Osomatsu san

Its the Valentine's day episode! Let's see how it goes

I would've missed the usual broadcast time but it's airing late today.

In before the Karamatsu girls and their weekly doom.


link for stream?

I think it's airing 30 min later than usual, I wonder why?

>Tfw Oso will never be my Valentine's day drunken one-night stand
Why even live?


Winter Olympics.

Threadly drinking game
>S2 is fine posters
>Poll posters
>shotaposter or kun talk
>weekly conspiracy that Matsubara hates karamatsu

>inb4 ichikarafags
>inb4 REEE'ing over ichikarafags

Don't you have anything better to do?
If you don't like these threads then go somewhere else, let us have our fun

>first skit is Dekapan and Totty
Season 2 is die

>Chibita shat his pants

Here are the results of a poll from a few weeks ago. Thoughts?

"Why are we even anonymous"

The are lots of anons larping as men

How do we make dekapan and dayon great again?

Mom is so disappointed in their gay choco.

Tidbits Collection 2

Osochoro holy shit.

We can't, at least Totty is great.
I liked the Valentines skit, also will probably call Fappy Chocomatsu from now on.

How was the episode? Anything specific?

The show seems to be mirroring the fujos collective hate for Totty this season.

Karafags are going to wish there's no season 3 again and say anyone who wants it would want to eat Chibita's shit. He got to be painful a little.

There was a karabita skit?

Are you saying Karamatsu ate Chibitas shit?

Only plebs hate Totty.

Why? What was wrong with Kara, he seemed pretty painful, not less than usual.

Episode had a bunch of toilet humor.
>Hatabo pisses self
>Chibita shits self
>Jyushimatsu tries to eat dogs shit because it looks like chocolate

Guess the general fujobase is full of pleb taste.

And what about Karafags?
You're a shitposter in general though, fuck off with your backhanded tottyhate.
>in b4 "I don't hate Totty but I know literally everyone else does"

>Tries to eat dog shit because it looks like chocolate
Like this?

If you had the chance to fuck trap totty, would you?

Especially if he did it a little sexier.

So what happened in this ep? I'm hearing there was some quality Parka and that the staff is still pushing Kara and Choro together

When are the subs up?

Guys gave each other chocolate out of desperation for not getting any, and Totty is the new Kara in being an unloved punchline. The guys then go beat the shit out of each other because they're still unsatisfied, then wreck every store that has chocolate.

neat, sounds funny


>all these poop jokes
It's a cry for help, Matsubara is hoping he'll finally get some help again.

It's nice to see Kara catch a break but I can't say I'm a fan of punchbag Totty going on this long. It's starting to come off as "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE TOTTY MORE REEE"

Has ososan always had lots of poop jokes?

Occasionaly, but that's a lot.
Why do you word that like you only started watching now? S1 is the better one.

Of course karas the good one wearing the strap

Later on, when Fujio started running out of ides and getting tired, yeah.
There was this one story were shit started falling from the sky, people started eating it for some reason and it made them fly, so everyone started eating shit off the street and Iyami started shitting around himself to prank people by accidentaly making them eat his shit.

Oh no I've watched it since s1 started, but I can only remember there only being 2 or so that season compared to 5+ now

Wasn't there a space poop chapter as well?

Kara is a very good boy. Not without his flaws, but a very good boy nonetheless.

I'm really starting to miss his bad luck-but-still-romanticises-his-struggles-ness though. Matsubara just avoids/forgets his traits like the plague.

There most likely was.
But I just noticed that the original post said san, not kun. Welp.

Yeah there weren't that many of them in S1 and for most part they weren't as gross

So an overabundance of poop jokes is synonymous with the creator/writer running out of ideas, gotcha.

Somebody put Matsubara out of his misery and get someone who cares about the boys as individuals again involved.

This gives me some kind of phobia

He looks like a cum pizza


I seriously want to kill whoever it was who decided to make the shoei skit




>Matsubara hates karamatsu
Honestly feels like this season has shat on ichi way more

The skit itself was total shit, but it was funny when they brought it up in the ep where Ichi couldn't sleep.

Even cuter

>Totty received no chocolates from his brothers

I think with Ichi it's more that he fell too hard for the moeblob meme than intentionally shitting on him.

Because he gave no-one any.


But nobody is intentionally shitting on kara either, he has got a lot of positive spotlight this season.
This is the cutest choro has ever looked

Osomatsu was so excited his body changed shape and he lost his face

The ventriloquism skit was unfunny and painful to watch, but otherwise this was a decent episode.

