>prosthetic arms in a setting in which something like a typewriter is a groundbreaking innovation
Prosthetic arms in a setting in which something like a typewriter is a groundbreaking innovation
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Full metal alchemist did this too. Your point?
Glorious Kyoani writing
>14 years old girl figthing with a soldier
That is also retarded, but at least FMA had other things to save itself
Will we ever learn how did she become OP throughout the anime?!
Nah, she killed the entire ship crew when she was 9 years old and Sup Forums will gladly eat this shit up.
what the actual fuck
>being a nigger in a setting where the white man is a common occurence
>Highly advanced prosthetic arms
What a shit writing.
Glad I dropped this pile of shit. One episode was enough
Wasn't she already said to be an inhuman war weapon ever since ep.1
That sousuke sagara parallel is making more and more sense
There's nothing actually wrong with this you pseudo intellectual fuck.
Why did she do it anyway?
at least Sagara was played for laughs and had a grounded tsundere foil to counterbalance his autism
Violet just makes me want to overdose on sleeping pills
To show us how deep, serious, soul-crushing and thought-provoking this shit is.
In the next flashback he will beat the shit out of her day by day and she will never do anything about it.
She gets abused?
Wait, is muh major alive or not? I thought he was dead.
You don't understand. This is an award winning european novel. If you think that's bad, wait until the chuuni stuff starts.
If by typewriter you mean the automaton dolls that's not exactly a common typewriter, it's more like an actual speech to text device that uses a physical doll to write down what the user says.
>Fiction has to make sense
Kill yourself.
ITT: Kyoanifags defense force comes out of their cave
Why do you fucking retards need to defend anything some studio do, they have different people working on it.
You seem to be in the wrong thread.
When it takes itself as seriously as Violet, yes it absolutely does. Not that a Franfag who's ironically shitposed about what a deep show full of muh sex symbolism so much he can no longer tell what a story is would understand that.
Did you miss the big fantasy tag put on VEG?
Fiction does not have to "make sense" so much as be internally consistent to not break the audience's suspension of disbelief
Wait to you see her weapon!
You'll respect her and this show when she pulls out Witchcraft!
This was the least worst light novel that Kyoto Animation had in its library. You now can imagine how much more all the others must extremely suck.
Fiction doesn't have to make sense compared to life, but it does need to be internally consistent. Cool false flag with the image, too.
Who said the typewriter was groundbreaking?
does her having prosthetic arms even add anything?
It lets you know she's SEEN WAR and has SCARS and is a DEEP character.
He conveniently forgot to mention that the original AMD machines also exist. Something that in our real world still doesn't, at least not that perfectly.
This is a bait thread mate, don't expect intelligence.
Of course it does. Her prosthetic arms are made by the military and they leave it perfectly clear that she's been through some rough shit. It's the exact same principle behind you walking down the street and seeing a vet with prosthetic parts, it helps you define a person by just looking at them.
But you can always be an asshole and trivialize it, that works too.
>be an asshole and trivialize it
I'm not convinced this isn't consistent, or even ridiculous by real world standards. Technology doesn't develop on a linear path, and historically, cultures have managed to go very far in some fields before making ground in others. It's easy to think that technological determinism just happened full force here and making prosthetics was way more important than typewriters.
I'm pretty convinced this is another one of those things like anons thinking ghostwriters were a stupid idea KyoAni invented when they were actually a very prominent career in history. The show is literally too smart for some anons and it's not even a smart show.
Not an argument. Don't start up a conversation you can't finish next time.
well, if they can build prothetics that articulated, with either their own rechargeable power source or functioning with human metabolism, and connect all the nerves to such device while, at the same time, they rely on typewriters who cant even go back and erase shit, then they’s a problem.
They can also build machines with flawless speech recognition that type out whatever you tell them.
So what?
That's muh major's brother.
Why would they use their advanced technology to make near-human dolls but then make them fight with a fucking giant axe called witchcraft instead of creating ICBMs and stealth bombers?
If you had your own superman would you not use him in war?
You're telling me that they went independent for this?
>needing sleeping pills when you're already watching VEG
>Flying to the moon but people still starve
It's not like there's a common law for humanity in development
It's not linear, but innovations both rely on other fields and provide a base for those same fields to make further progress. A mechanical arm as depicted in the show would require all kinds of advances in machining, physics, and physiology that don't exist anywhere else in this world. If these technologies exist, what are they based on? Why doesn't the world have other examples of it, or even of some kind of predecessor to them? What powers this arm, is it mechanical or biological? Where are other applications of this power source? How is this arm controlled? Modern real-world prosthetics can't come close to the kind of fine manipulation her arms are capable of, so there's something fantastic at work here. What is it, what is it based on, and what else is being done with it? There are machines in this world that can do (near?) perfect speech to text translation. In real life, we can just barely do fuzzy speech recognition with a honestly terrible success rate. How is this done in Evergarden? Where are the consequences of this technology?
It's the fact that these mechanical arms exist on a little island by themselves with no connection to the rest of the world that makes them so unbelievable. Do a bit of worldbuilding, show us why and how these exist, and let that explanation build up Violet as a character at the same time. As it is now, it's uninspired, juvenile chuunibyou writing, on par with any shounen powerlevel pissing match.
Not him but there are other technological marvels in violet evergarden, the robot arms aren't the only thing. Maybe this complaint would make sense if the anime was over we only got to see those arms.
Fucking Phantom World is better than this shit.
>suspension of disbelief
The LN was also written by a women so
Emotions > Logic
The military utilizing technology not yet made available for public use isn't a new thing.
What I wanna know is why Sgt. Saber was allowed to roam free with her tin can arms and why she was even allowed to have them in the first place at the end of the war.
War Hero (War criminal) with two highly ranked officers supporting her.
FMA didn't pretend to be deeper and more meaningful than it was, so silly anachronisms like that are no big deal. When you have Violet Evergarden's level of pretension that you are better than your peers you have to be held to a higher standard.
Nothing about what OP implied wasn't internally consistent.