Why does beserk have so much rape?

Why does beserk have so much rape?

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Rape is fun.


Rape and violence tend to go hand in hand.

Probably because Muira seems like one of those school shooter types.

Because outside of modern 1st world society, rape happens a lot

There hasn't been rape is Shitserk since the early 00's you gaylord

they didnt have tv or manga back in those days. What do you do other than fight and rape to pass the time?


some guy held the door open for me once.
also i was sexually assaulted in my vr game.
so rape happens a lot in the 1st world as well shitlord.

I know this is bait, but it's to show how utterly shit it's the Berserk world, in the wilderness and the towns.
It's a staple of Dark Fantasy.

It's not a question of why does berserk have so much rape but why are other series so sanitised that they don't.

Easier to show who's bad guy.
For example if your father treats you like shit and beats you all the time you might think he's harsh but fair. But if he sells your ass to a nigger for a couple of coins? that's how you know he's actually bad.

Rape is the number one way to indicate a bleak world.

Because it's shallow and tastless and relives heavily on shock factor and edgy garbage. Attack on titan is urironically the superior medieval grimdark fantasy.

If that where the cast a compentent writer could imply such things, litterally drawing and showing such edgelord shit is purely for the shock factor, nobody actual gives a shit and every 14 year old that reads this filth is like "Cool blood!", with their 00s metal trash blaring in the background.

You can have rape without it being edgy. If you want really edgy rape read Akame Ga kill. A clown rapes and kill a mother and daughter on their husband/father's grave, just to name one.

no it's not.

a bleak world would have nothing going on in it. it would have no outlook, and be riddled with unanswered questions and unresolved conflicts.


So, Berserk.

If you really want edgy rape read Berserk. A demonman rapes a women with a corpse on the end of his sword, while he smiles and laughs, the artist is childish enough to give it an entire page knowing his audience is a bunch of 14 year old edgelords, he sit in the own filth, with pizza pocket crumbs on their faces.

That's what demons do though, have you never read Dante's inferno?

are you high? berserk has a ton of shit going on in it. there's a fucking global war.

No, more like attack on titan.
Berserk doesn't even attempt to get you interested in it's setting or world, nor does it present questions or gets the viewer intrested in uncovering them.

The put you in the perspective of someone who has already grown accustom to his setting, he doesn't ask questions, so neither does the viewer.

We follow him and shit just happens, it's cool and violent, but as for creating a truly bleak world, it fails miserable, by being so blunt and extra, it's in fact quite hard to take serious at times.

damn i didnt know there were so many brainlets on this board

goddamn you're a fucking idiot

I've seen demons in fiction before, when the writer is competent he can present them as overbearing unstoppable figures.

Or he can just draw a comically evil mini villian have them do the most absurd and outrageous things possible, only to have them btfo in the very same arc they are introduced.

sick rebuttal dude! here's one (You) for your effort.

Ok, when was the last time rape happened in the manga?

>Expecting berserkfags to be able to defend this garbage


What's this guy's name?


oh pls, don't tell me anons are dumb enough to fall for such shallow shit. I can understand you probably watch beserk when you where like 12 and it was so different from pokemon and yu yu hakusho, but c'mon.

Japan loves rape. Simple

Because it's really easy low hanging fruit, you'd think an imagie like this should strike fear or intensity into the readers heart but honestly everyone just laughed at this page, I know i did and i remember everyone just memeing it.

"lol rapehorse xD"

This guy is either really self aware and intended this to be stupid and funny or just next level incompetent, nobody took this shit seriously.

what chapter is this from?

Because Berserk´s world is inspired by the middle ages. Ignorance, class inequality, war and violence where a big part of that time period.

The story also follow the character of Guts a mercenary turn demon hunter, Since raping a pillage where kind of part of the life of the soldier types back then is not weird to see so much rape in the story.

