Panzergirls love is alive and well
Girls und panzer
This is my wife
Please say something nice about her
I want to insert her pinky toe into my urethra.
I am pretty sure even her hands are too big for that
If I can fit my pinky finger down to the first knuckle her little toe should do fine.
Please tell me more
I like to shove things down my urethra for sexual gratification.
Maho is a slut
She's just as autistic as her mother, she does not get any sexual desires aside the ones she gets from her _dog_
whats the show about? and how the hell do they make internal damage from explosions, the tanks AND people inside immune to that?
and where is the reason to Watch it if they cant be damaged.
Best girl.
You're a lucky man.
I wish Miho would do that to me.
You know it to be true
>whats the show about?
Sports anime, but with tanks + Cute girls + International banter + Military and historical references
>and how the hell do they make internal damage from explosions, the tanks AND people inside immune to that?
Things are coated in carbon, impressive what writing can do
>and where is the reason to Watch it if they cant be damaged.
Cute girls
/k/ bonner
Hey, I cropped that one, if only I had given enough of a shit to clean it
A cute
F A T . F R O G
Why always so rude?
Frangible ammo+sensors everywhere + the memetastic carbon coating
The recap chapters do explain stuff not mentioned on the show.
I am angry at the fact that i will never take that F A T . F R O G to a pâtisserie for a date, eats lots of cake and then take her home like a responsable boyfriend. Then marry her and tease her every night about her being a G R O S S E . G R E N O U I L L E while grabbing her tummy, just to bake pastries for her in the day
Too late mate
wait a second, so why dont real Life tanks have carbon?
its like having a helmet as protection, it protects some, but it WILL damage with enough force.
Which guppie would you tickle the hell out of?
And how would you do it?
This fatty, her belly was made for that
She and Rosehip are the best girls of Gloriana
I don't know, user. Why don't little girls drive tanks?
That's a damn fine answer.
Pleases old men
For money
And funds
Pure lewd
American duck is best duck.
>Bullying best girl
No really, she is so cute
what is she saying? I can't read arabic.
All ducks are best ducks, but Shinobu is more best than the others.
I made a few croppings of the Maginot manga, I hope they are useful for future Fondue-posting