Papa is a sex addict
Darling in the Franxx
>not liking sex
Nobody forced you to marry a hambeast.
I know it's not going to happen, but I kind of want the people from the other colonies or whatever to have regular zaku/gm type mechs with regular control systems, and dr franxx just has some weird shit going on in this one with ass controls and shit
no one's gonna talk about how 02 knows Hiro's gonna die?
I donno, it's refreshing for me. Kek
02 a best.
Ichigo a shit
Well next episode we are going to see the generic ones that the other team uses.
fuck from the thumbnail it looks like that one guys art where everyone is a giant with tiny heads
Always remember the rule of anime: Childhood friend never wins.
Is that Papa? I thought he was the doctor guy with the metal jaw.
Any bets on how Hiro's gonna survive?
The power of love. Or maybe Dr Franxx pulls up some crazy madman shit.
Insane rage fueled by love.
He already has special snowflake status from being ultra "compatible" with 02. (Theory: lower number = higher percentage of klaxo DNA.)
Note that he's the only non-shitter in his entire group. I suspect 02 basically solo'd that battle two years before that got that one guy's partner killed.
we know right now we are waiting to see how hiro is either going to cheat death or some dumb shit happens.
they need to be super fucking careful with how they handle his 3rd ride or its gonna be a shitfest
For now by cockblocking him from the 3rd ride for about half of the show i imagine.
It's already obvious that he's going to survive and why. The question is what is really happening to him since it's different.
He isn't even in "the same" danger as the other pilots, it is the exact opposite reaction.
I bet he spikes on the third run and they get a demon t-rex powerup mode from both of them becoming part klaxo.
He'll survive because it isn't fucking killing him, not sure why it's so hard for people to understand this. He's just getting turned into an oni.
blue blood. Same as 02
wouldn't you diddle those kids?
Besides the breasts, this really proves that the manga is better than the anime.
Why doesn't he just ask 02 flat out if she knows what is happening. She is obviously familiar with it.
>not editing the TL note
I get the feeling that there has been talks off screen that we haven't seen. That's why he doesn't seem too concerned. But if they had outright told us, there wouldn't be suspense for the viewer.
Let's flip the script here guys. I'm frankly not concerned about Hiro.
02 is going out of her zone for the first time in a long while: She's piloting with a partner who is for once not a disposable mook.
How is she going to handle being jockeyed by a Stamen that can keep up with her and her FXX?
We still haven't looked too deep into her history and mindset, and between 02 and Hiro, I'm much more concerned with 02's stability. I expect that Hiro will, as the saying goes, hold fast or expire, but an unfettered 02 could go all sorts of dangerous directions, especially if she can't keep her anxiety down.
I suppose the worst possible scenario would be that Hiro "contaminating" her (as mentioned by the Lamarck Club) could somehow be lethal for her, however, that being said, she, like Hiro, would much rather die with purpose rather than live an empty life.
I don't think lethality is the worst case: If piloting with Hiro ends up killing either of them, at least it will be on their terms.
Their worst case scenario is tragically success. If Hiro and 02 return unharmed by their connection during this defensive operation, they aren't going to drag 02 off: They're going to lever 02 through Hiro, now that she's got something she actually cares to keep.
Even if they don't move on this leverage, it's one hell of a sword of Damocles. They might even get her to behave.
Im gonna make my predictions for the upcoming episode:
>Squad 26 is holding the line
>but then a new more powerful klaxo appears
>this Klaxosaur decimates squad 26
>Squad 13 tries to save them but they are about to get overpowered too
>Hiro seeing his friends about to die makes 02 go and distract the klaxo while the others get to safety
>This leaves 02 and Hiro on the battlefield
>They fight it, semi-hopelessly
>they get hit by the klaxo and fly into either a plantation, or the ground
>about this time Hiro's AIDS reaches it's climax
>People at APE get worried about his Yellow blood cell levels, and try to recall them
>02 gets worried about Hiro falling unconscious
>He finally completes his transformation into the Blue Oni
>Goes Apeshit, and absolutely reks previous klaxo
calling it now.
forgot to mention that when he completes his transformation, his compatibility with 02 goes off the charts
I suppose that lies in the nature of Hiro's experiment-- he seemingly wasn't intended to be a super-compatible stamen for 02. How this unexpected development affects the original experimental procedure is subject to speculation.
