Sailor Moon

Currently finishing R

Does any pairing happens besides UsagixMamoru?

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Dropped after SuperS, don't get me wrong, classical Sailor Moon is God-tier and is an anime that had a gigantic impact on culture, I just couldn't finish it because it kept taking itself too seriously and forgetting the SoL moments that make it great.
That said, I don't think any pairing happens besides the main one, even that guy they that likes Rei is eventually forgotten.

Thats a damn shame

Thanks for being honest with me tho

Only if you count Uranus/Neptune.

SuperS is among the seasons that relies the most on SoL stuff, many people refers to it as the "filler season"

Only Uranus/Neptune.

Stars has some tease with Seiya having a one-sided love for Usagi that tumblrweebs wanting to be woke take as them being a Nice Guy or abusive lesbian. But it's one-sided.

I hate Tumblr so much. That Keyofnik blog complained about Mamoru kissing Usagi goodbye at the end of the Sailor Moon R movie after he thought she died.

Keyofnik and Ladyloveandjustice are basically a big part of why magical girl tumblr should be avoided like the plague. Especially the first, she's like in her late thirties or forties being a powertripping sperg whose minions bully others if she gets spoiled for anything in the least.

Exactly, thats why I said after SuperS. I watched like 10 episodes of Sailor Stars before getting bored to death, maybe I'll finish it other day tho, still got it downloaded here.

I fucking love Sailor Moon

>Watch Sailor Moon to raise my culture level and cute girls
>Enjoy the show for cute girls and pantyshots
>Eventually I wish they all get caring boyfriends they deserve
>Read this

Oh boy, this is Love Lab all over again, isn't it?

What is the best R episode and why is it the one where Ai no Senshi plays?

Minako had a love interest in Codename Sailor V.

Oh, my bad
I agree with you that Stars is least fun season, but the show becomes "normal" again after the small arc at the beginning
The ending is pretty nice and the vilains (especially Iron Mouse) are great so it's still worth watching until the end imo

Codename: Sailor V also said she was doomed to remain alone.

>Shittiest pairing wins
Everytime Even tho Rei is my waifu, I enjoyed to see her interactions with that guy at the temple, but eventually they just forget his existence

>Implying pic related is not best R episode just for that moment alone

Honestly pairings are a hit or miss, if the show makes them interesting its a good add, otherwise you get shit like ''muh Mamoru'' and ''muh Allan'' which are just unbearable.

Ami is cute and sweet!

Minako's backstory in the anime is so shitty compared to the Sailor V manga

That's the only thing the manga is superior tho



Yeah that bothered me a bit as well, why make an episode showing how Rei cares about the guy then drop him.

If they properly set up his exit with other girl or something it would be fine, but they just tease us since S1 about a possible pairing, and then they just write the character off completely offscreen and Rei is like ''whatever'', it's so anti-climatic it just leaves a bitter taste in the mouth

>Rei had more moments dating Mamoru than her own possible love interest

>Does any pairing happens besides UsagixMamoru?
Haruka x Michiru, but they were already a thing before being introduced so I'm not sure if they count. The manga does tease Rei x Minako a bit.

Mako stared for too long

Usagi is Rei’s love interest.

There's one next season, but as a rule the job comes first.

Which is hilarious, because when they are needed its usually when they are goofing around and doing nothing important but for some reason only Usagi gets to have some personal dicking.
I know realism isn't Sailor Moon's strong suit, but this was always hilarious hypocritical for me.

They're her royal guard. If anything she wants them to have normal lives, but they refuse because it's their duty.

I mean they might settle down one day, but the royal family will always come first, even to Haruka and Michiru.

Hotaru is my daughter!

You monster

How can anyone prefer any girl outside the core 5? Not talking shit about your waifu but genuinely curious

Which is interesting considering she is the most straight of them all

Which Sailor Scout would keep most of her cuteness if transferred to the 3D world?

Watch PGSM and find out.
I remember it being Rei.

