Why was Illya such a piece of shit
Its good that Nasu gives her what she deverves eventually but fucking hell. She is the worst type girl there is.
Why was Illya such a piece of shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>call someone shit
>list all their positive traits
Youre being lead astray by 2D, everything looks good in 2D
I just started the fate/stay night visual novel going in blind a few days ago and I don't get how this crazy girl gets a loli spin off anime. I'm sure all will be answered in the coming weeks and months as I finish the first 2 VN and dive into the anime adaptions.
Eggsplain the picture. The big woman is supposed to be the mom, but she's pretending to be dad. Who's the real dad then?
Magic futa-penis.
It's almost like she has a motive to want to kill Shirou or something.
But Shirou did nothing wrong, Illya is a cunt
I remembre watching some fate, don't really remember which one. Her mom is a homunculus and her father killed both of them. How is she alive?
That was just happening in his head when his ideals were brought to their logical conclusion.
But that's her best feature.
>Shinji's used goods
You like femme fatales, huh?
I'm assuming Illya is a femme fatale. OP makes her sound like one.
>Implying there is a girl in Fate that isnt used goods
Does Ataraxia use real photos as backgrounds?
Original Fate used real photos as well, its just drawn over
She's just a cute and clingy little sister that wants you to stay with her no matter what.
Caster's ears are acute! Acute!
You wanna say something about my Illya, nigger?
This is good.
Not an issue.
She just needs some love.
I'll dick her down to get her fixed.
Illya is not for lewds!
She isnt even that relevant user. No route, nothing
>Illya doesn't even get to stay in the spotlight of her own spinoff
>summons people who lives whole lives prior
>expects them to be virgins
not many people die without having sex
I've seen this same thread like 3 times before
Don't you get tired, OP?
Yes user, spinoff that caters to pedophiles and floats on lewd lolis
Thats a lie and you know it. Illya is easily the most obscure Fate girl.
Shes 17th in the poll. Its nothing given she was supposed to be 4th heroine in the original VN
That's because they're plebs. They all secretly like Illya, regardless. She's perfection so they can't not like her. It only makes sense.
>Dies in 365 days after HGW
The power of my love will save her.
The son is also a girl, Best girl in fact
But user, FSN doesnt have power of love
It does now. I said so.
How did you like the Miyu/Shirou movie? I found it nice how wormslut died and Shirou got fucked.
Fuck off, cancer.
t wormslut