>edgy as fuck
>nudity, sex, and rape in almost every chapter
>huge sword
>a plethora of blood and killing
The author is catering to the lowest common denominator and it works. Not going to blame him since that's what his fanbase likes, but that doesn't excuse making trash.

>Attack on titan is urironically the superior medieval grimdark fantasy.
It's WWI white guilt nazi jews steampunk Game of Thrones made by M. Night Shyamalan now.

I think how they handled Guts rape was bretty tasteful. Had consequences and effect on the character.

I want to marry Jill and keep her away from her abusive father.

You can't just ignore rape because it's a real theme with real connotations. It's because mangakas are too afraid and repressed to tackle this subject that you get manga like Berserk taking it to an extreme.

You now remember Adult Attack.

post the "my penis rises in silent tribute" screencap

I thought your post got the first thread deleted.

mods are fags.

Well no shit. It may have been confused as an recommendation thread.

None of that applies to the show besides the more modern weponary speed reader.

Miura should make loli doujins. His little girls are hot.

This. In a bad way.

keeps the teenage boys reading

what are some mangas where piss is a powerful panacea?

2deep4u symbolism

Because Miura wants Nagai-sempai to notice him

I'd like to know this too. For research purposes.

This manga was garbage.

Guts and Griffith are two of the greatest characters ever created, who go to places you couldn't possibly predict, deeply flawed forces of nature, extraordinary, destructive, charismatic, beacons of hope and despair depending on your perspective. Their relationship, or rather, their symbiosis is one of the most engaging and endlessly fascinating I've seen. Layers and layers of grey, uncertainty, complex morality. They are human, quite frankly, and I can't think of many characters who compare outside of the greatest works of literature; they're on a Julien Sorel or Colonel Aureliano Buendia level.

because it's for 12yo


Berserk was theraputic for him same as Gundam was for Tomino. Now he's a lolifag

Does anyone like Serpico?

Mangaka most dark desires (?

It would seem like its a negative, atleast until guts assaults casca. Then I think it becomes pretty clear that rape is somehow an almost natural thing in this world that a majority of people participate in. Both our Main MC and Antagonist have been raped and raped. Thats pretty fucking rare for any story, even a manga...

he consented.

I disagree.

I want her to be happy ;_;


He did that because he secretly enjoyed it.

It's like when you don't want to accept traps are gay.

I want to cuddle with her.

its supposed to say this

Because Miura is a fucking hack and cant think of more gripping ways to create a sense of danger and drama with his female characters

She accepted herself that she wouldnt be happy, but that she would live as best she could. Its to bad that fantasia almost defiantly killed her though...
Considering how he acted in the Hawks final battle I still disagree. If he felt anything but cold removal from that whole situation he never once showed it, and still hasnt.

shows brutality

Woah. You hate "edgy" shit. I'm impressed with how mature you are.

I want to take it a step further. They should get rid of all of the violence as well and just imply it since otherwise its edgy. That goes for all manga not just Berserk.

But he consented to the act. That's not rape.

Anyway, Puck is a great character and that one user in the last thread summed him up perfectly:

Holy shit this is great pasta.

Was there even loli rape shown? I can't remember.

Rape was kind of the thing in middle ages.
Now take real life middle ages and add fucking DEMONS.

He stopped being good ever since Lost Children ended, stop lying to yourself

No, he already served his role and at this point is just phoning it in with Isidro. He's the small sparkle of innocence that Guts lost flourishing into the second side of the coin that is Berserk's general tone.

I wish she got raped

Now this is an interesting line of thought that ive been seeing crop up recently. A fascinating way to rationalize assault and rape through coercion and abuse of power. If the power dynamics at play here really go over your head and you really dont understand how Griffith couldve seen it differently then Gennon did then I suggest you read up on rape and how it is almost never about the sex itself. And maybe read up on power dynamics in work and politic environments to better understand that Griffith 'consenting' to the act under the circumstances that he did doesnt mean its not assault.
Dont know if adult attack involved male or female so maybe. Plenty of implied child rape though.
I disagree with this, if his only interest was realism for the middle ages he would have Guts and co shitting themselves every other chapter.

