Pokemon Sun & Moon

This was pretty great. I hope we get more Ultra Guardian episodes.

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Keep your garbage on /vp/

Fuck off to your containment thread.

the pokemon anime is fucking terrible

I really wanna nail lillie & mao in the guardian suits

is there something wrong with me?

Fuck off. Why do spics have such shitty taste? It's like they are afraid to grow up.

>grow up
Watching cartoons while talking about growing up, sasuga Sup Forums.

wow ash is finely old enough for a mustache

Stopped watching after Serena left.

Not anymore terrible than games.


The games are noth the best, but they're waaay better than the anime. At least through gen 1-5.

>/vp/ was talking about porn in the Pokemon world full of sex with Pokemon
>you were blacklisted for phone IPs and out of state at the time
>you couldn't remind them that because 10 year olds are self-sufficient enough in modern society to own property and be autonomous, it means they're legal adults and likely age of consent laws mirror, meaning the world of Pokemon logically has legal CP

Sun and Moon is fucking terrible and the sooner it ends, the better.


Yea, there is.

How the fuck did we go from this to whatever the hell Sun & Moon is?

Too shonen for the target audience so they had to start pander to the

Trying to defend SM's retarded direction with "kids never liked the series the way it was so they had to revamp it completely to sell merch" has to be the dumbest excuse I've ever read. The Pokemon anime has always been successful.

It costs a quarter of the budget to have koreans animate sun/moon

Yes Pokemon super Sentai was fun.

I do wish they had an actual fight with Buzzwole and not just those 3 copy pasted animations and then the posing.

SM looks like shit lmao

Fuck off back to your own shitty board you worthless moron.

I can't believe these autists still watch the show. Like, what do you gain by watching a weekly toy commercial for kids?

>stop discussing anime on the anime board
I don't like SM either, but try to lurk a bit more, newfags.

>weekly toy commercial for kids
Like a ton of other anime?

No, fuck off back to your own shitty board, idiot. You have an entire general dedicated to the show, use it instead of clogging the Sup Forums catalog.

If you actually used your tiny brain and read the rules, all pokemon related discussion goes to /vp/, no matter what the medium. You can't make pokemon game threads on /vp/ and you can't make pokemon anime threads on Sup Forums.

Please lurk for two years before posting.

Hardly any of those are discussed on Sup Forums, or even known to western audiences.

Pokemon anime has a small following of autists because of the games.

/vp/ is fucking garbage for discussing anything pokemon

I don't mind it being discussed here. Especially since the anime thread on /vp/ is literally the worst thing on Sup Forums. It's just people posting Serena and Lillie.

Would newfags even be aware of the existence of /vp/? I remember when I was a newfag enticed by the "lol so edgy and random" Sup Forums from 2007. It took me a whole year to explore new threads.

You're the idiot who needs to lurk. Better yet, fuck off back to your home board.

But spics love X&Y and Serena.

I was referring to the newfags that are under the impression that discussing Pokemon on Sup Forums is against the rules.
Looks like it's mostly just idiot-kun samefagging as usual, though.

2008* new boards**

The anime threads on /vp/ are shitty for the same reason Pokemon threads on Sup Forums usually are shitty - they often get raided by autists that really despise the Pokemon anime and want to shit up the thread with the kind of spam mods are incapable of recognizing as shitposting.

>they often get raided by autists that really despise the Pokemon anime
You act like it's a good anime.

Meta Thread?


Fucking this.

SM isn't too bad.
Like seriously it's not.

It isn't on the same level as the XY anime but it's a different mood they're going for. It's slice of life high school stuff but with pokemon.

An anime not being good does not mean people that devote multiple hours of every single day to shitting up attempts at discussing it on Sup Forums are not horrendously pathetic.

Every season after OS went to shit.

What's OS? oversoul? Original season?

Are you a /vp/ autist or something? Pokemon has never been a good anime.

It's probably because you get wound up so easily.

SM is extremely good. Much better than XY. Better than everything else for that matter too.

It was all shit since episode one.

Eh, it manages well enough.
Still, that doesn't justify the career levels of shitposting it gets.

>SM is extremely good
Maybe by your shitty pokestandards.

It's a bad anime. Always has been, always will be. Pokemon as a concept doesn't lend itself well to good storytelling.

Is this the shitposting general for the hour?

Pokemon has never been good. The only good things are some of the OPs, some of the soundtracks and the sakuga moments.

Well if that's your approach then sure.
I personally like enjoy it. Sometimes it shows me pokemon I really didn't care for in the game and make them look cool and make me want to try them out.

Beartic, Bewear, Drampa

That looks fucking terrible jesus fuck

It doesn't help, sure. But the other side of the equation is related to

It wants to be Yokai and pleasing young toddlers.