I laughed, christ dude pay closer attention to the series when watching.
The guy with the metal jaw is called "Dr. Franxx", he is the inventor of the Franxx, and is currently at Plantation 13 to perform some experiment with the 13th squad which has been specially formed for that purpose.
We don't know what that experiment is yet, but from the latest episode we can say that it has something to do with individuality in a dystopian society where names have been reduced to numbers for the most part.
but then 002 was darling all along
Is Papa's emblem color gold? Does he even have an emblem like the other oligarchs?
To be fair, I think Papa is portrayed as having a giant body with a somewhat small head, angle of the shot aside.
This next episode is a tossup, I could equally see him shown to survive but is battered, or "die" only to have him revive an episode or two down the line.
she poked his forehead with her horn right where his blue horn will pop out.
intentional dino-aids infection is premeditated murder
that whore
But I thought it was a misdemeanour???
miss demon whore doesn't care what you think
You only die if you can't accept 02.
While I agree with this, I don't think that 02 has told Hiro she thinks that he'll survive and become something like her- or anything in that vein.
Which I think is somewhat deliberate on her part, she wants to make sure that Hiro wants this with all his heart without ulterior reasons. She needs someone who wants to be with her for her alone, not because of the benefits she might confer on them.
I could kind of imagine some of this happening, but after their previous outright insubordination I bet both Hiro and 02 are on thin ice with Papa. They probably got off because the oligarchs decided the benefits conferred by their excursion outweighed the minuses- namely they saved plantation 13, their squad, and revealed Hiro as a partner who is almost 100% compatible with 02. Maybe even fully compatible now since, as Hiro said, the birdcage is designed to fine tune the numbers between partners.
>People at APE get worried about his Yellow blood cell levels, and try to recall them
I can't see this happening. APE is shown to be apathetic to human life generally. Also it needs to be mentioned that "Yellow Blood Cell" is a colloquial term for platelets, as in the cells that are responsible for forming blood clots.
The most APE would be worried about with regards to his platelets is him suffering a stroke or something. I'm actually not 100% sure Nana and Hachi actually know about the pulsating blue tumor on Hiro's chest, as any physical taken right after episode 4 would have been before the growth formed.
Platelet user here: I got schooled by a medical professional: His platelet levels are critically low according to his medical charts, listed in a separate block.
He's suffering no symptoms for Thrombocytopenia, which suggests the YBCs are doing some serious work in his system, whatever the fuck they are.
>Their worst case scenario is tragically success. If Hiro and 02 return unharmed by their connection during this defensive operation, they aren't going to drag 02 off: They're going to lever 02 through Hiro, now that she's got something she actually cares to keep.
Nah, for all their being shitheads APE are essentially a military junta. The whole reason why they let Hiro partner with 02 over any dissent is that apparently Hiro is the most effective partner for 02 to have. So long as Hiro and 02 show results they'll keep it that way.
I think it is possible though they will run a battery of tests on Hiro once whatever 02 is doing to him becomes apparent. Hiro is obviously trying to conceal what's happening to him though, so maybe APE won't catch on until the process is basically finished.
From this episode I'd rather say that Dr. Franxx's experiment actually has something to do with individuality and free-thinking, why Hiro would be a personally requested candidate is fairly obvious considering he's famous among the children for his desire to humanize them.
>His platelet levels are critically low according to his medical charts, listed in a separate block.
So wait, the YBC aren't platelets?
I hope Kokoro doesn't cuck /ourguy/
I've decided to expect a happy ending.
Oh woah, so the yellow blood cells aren't being used as a colloquial term for platelets then?
>His platelet levels are critically low according to his medical charts
This is also really interesting, so he basically has the same problems with blood clotting every other stamen has had, but isn't shown to bleeding effusively like they were?
