Patissier-san to Ojou-san

Cute story about a cake loving fatty and an autistic patissier.
Dumping the translated chapters so far so more people know about it.




Cushion pushin


>Comic Sans MS

These are done by some nip fan, it also explains the broken English but it’s understandable enough I think.
Some user did translate chapter three and four so those should be better.












Poor dude.

The manga is cute indeed.

And we are back to nip translations.




>comic sans translations
Going back to the good ol' times

What a fatso

>women who love potatoes are super cute
My sides.

Where does he upload his translations?

Thank you user. This is such a cute series.


He goes by AlisonNa2i on twitter. He hasn’t updated in a while though.

>I want to watch her eating my cake
Oh my.


And that’s it for the currently translated chapters I think.
Raws go up to 14 now so let’s hope someone picks it up.

Very cute. Thank you for the dump. I'll be on the look out for this.

Thank you.

>women who love potatoes are super cute

He is the perfect man for Erufuda.

This is too cute, thank you.

thanks user!

ntr so soon?

Oh yeah I remember this. It's very cute, never thought it would get translated

You have to start early so that later you can milk it for that sweet, sweet drama

I folled it when it was just a twitter comic. Now it’s gotten picked for a tank release.
Feels good.

I wonder how these things go, do they pitch their comic once it has a following to a company, or the company calls them for a contract?

I imagine edtors are always on look for new potential manga and now that twitter is a common platform for publishing your own work they spend time there searching for new stuff.

Ultra cute

That manga is very popular on twitter. It's hard to miss it.

I only got to know about it because an artist I like retweeted it.

Fuck she's so cute. I'm happy this is starting to pop up a bit more recently. And thanks to the person doing the translations.

>And thanks to the person doing the translations.
One of them is here

>cute fatty who just simply loves cakes and handsome gentlemen
I...I didn't realize I needed this in my life.


I think they are already a couple by now looking at the latest chapter.

I want to feed a chubby girl cakes.

So is he a chubby chaser

landwhale wish fulfilment

There is such a thing as a thicc fetish, man.

I don't know why but I reread this every time it's posted. I just do. The patissier's colleague reminds me of classic Holmes.

Why is she so fat?

She takes the sugar and cream.

She eats six cakes in a week and keeps it down.

>obese girl
>obscenely attractive guy with a job tailored to her tastes
>guy is equally as autistic as her for seemingly no reason

Nah, he's absolutely right. I'm kind of surprised to see this in a manga though, its generally more of tumblr/american shit.

Tumblr can't draw an attractive man to save their life. Japan are top tier for handsome men and romances that are cute regardless of the interests involved. Chubby girls finding love has been a thing in shoujo and otome for some years because it's an easy source of conflict/handicapping.

You know damn well that the girls in those types of stories are generally not depicted the same as the girl in this one.

>Cute girl (fat) eating cute shit
I love it.

I know, they always put on that horrible fat person voice that doesn't make any sense. I hate it.

This is surprisingly nice. I hope someone picks it up for translation. Thanks for dumping, user.

Halloween is a thing in japan?


soo close to home.

>obscenely attractive guy
Heh, black haired suave guy is hotter.

He is a textbook feeder, can't shut up about how much he wants to see her eat.

>He is a textbook feeder
Reminds me of that Tsuredure Children couple.

That couple's fate is set for disaster, author has to wrap the story in 20 chapters.

That was adorable.

Pochamani was the same.

but she loves fries no baked goods.

This looks cute as fuck.

That was adorable, picked up. Thanks for the dump OP.

Written by a woman

The couple in this series is fucking adorable. Pattissiere-san a best.

People like to dress up but trick or treating isn’t very popular (has increased though), there are parades and clubs do Halloween parties

>People like to dress up but trick or treating isn’t very popular (has increased though), there are parades and clubs do Halloween parties

So pretty much like modern day America. The world became too scary a place for Halloween, so trick-or-treating is dying out.

Come on man, can’t you appreciate a cute story without crying tumblr.


You need to check out the aftermath in shibuya and akiba.
SHITTON of trash scattered in the road, and the general public blamed anime otaku for it.

Well damn, I entered the thread with the intention of shitting on the art style, but ended up loving it. Good stuff, OP. Though it's a shame that only a few chapters are translated.

That was a lot less pure than this is, it was clear in pochamani that the guy wanted to fuck the girl 24/7

She is nowhere near obese.


I wonder who the other woman is.

Probably cakeboy in a dress

She is her friend I think.

She has an impressive set of tits. They both do.
Pretty uncommon for a woman written manga to be honest.

He got better.


can I see her get fucked yet

Come to think about it.
With this stlye the guy is still bigger than the girl.

This guy reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on who exactly.

Cute! Wish it'd get picked up.