No amount of "it's funny to see people get mad when I spam their threads" can defend sitting there for hours, day out and day in, for months and months, just shitting up threads about something you don't like. Literally any thread would get "riled up" at that kind of autism.

pokemon is the best chinese cartoon ever

What do you think about the new movie?

When did he grow a moustache?

SM is cheaper and will sell the same

Waiting for non-shit subs.

lel what the fuck happened to Ash?!

Bad, but good to watch

go away padtfag

Rounder artstyle.

It's a masterpiece, best animated movie of the decade


Nigga the subs were kinda meh. Either edited google translate or JP>X>ENG

Niggers, /vp/ was created because Pokemon fans where fucking insufferable either on Sup Forums or Sup Forums, faggots would create crap tons of thread just to talk about the same shit, think about all those people creating PopTeamEpic threads but even fucking worst.

are you upset?

There was a note at the start that said "I don't really know Japanese so pls excuse any mistranslations lol", so it was just some retard pandering to the kind of faggots that would download Hadena because they were first.

Actually, it was rushed as fuck. All kinds of shit crammed in together in just one episode, with no breathing room.

No seriously, lurk more.

Ok, go enywhere else to discuss your childish cartoons and let the mature people discuss this masterpiece.

You can take all of your edgy losers and let this board be filled with pokemon threads because one is not enough.

Please stop continuing to prove how new you are.

>post Pokemon outside it’s containment board
>get told to fuck off
>”y u so mean dis is the anumi board!”
>get told of how much of a shit cartoon it is
>”b-but ur animu is bad too”
>”if u watched it u would understand!”
There, I just reduced this entire thread to six greentext lines. You can now fuck off to

That was pretty good actually. What's the music in the background?


Well unfortunatelly it turned out ot be the worst place to discuss both games and anime.
>let this board be filled with pokemon threads because one is not enough
Literally noone is implying wanting this

Maybe you should stop replying to newfags that have no idea what they're talking about, then?

>”b-but ur animu is bad too”
>”if u watched it u would understand!”
This, but unironically.
You're not really helping your case here, you're just justifying the irrational hatred people have towards the anime.

what if I want to discuss pokemon?
you're not telling me what to do bitch
you should be grateful that finally this fucking autistic board has a thread about a deep anime since it's always full of meaningless shit.

If anything, this thread is just proving the problem with Pokemon threads is not the Pokemon fanbase, but the autistic newfags that are under the impression Pokemon can't be discussed on Sup Forums and proceed to shit the threads up.

Tough shit, fag. Try making an effort to do your discussion among the shit that surrounds you there, as everyone else tries to do in every other board, instead of bringing this crap here.

There’s another board where those autistic newfags won’t follow you:

>Try making an effort
M8, I like pokemon, but /vp/ is literally unusable for any pokemon discussion.

>muh Sup Forums
It's everyone's Sup Forums, now get bent.

He got a bad case of SM.

>School remodeled out of nowhere to be a Power Rangers/Sentai base
>Elevators act like the cockpits from G Gundam, making elastic latex suddenly appear on the kids
>Normal clothes, excluding anything above the neck, just disappear
>Fucking Gabite among the flying ride pokemon
>Jojo reference to defeat Buzzwole
I don't know what the fuck they took before making that episode, but it definitely went in a weird direction.

It's literally been pointed out that /vp/ suffers from the exact same "I hate the Pokemon anime so I will shit up all threads related to it" problem as Sup Forums does.

Pokemon is a cute show full of cute girls doing cute things. Some people only like edgy things full of awful drama, see Franxx.

You know the series is bad when you lose to someone need Dickson.

Why does Sup Forums hate Pokemon so much? I bet you all liked it back in the day and are now bitching on it because some fags started doing it. And since you had no ground to stand on you started doing it too.

And then you have false-flagging assholes like this poster here.


This isn't like gundam being Sup Forums, Sup Forums /toy/ or /m/ material and that bitching to take it from a board to another is retarded but justified depending what aspect of the franchise is talked about and it might be off topic, in this case pokemon fans managed to be autistic enough to get their own exclusive board for everything pokemon and yet still insists in going outside their containment board. If your fellow anons cannot contain their autism in your containment board, they won't be able to do it in Sup Forums or Sup Forums as well.

wow, we sure are giving /dbs/ a run for their money today.

It's mostly newfags that got told by other newfags that /vp/ is a containment board and Pokemon threads are not allowed on Sup Forums.

Doesn't help that SM isn't very popular either. We had better threads back in the XY and DP eras.

not even close

Both Sup Forums and Sup Forums are garbage. I don't know what you are trying to prove here.

The MC of Pokemon Sun & Moon, everyone.