Well, it was a name for them, but his platelet count is listed as ~24 thousand in the basic data in the lower right info box.
When they go to detail, the YBC counts are in the 1000 range, which doesn't properly map to any scaling factor.
It's important to note that his clotting info states he's still holding up fine despite his low stats. His numbers are weak, but inside normal ranges, save an indicator for Fibrin transfer to wound sites which is theoretically double human speed.
Forgot something important, That 24k figure, is ten times below average, and 5 times under accepted healthy limits.
Is there a screencap showing his platelets?
>His numbers are weak, but inside normal ranges, save an indicator for Fibrin transfer to wound sites which is theoretically double human speed
So basically the staff could have just lifted the number off a basic google search.
Heck, is the average for Japan lower than the world average? That could explain why it seems low, maybe it isn't that low to 11s.
There is, I wish I saved it though.
Also of note is that Hiro's body is showing an 11.6% increase in YBC count over a 24 hour period. Meaning the cells themselves are not foreign, but that they're just dividing much more rapidly. However, since Hiro is a "special specimen," YBCs could be something different.
What is even being measured though? Platelets are measured within a given quantity of blood right? Maybe they use a smaller sample so 24k would be within range?
What's his red blood count? Can it be seen in the image? Platelets are suppose to be 1:10 to 1:20
>His numbers are weak, but inside normal ranges, save an indicator for Fibrin transfer to wound sites which is theoretically double human speed.
So would this mean he's apparently healing at an inhuman pace even while there's no damage apparent?
Ah, so the PLT is shorthand for platelets then?
His head gets smaller each time I look at this. I'm imaging that heavy image now.
being ichigo is suffering
Theoretically there could be clotting involved with the growth on his chest.
If you adjust the magnitude of his counts in any direction, the whole mess is skewed out of reasonable values.
His RBC values are low, but there's some indication that his red blood cells are anomalously large, matching a noted increased hemogoblin concentration.
Not so, FDP and HP values are associated with active or recent clotting. His values are nearly absent: normal for an undamaged human.
>Also of note is that Hiro's body is showing an 11.6% increase in YBC count over a 24 hour period
The way they portrayed the count as being so exaggerated on the sphere though, I wouldn't be surprised if even before the increase he was waaaay outside the norm; which might make sense since he'd already piloted with 02 once.
I'm also curious about whether they're taking continuous updates on Hiro- and not just referring to numbers that were taken from a physical check immediately after the battle.
They would, right?
They are going to have to milk this for a few episodes so...
>The fight never goes as planned. Ster goes to the front lines and cleans up. With some sweet action.
> Upon exiting at the end Hiro looks fine but then collapes.
> Que a few episoes of intensive care and 02 being distraught and being blamed for everything by the team.
> He isn't dead but he is still in deep when another attack happens. Standard we have to fight lines. This time after he emerges the changes have taken place.
He won't. He'll die and the rest of the story will be about the squad trying to get revenge, with him turning up in the end as the zombified blue oni.
It's so terrible it might actually be real
>mfw don't get shit.
So anyone that understands this, are his platelets between 1:10 or 1:20 ratio to his red blood cells? If so, he's fine.
It seems to be within the limits right? 24.7 to 101,6. Or am I seeing this wrong?
>I just can't see her as nothing more than a sister.
Fucking animu MCs.
Personally, I feel like after the fight, Hiro collapsing is going to be the cliffhanger for the next episode so we think he might have died.
Depends heavily on routine and spare time during kissing. If they don't have the manpower for daily checkups, it's possible that they've been making due on the occasional blood assay, and won't catch the seriousness of his condition for another few days. Remember how little time has passed: We're looking at two or three days maximum.
>HP values are associated with healing, albeit through clotting
This makes me happy for some reason.
>His RBC values are low, but there's some indication that his red blood cells are anomalously large, matching a noted increased hemogoblin concentration.
Huh, would larger red blood cells somehow confer some benefit in respiration?
God this is interesting, thanks user.
it sure is
Why is this show so good bros?
