell like deep-frying fat.

Would a fat smelly elf just smell like damp trees in a jungle?


>Not enjoying the sweat and musk of a fat elf
What are you, gay?

>no fat elf to get sweaty with
Just fucking end it

he has no nose.

>Wouldn't it stink?
She smells like peaches

you mean potatoes

What if one liked fat smelly elves? Those people would be exactly the audience for this mango ha ha.

Boil 'em
Mash 'em
Stick it in her stew

Come home Oga-san

Come home Oga-san

Doesn't sweat smells only when it dries?

What do I need to do to have her sit on my face?

Come home Oga-san

It can't dry if you lick all of it

Come home Oga-san

Come home Oga-san

Come home Oga-san

She's a sexy girl that smells like McDonald's Fries. That is Heaven.

Come home Oga-san

Come home Oga-san

Imagine her holing you tight and the feeling of your sweaty skin sticking to that soft stomach.

Come home Oga-san

Come home Oga-san

Come home Oga-san

Because he like chubby girls.

Come home Oga-san

Come home Oga-san for what

Come home Oga-san.

Some people like the smell of a sweaty fat elf.

>ywn feed Erufuda fries while having sexy

Erufuda displeases young men for fries!

The stink just makes it better.

come home Oga-san

>implying elves stink

Come home Oga-san

Ponytail elf is cute

Come home Oga-san

Come home Oga-san

I wanna smell Kuroedas butt instead

Come home Raika-san.