Char is for the creamy stuff.
Ryuuou no Oshigoto!
Child Porn is prohibited.
Blue Ai > Red Ai > Char > Fang > Megane >>> shit >>> Ginko
Can he not stop jobbing, holy shit.
They need to derank him already.
you should go back where you came from
Ginko > Red > Blue > Char > Fang > Megane >>> Cake
Is she trying to make herself more loli-like? sad.
>not licking navels
Ginko's navel gets exposed so often that I bet it's dirty no matter how hard she washes it.
Cute tummy slut.
Blue Ai's bodyguard is kinda cute as well.
Why is she so bouncy?
This thread is the better one.
Char is the sexiest
muh deek
She knows exactly what she's doing. Little temptress.
>Ginko ruining everything
What a surprise
Look at the bright side: if anyone else has caught him rubbing his sticky white goo on Char,
>Ai (either): he would be dead.
>Mio and/or Ayano: they'd join you, so you'd end up rubbing three lolis. Seems pretty good, unless
>any normal adult: you go directly to jail. If they catch you rubbing three lolis, you get the death sentence.
Getting slapped by a tsundere is the safest option here.
Could somebody kill ginkoshit already? she was unbearable in last episode
I want to make Char into a mother!
I agree with this popular taste.
Why is Char so fucking sexy?
I disagree with this utter shit unpopular taste.
Ginko >>> everyone else
Because 6 year old girls are the sexiest.
what is this anime about?
Japanese chess
6 years old is too young.
Shit taste
If her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock.
She unironically gives me a boner even by just talking, what the fuck happened to me.
How can one girl stimulate your heartpenis so much?
Why is this allowed and where do I find more of it
There is nothing wrong about moistening your lolis.
Is Char meant to be half japanese or something?
She's cute and small
I want to squish her.
She should have been the primary loli. Blue Ai is terrible.
Ginko is the only terrible girl.
Yeah, he forgot all the cakes.
Friendly remind don't fall for this bait and false flag by yours truly LRD.