>Telling anons about that abomination
It had good writing, but besides that it was shit in every other aspect

Makoto thanks to her gorgeous figure
Venus lace wouldn't work so well, Usagi haircut too, Ami definitely not and Rei is a close second
Sailor Moon, Tamers, Frontier, Yuyu Hakushou, and Yugioh team up.

Also a Digimon with Dragonball Elements fanficion.

BUT in the Yuyugidigimoon. Mars and Hiei have kids.

Jupiter hooks up with the ocean aka Mako Tsunami.

I just wish there was a magical girls SoL

Sailor Moon becomes so retarded everytime it tries to be serious and important, making Usagi more important the other girls also was a mistake

All the senshi have their charms. They're wonderful people in their own right.

The anime made the other girls far more important than they were in the manga.
Do you mean something like Doremi where they just use their magic to do stuff rather than fighting monsters every week?

She's literally the queen.

I know they were more important in the anime, that's one of the reasons why the anime is a cultural phenomenon while the manga is ok at best

The problem is they did the same thing with Seiya by putting him a whole tier above all the other boys, same thing with Usagi, she became practically a Goddess for no reason other than reasons and its just retarded because she doesn't need to be better than the other girls

And no, I'm ok with the monster of the week formula, just think it gets really boring and stupid when it tries to explain where Sailor Moon came from, the lunar society and stuff like that. It would be more interesting and brilliant if it actually never touched the subject where their powers came from

At that point you're kind of cutting all ties with the manga but the character designs. Which I wouldn't be totally against, but you probably end up with Precure anyway.
And that still has the leader being the main girl to some degree or another. I think that's more or less inevitable with a kids' show.

I don't really remember their being a lot of Moon Kingdom backstory, but maybe it was shit and I forgot it.

I disagree entirely. I found the Silver Millennium to be fascinating and wish we saw more of it.

Well, its personal opinion obviously, but I still think it would be more magical and unique to keep the mystery to where the fuck her powers came from instead of, not only introducing a magical society but, to make all characters be nothing more than reincarnations of those people, specially Usagi which is a whiny, useless person that is the reincarnation of someone important and skillful.

Mostly is like the post below mine said, its a kid's show. If it were written in a different age, for a more larger audience in mind, I don't think they would have used that many cliches, and childish overexplanations. The dynamic of a group of teenagers using magical powers to fight crime while being teenagers and chasing love would carry the show enough by itself imo.

Anime targeting older audiences (mainly teens) tend to be even worse at dumping exposition than kids' shows.
I don't know how mysterious you can make their powers without it just being weird that those five (and more) girls have them. Precure does less of it by not having the reincarnation thing.

Usagi was more or less the same in her previous life, sans the ability to ice skate.

You don't need to be objectively stronger than everybody in the team to be the leader tho, not even need to be the MC

No, but it's a more or less inevitable result of the way these stories go. It's like arguing that the boss of an evil organisation doesn't have to be the strongest fighter - sure it's true, but you know he will be anyway.

Think you are slighly biased towards Sailor Moon's plot

Most of the reason the anime was a hit to begin with was the multiple cast instead of focusing on one girl, the SoL episodes/delicious filler and the stunning visuals. Even some male kids watched for the transformations and most teen+ watched for the interactions between the cast.

No, I don't think the plot is very good at all. Though the season finales were generally well executed. The "filler" is the only real reason to watch the show and those lists that suggest which episodes to skip because they aren't relevant are stupid.

I'm not sure how well a kids' show of this kind without a clear main character would work, and I'm pretty sure Toei isn't looking to find out.

What are the recommended subs for each season, there's like a billion on Nyaa.

I have SMC, but they're far from the best. Hardcoded, older video. Can't vouch for the accuracy of the translation.

>Far from best
They have different color in the subs for each character, you can disable the subs in the media player if you wanna watch raw and they are pretty accurate Except they don't translate to the very core japanese expressions all the time probably because its made for everyone including shitters who don't watch anime often

If you think it's possible to translate Japanese to the very core, you don't know Japanese.