Old Ichi would never have let Kara touch him and get away with it. What happened and why are their characterization shit

Ichi is so calm with karamatsu nowadays that it makes me believe something happened between them

Don't worry, I'm sure some half-assed magazine feature will propose an explanation.

Maybe they put him on meds to counter his moodiness


I liked how everyone else tried to hide their insults as compliments, but Choro just straight up told Oso to go die already.

they exist, it's just that they're heavily looked down on. With how Matsus are, it shouldn't make much of a difference though.

>we get a kara and ichi focus episode
>it's a emotional episode
Would this be enough to bring these threads back alive?

Most people here seem to hate KaraIchi so I doubt
However it'd definitely shoot up in popularity with Nips again

It's not about shitting on Kara. It's that Matsubara has watered-down Kara a lot and seems determined to use minimum effort when it comes to writing him (he will just repeat "wow" or one English word instead of some of the really flowery stuff, unless the subs are to blame for that). His bad luck has shifted onto Totty but Totty is clearly a favourite of his, getting a good deal of focus and being in the "right" in many scenarios (suggesting they help their parents relationship, knowing the right way to open the jar, the entire tryouts skit). It's like we get it, you dont like who is popular and want Totty and Choro and Jyushi to be in the spotlight always.

How come Japan doesn't like meds? I've never heard of this before

Japan is pretty behind when it comes to mental health, I've heard.

Maybe it's just me but he really hasn't been that funny this season (save for first 2), his constant boehs and fart jokes don't really hit a note with me, from what I remember he hasn't hustle muscled once

That really doesn't sound any different from s1. Kara was always minimum effort even back then. The second season is actually doing something funny with his character and not just throwing him under the bus all the time and calling it comedy. Totty has always had a lot of focus in the anime. Totty and jyushi got the most spotlight in the first season.

They didn't censor the shit! I always wondered why they did before.

So they're behind on technology and mental health? The only thing I know about their mental health stuff there is that they treat gender dysphoria as a medical issue and not a sociopolitical one

I dont think he's been funny either. Its just becone pretty obvious that Totty is either Matsubara's favourite or he loves to try to make him sympathetic, and him, Choro, and especially Jyushi are his crutches for writing just about anything.

When was jyushi sympathetic in this season? Also don't leave out fujita, he plays a part in this too

I don't think he's funny either but i also can't seem to be able to hate him no matter what.
>gender dysphoria
Leave faggot

Let's not get into that. I'm talking about mental health issues such as depression or ADD.

I do agree that shoving him under the bus doesn't make great comedy, but one very charming thing about him was his persistence regardless. He feels like something is missing. Don't even get me started on the missed potental with all the offmodel faces they could give him, but like the overuse of Tortyface and reusing jokes that's another issue.

Nips don't really believe in psychology and view people with mental illness of any kind, including depression, as a drain on society and waste of resources.
Psychologists do exist in Japan and they do have meds there, but even trying to get some sort of help or suggesting you need it would lead to being ostracized by the community due to your defectiveness
pic related, what Totty said sounds perfectly normal to us but for Nips it was actually insulting enough to have the line censored

You misread me. I just said he was a crutch. And yeah, Fujita has been a letdown aside from some surprisingly good skits (the Osoma skit felt like something from s1 again, and of course s2 ep1 started on a bang too)

Crap, I had assumed that line was "penislogical" since it was censored and they say silly stuff like that all the time. That's pretty fucked up.

I never bothered to watch the osomatsu skit because I was getting sick of so many AUs, I'll have to go back and watch it

Honestly it's just starting to sound like you're upset about your husbando is not being the main focus every episode.


I'd personally like a penislogical assessment

I don't care for AUs either usually but it was a surprisingly sweet one. Just dont expect a satisfying conclusion bc staff has no idea what a conclusion is.

I'm not going to deny the husbando part but I will say that there are little qualities that have been ignored about sone of the others too. And Ichi is my least favourite but I can't help but notice how bad he's got the watering-down treatment. I mean really, yelling "Nyaa! Nyaa!" like that made me cringe so hard. That skit was unbearable.

Well that put Chibita and Hatabou down for me. I do wish they forcing in Jyushi despite not bringing anything to the skit.

jesus christ, how horrifying

What am I looking at, is this fanart?


in this ep too
New set in Hesowars