Komi-san Korean Spoilers

Cute new girl!

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Hold the fuck up, is that Komi-san's mom as a teen?


yeah, glasses guy must be komi dad


>forever 17 mom when she actually was 17
>those socks





Hello Seki-kun

>When dad's game is even better than Chad's but he's too much of a otaku to slay to pussy.


Tonight... you.

>only 8 pages

Cute chapter, wish we got more though

>Komi's dad is literally Seki-kun

He saved some pussy from getting wet.

We Seki-kun now?

Komi feet

For what fucking purpose? Disgusting

Well that was thoroughly adorable.

Can't wait to see the day when Hito-chan and Komi get married and have dinner nights like these

So Komi-dad was Sakamoto?

Some people here aren't gay.


Tadano can only sometimes keep it together. The dad is on another level.

Feetnigs should be purged

But user, it's Komi were talking about

It appears there's one other thing besides looks that Komi inherited.

Even more of a reason. Only Tadano should be allowed to see her bare feet.

Every inch of Komi's body is beautiful and delicious you heretic.

What a fucking chad

This guy

He dries pussy to wet pussy.

Awesome. This is how Komi's mom fell for Komi's dad

This nigga was like Tadano

She already fell for him but there it was totally confirmed

>calling komi disgusting
I will drink from your skull

He's a master. He still knows how to get that pussy ready

Komi is as cute as her mom, but with the charm of her dad

I wish the chapter ended with something along the lines of "I was the same age as you're now Shouko when I met your father" and Komi starts thinking of Takai and blushes

>I was the same age as you're now Shouko when I met your father
The thing is that it's not true, Komi is younger.


Komi's dad is totally different from Tadano.

Tadano would never play with paper, pencils, and erasers in class, while not paying attention to the teacher.

Tadano hasn't shown any hobby making skills much less cooking skills either.

If anything, Tadano is like Komi's mother. Both Tadano and Komi's mother acted like chuuni delinquents in middle school.

This manga is top notch. Can't wait for the anime.

Wait what the frick, Najimi is supposed to have silver hair and not blonde?


I still don't get what the grey flower in Tadano's hair is suppose to be

Meant Tadano. No idea why I wrote that.

tomato stem?

Has this gotten any doujins yet?

>silver hair
Ah, it all makes sense now.

Something distinctive to make his silhouette stand out.

She married Sakamoto

It all makes sense now

we knew that from pretty much the start

unfortunately the description page is back when you don't know who anyone is, and you wouldn't think to go back and look.


fuck that shit, i think komidad actually surpasses sakamoto

komi-kun chapter when

Masculine as fuck.

They are both accidental chads

Nice touch with the wedding ring imagery.

fair point, I kept referring to it as chapters would come out guess I took that for granted

he at least got the shopping stuff, we need info on hitomi and her powers

gotta be komi mom and dad, right?

holy shit komi dad is sakamoto and seki combined. what a fucking baller


yeah, that's what I noticed too
this manga is just so damn good

how slow are you?

So, Komi's dad and mom were popular when they had 17 yo.
Komi is already popular at 15/16 yo. So, maybe Tadano will become popular once he reachs 17 yo?
Also, Tadano's birthday when?

5 seconds slow, considering i said that at the first two pages 5 seconds after clicking them

early grey hair patch

What would Tadano even get?


Komi wrapped as gift

>implying Komi mom has been ever not 17 yo

she must have been not at some point, otherwise poor Komi grandma

Wow this was great, wasn't expecting it.

>Literally Sakamoto

Is there a reason why the chapters are shorter than before?

burnout, every mangaka deals with it in their own way, art gets crappier, writing gets sloppier, chapters get shorter, hiatuses get more common etc...

Maybe the author had to take a break and divided the chapters instead of releasing both the same week like he does always.

If next week chapter is also a short one is time to worry a bit.

what is he saying here?

>This week next week, I am making a bookbook by decreasing page! Sorry for those who are looking forward to weekly not enough! But I think it's two good feelings! Excuse me! !
Google translate worked better than Twitter's translator

I thought Komi-chapter lengths are irregular and often two chapters or maybe even three are released at once.

apparently he's making a book/volume? so that may be why he's doing shorter chapters, cause he's focusing on the book deal instead

>Komi-san's mom as a teen
hol up


its just a cowlick that's made to stand out to make his silhouette stand out more

This explain why Komi is soo perfect

>playing Evangelion in class

Soo, is there any parallel withing Dad and Tadano here?

>Soo, is there any parallel withing Dad and Tadano here?

Tadano is going to be forever cute and 17 years old?

>Tadano is going to be forever cute and 17 years old?

>So? How about it? Didn't my cooking get better now?
>Yes. Its always delicious
my heart cant take it

I have never, ever, considered myself a foot person.

But fuck me those are some cute feet.


They both got best girl.

Future chapter? Omake?

you tell me