I don't understand why I like it
>Itt medfags making me feel insecure again
Interesting setting, interesting characters, and interesting character interactions.
More hemoglobin means more binding sites for oxygen to be carried into the bloodstream.
No worries user, the knowledge will have jack shit impact on most our lives unless we were actually in med school or something.
I just appreciate that we have someone to digest the details into something more palatable to figure out what is going on with Hiro's stats.
The sphere doesn't seem to be a useful visual representation of anything, though. It doesn't seem clear as to waht each spike is mapped to and to what scale. See pic related for hourly YBC count.
Right? But but I was wondering if erythrocytes already had some happy medium in terms of size and hemoglobin density.
That if you just blew them up and packed more hemoglobin in there it wouldn't necessarily make them more efficient.
Normally larger MCV values can be seen with lower RBC in conditions like pernicious anemia.
In Hiro's case he has higher Hb levels overall with larger erythrocytes which themselves have high levels of Hb.
Having said that, I don't know what the fuck the units are for his RBC in the picture.
This can't california fk
She kills pilots with
cause 02 is a slut.
This anime is a message to stay in monogamous marriages and a warning against STD's from pink haired floozies.
>Hiro lives, but becomes the blue Oni
>People are happy at first
>Zerome being Zerome, starts bragging and picks a fight with Hiro due to his competitiveness like he did before
>Hiro's new Oni strength kicks in and he punches the manlet through a wall
>Everyone becomes scared of him and starts treating him like a monster
How likely is this to happen?
Ah, that's true, maybe the spikes are just to draw immediate attention to some abnormal figures.
All we can really say is that his YBC increasing by 11% over 24 hours is abnormal; and that Nana thinks with his count Hiro should be dead.
Limiting factor would be the diameter of capillaries, presumably.
101.6 is individual blood cell volume. All those figures are info on the quality of his RBC's
The 702 is likely to be the value, but it uses a different unit. Using the Ht value, which is the percentage of blood that is RBC's, we see he is between 5 to 15% low.
Haptoglobin (HP) is based in recovering damaged blood cells: It's the cleanup crew that comes in at the end.
The larger cells aren't inherently better, but his hemoglobin levels are above normal despite his low hemocrit, which suggests he's still moving more than enough oxygen, although it may explain some of the chest pain.
The purpose of the sphere is to make abundantly clear the ridiculous YBC value he has. Stacking all the remaining cones would still be a tad smaller than the focus, which suggests his blood is greater than 50% YBC by count. We don't know what baseline they have, but the fact they check this on a regular basis (or know to check it in special cases) means some level should be expected.
The happy medium is basically the normal value we have. Smaller is better for surface area, but bad for production and durability. Larger is bad because our capillaries are optimized for our normal sized bloodcells. He's not dangerously larger, but he's got increased risk of stroke at this point.
Thanks again, user, really cool that you're giving us this info.
Dammit. Forgot a figure again.
Unless there's shenanigans going on, he's ridiculously low. The value should be between 140 to 500 if it's in the kilo scale.
>The purpose of the sphere is to make abundantly clear the ridiculous YBC value he has. Stacking all the remaining cones would still be a tad smaller than the focus, which suggests his blood is greater than 50% YBC by count. We don't know what baseline they have, but the fact they check this on a regular basis (or know to check it in special cases) means some level should be expected.
Holy shit.
>The happy medium is basically the normal value we have. Smaller is better for surface area, but bad for production and durability. Larger is bad because our capillaries are optimized for our normal sized bloodcells. He's not dangerously larger, but he's got increased risk of stroke at this point.
And thanks for answering this user.
Latest episode wasn't as enjoyable as previous ones. Am I alone? Plot advanced but feels like literally nothing happened this episode.
Kokoro's hair is so fluffy
Feels like setup. If the rumors are true, next episode is supposed to be a ride.
Fuck off mate, medanon just allowed us to decipher what was going on with Hiro's medical charts.
He also nipped the platelet theory in the bud, which helps a lot.
You don't enjoy character-driven stuff.
It was the best one yet.