Dumping Ch 8 and 9
Tanaka the Wizard
What is this mango about?
Bro Harem and Thots getting BTFO.
>“R-Really…? Tell me I’m attractive!”
>Why should this soy sauce faced guy, that’s being forced to go to the frontlines tomorrow, have to console this ikemen with a wife, child, and a house? Is this some cruel joke? Is the world mocking me? After all, this world is unfair.
Is that the last page?
Doing god's work, user.
man what a slut
I started reading it just now and plot kind of confusing. So he met some slut with womb seal and... what happened next? She just disappeared two pages in.
Am I missing chapters or something?
That's a hostess from one of those scam clubs; Tanaka believed she would be with him, instead she left and another girl came IIRC from the novel.
> instead she left
Even though he had some money at hand? Weird.
First girl was just a poster-girl to get Tanaka inside the club. In other words, they tricked based wizard
What parts of the LN are now covered by the manga? About half of the first book?
The plot is what? What is his goals? To get a girl?
>one group of retards can't scanlate and saves scans either in jpg or in uncompressed png24 (png8 and save for web? never heard!)
>other retard resizes scans from x1920 to x960 and save in jpg before dumping on Sup Forums
We need to purge reddit.
Fucking sluts I swear to fucking god. I am kinda mad. This is so stupid.
Couldn't Tanaka just heal the disease with his recovery magic?
That would be too boring. And too op. I really hope Tanaka will not turn into another sasuga smartphone.
It's a type of curse.
having bros makes quest preparation easier
Tanaka is already better than DM and Smartphone.
I think Tanaka is much better at Comedy while Smartphone better at wish fulfillment
These fucking faggots have recently taken to the gall of saying our hatred of them and mentioning of their archetypical dipshittery is "the reddit bogeyman".
Bogeymen are vague abstractions. The reddit adhd ridden manchild is cold hard concrete reality.
So I reached the part when Tanaka promises the noble wizard to help him fuck the dragon.
Is there any progress with that promise?
What chapter of the LN is the manga at even?
Halfway through vol 1
>To get a girl?
not any girl will do; she has to be virgin
>Sup Forums is reincarnated into another world
It's fun seeing tanaka being Sup Forums incarnate. Even being racist, sexist, pedofilic, and an all around bro
this is also another reason why I like this story. it dissuades the normals
Poor mercedes chan.
yeah okay...poor her
You should NOT touch sluts, user.
Does Tanaka in the novel fuck the knight?
He was not being edgy, normalfag
Is the mangaka an amateur? The art is pretty subpar.
He dies before fucking anyone.
It's a very mediocre series even for isekai standards. It's lucky to even get a manga.
tanaka doesn't fuck anyone, but the knight is a lezbro that pretty much wants him to battlefield rape a girl so they can talk about it later
>get OP healing powers
>LOL looks like I can be OP at anything anyway
This series is so fucking terrible. It's only readable for some of the girls.
No one can say it yet, because its not fully translated.
No. He doesn't fuck anyone.
Satoo does in fact , fuck. Tanaka is just a faggot created by a trolling cockblocking author.
Is it over?
I wasn't talking about fucking in that post.
Is not, The autor wanted to troll his fans and stopped the wn for 1 year but he already resumed it. Apparently after his "death" tanaka was sent by god to a land far way from their original kingdom, his harem discovered that and they began to looking for him.
We Sono Mono now.
ESL readers, who are the chained up lolis in ch. 3?
of the manga or the WN?
Also, Rhex is going to switch to the LNs from now on since he got his hands on them.
I think that was a part of Tanaka's fantasy.
Sounds about right, I thought he was going to buy one because he talked about it before
On this page, Tanaka isn't the one getting led into the scam bar. He's the one peering around the corner. The guy getting led in isn't nearly ugly enough to be Tanaka.