I wish I were the horse.

>Now this is an interesting line of thought that ive been seeing crop up recently. A fascinating way to rationalize assault and rape through coercion and abuse of power. If the power dynamics at play here really go over your head and you really dont understand how Griffith couldve seen it differently then Gennon did then I suggest you read up on rape and how it is almost never about the sex itself. And maybe read up on power dynamics in work and politic environments to better understand that Griffith 'consenting' to the act under the circumstances that he did doesnt mean its not assault.
fuck off with your marxist bullshit

>he already served his role and at this point is just phoning it in with Isidro
That's exactly the problem, being demotes to 4th wall breaking comic relief is stupid compared to what he did before, he had a great chance to say something of interest when they reached Elfheimed but they just kept him at being lolsorandum. If a character serves his role in the story there's no point in letting him stick around if he has no purpose. The only reason Puck's not the character with the least screentime in the group is because Serpico is blatantly waiting for his deathbed

It depends this shit is very much written like a battle shounen and so action needs to be seen for the reviewer to understand how guts defeats a strong opponent.
Turns out the artist is just really incompetent and can’t think of compelling action so most fights come down to “I hit it harder” under whatever circumstance.
Despite being out done in tension and choreography by your run of the mil battle shounen it still needs to be shown.

There isn't even that much rape. Also the reason everyone wants/wanted to rape Casca is because she was the only woman on the battlefield.

Yeah dudes is fucking radical, I marathoned the manga with Black Sabbath in the background it was fucking sick bro. Loved it when the demon starting licking cascas vagina and guts fucking stabbed it, sex and violence fucking sick bro.

The decapitated head in the corner seems to be enjoying it.

Nah. It can be shown off panel (like TenTen vs Temari). Or maybe they can white out whenever characters throw a punch.

For example, you ever have a job (I know a stretch but bear with me) and your boss comes up to you and asks you to do something thats not part of your job? Like do a small part of someone elses, or maybe run across the street to do whatever.
Now, this isnt part of your job and you should logically be able to refuse but if you did then your boss wouldnt rely on you would they? They would find someone else who would do it and that person, despite doing something they didnt need to, would be ahead of you on the social/political ladder.
So you do the thing you arent being paid to do and probably dont want to do, because it helps you with your job.

Now take that small example and blow it up to a point where small favors mean lives saved and lost on a political map as big as a country and tell me sincerely you think Griffith was super down to do what he did. And wasnt a victim of political power and bad circumstances that he then forced himself to rationalize so he could protect his own ego and self-worth.

Oh man, don't remind me, I remember just feeling genuine disappointment every time they did some shit like this with casca, there's no way anyone can take this garbage tier writing seriously.

Too often when reading I would think "wow this is so stupid and unnecessary"

Oh make no mistake, berserk already has a lot of off screen implied action, but when it's guts it needs to be shown.

If violence is shown it's edgy.

Honestly I think it's to really get into the head of the invested edgelord neets who try to claim female characters, it's really shallow but probably decently effective in invoking rage in 14 year olds. At least he knows his audience and panders to the nth degree,

wait so in this image her vagina is getting stabbed?!

give an example of what you think is good writing

There's nothing inherently edgy about violence, and there's nothing inherently bad about being edgy.

Yeah miura isn't excellent good at making action easy to follow, that's what i thought too when I saw the page.

I didn't even think it was guts doing the stabbing seeing as his on the floor and quite a distance away, but like fairy tale casca gives him nakama powers, or maybe it's the "stop cucking me" powers and he justs defies any form of logic previously established and magically appears under the demon. in the very next page.

Mirai Nikki had a very realistic rape scene and later on killed the rapers

They take your advice, Berserk is not "edgy" anymore for decades.

And it's dull as shit. You can't have interesting story without drama and adversary. Everything in Berserk now is artificial and shonen like.