I didn't say that they were bad, just that they could be better.

Toei hasn't the balls neither the instinct to do shit, since they thought Crystal was a good idea

Anyways, was just theorycrafting what would be the best perfect SM experience, unfortunately it's probably not happening

I'm a casual. I enjoyed Toei's original over Crystal

hey are you the same person that asked if they wanted to start sailor moon a few weeks ago

best girl btw

Everyone did.

user, the first arc of Stars is the best part of stars.

Yeah, stars is kind of shit.

Ok, this is the official rankings and if you don't agree I'm sorry for your shittaste:

For seasons:
SuperS > S > First > R> Stars

For Sailor Soldiers:
Chibi-moon > Moon > Uranus > Neptune > Jupiter > Fighter > Mars > Saturn > Mercury > Pluto >Venus > Maker > Healer

Noone likes crystal. Literally noone. It's fucking shit.

You might want to see a doctor about your lack of taste.

Hi Tomoe.

Played any good twister games lately?

You cannot really top first season's finale. So no.

>implying a finale is enough to make a whole season
sorry but no. First half ofseason 1 was nice, but after the identity reveal it kind of spiraled down into "holy shit this is clearly filler" territory.

>clearly filler
But the whole series before Crystal was made in Toei, so they are all clearly fillers

Why do reboots always end up being shit?

No, I'm not

Reboots often forget what made the original great, and instead they go for a opposite route nobody wanted.

That said, I think reboots can be well done to be decent at least, but most of the time pure retardation gets in the way and when you try to make something that will be compared to a monumental work of culture, like Sailor Moon is, twice the height, twice the fall.

Of course, I can't blame them since they have like 2 persons to work on it, right? Also, the real manga is dreadful to go over with.

Because the earlier work has fillers of girls doing girl things

>b-b-but the goyim love Sailor Moon for the plot and the fight scenes!

What is the context behind this pic? I thought the Scouts were all 100% straight I feel cheated

Anta baka?

>I thought the Scouts were all 100% straight
What are you, retarded?

This is such a great scene. Comedy gold.

>the scouts were all 100% straight
The outer solar system ones certainly aren't.
And the Stars aren't either.

Well, Pluto only ever showed interest in Mamoru, even if she's one of Hotaru's three moms.

user you're on Sup Forums!
Usagi is a bland vanilla character
Ami is a nerdy bookworm
Rei is a raging man hating lesbian
Makoto is a needy bitch
Minako is an STD ridden whore
Chibusa is pink shit
Haruka and Michiru are fags
and Setsuna is Whoto
Get with the times!

I need a needy bitch right now.

Nothing wrong with some girl on girl soft play. Don't feel cheated by that.

>Finding people of the same sex attractive makes you a confirmed homo
Calm down you too.

greatest anime

>When the villanesses were just as hot but get zero fanart

This music is so good, it made me don't skip any fights in S1

I thought many loved those lolis in S

>yfw Saban tried to make a westernized version with live-action cutaways

I know what you mean.
My favourite part of R was the stock footage in fights because it meant listening to the bass in this song every episode

No I mean like all of them, barring Black Lady and Mistress 9.
Beryl, Emerald, Nehelenia, Amazon Quartet, and so on.
All of them combined don't even match the lowest of Senshi when it comes to fan art

As a straight guy, to a other as real talk. if someone walks in with a uber shlong or 'good assets' you cannot look away mostly because of the shock. perhaps she experienced the same.

The subgenre magical girls has a shit romance, just look at Sailor Moon, Doremi and Pretty Cure.

>Pluto is a sexy brown introvert
>Uranus is tall, well-toned and has a tight pussy
>Saturn is a fucking freak
>Neptune smells nice
>Chibi-Usa is Usagi but good

How does tumblrshits manage to exist like this? If this was ten years ago they'd be lumped in the same category as Chris-chan.

This, you don't even feel attraction, but still need to see it, happened to me once

Doremi never had romance.