Why does Heaven's Feel feel like it was written by a different person?

Why does Heaven's Feel feel like it was written by a different person?

Where the fuck was Zouken during the events of Fate and UBW? Why didn't he go out to summon True Assassin or do any of the other stuff he does in HF?
Where the fuck was the shadow? Does it just decide to be a good boy when you're not in the Sakura route?
Why does the black sun from 10 years ago get literally no mention or reference in any route besides HF? We know the fire was a big event for Shirou so surely there'd be some allusion to the thing instead of him only remembering it in HF for no good reason.
Why did Shinji never get a second Rider for himself in those routes when HF shows he knows how to and is willing to do it?
And for that matter, what the hell was the "Sakura is a master too!" shit all about? Fate and UBW wouldn't work if that had been the case all along.
What happened to "Joker"? When Rin sees Gilgamesh for the first time in UBW, she calls him the eighth Servant Joker, but that's just never explored or mentioned again. (though I guess you could chalk this one up to Rin being wrong)
Why does it have so much porn compared to the other routes? It feels a bit jarring when this one route has more H content than the entire rest of the game combined. I don't hate porn or anything, but why did the fat girl have to get most of it? Nobody likes Sakura.
Why did they decide a tattooed girl in edgy pajamas would be a better final boss than Gilgamesh?
Where's the Illya route, dammit?

>Why does it have so much porn compared to the other routes?
Because Sakura is a slut full of penis-worms and needs semen to live (more so than the other two sluts)

>Why does it have so much porn compared to the other routes?
There's an interview where Nasu says that Sakura's route was written with h-scenes in mind

>Where the fuck was the shadow? Does it just decide to be a good boy when you're not in the Sakura route?

The shadow was dormant in the other routes but awakened by Sakura's feelings for Shirou

>Why did Shinji never get a second Rider for himself in those routes when HF shows he knows how to and is willing to do it?

Rider didn't die in HF, she was wounded and ditched Shinji IIRC

>Where's the Illya route, dammit?

Kill yourself degenerate

>Preferring wormslut over pure loli

How about neither

>The shadow was dormant in the other routes but awakened by Sakura's feelings for Shirou
But Sakura gets wet for Shirou in all routes.
>Rider didn't die in HF
She gets split in half by Saber early on, disintegrates and Shinji's Command Spell book burns. Shinji has to run back to Sakura and force her to use her second Command Spell to give him another Rider (this is the one that says fuck it and betrays Shinji later).
>Kill yourself degenerate

>Why did they decide a tattooed girl in edgy pajamas would be a better final boss than Gilgamesh?
You really wanted Gil to be at the finale of all 3 routes?
I actually liked the switch up of characters at the HF ending. If you told someone who only did the Fate and UBW routes that the ending of HF has Shirou, Rin, and fucking Rider heading to defeat Saber to stop Sakura, their heads would explode. It makes no sense without context.

>I didn't read the VN
not my problem, go fuck yourself

I just got done reading the VN, though

>Why did Shinji never get a second Rider for himself in those routes when HF shows he knows how to and is willing to do it?
Nigga you're fucking retarded, you think Sakura summoned a 2nd Rider? You stupid cunt, she only made another book for Shinji. Saber didn't kill Rider in the fight, she just inflicted heavy damage.

Zouken says somewhere in the VN that he wasn't going to bother trying for the 5th grail war and was just experimenting to do better in the 6th. However in HF his "pieces were good" enough to give it a go.

Sakura is wet for Shirou in all 3 routes, but she's only wet enough to really squirm up her worms in HF.

As for the rest, basically Zouken gives up after Shinji loses the first time because as mentioned before, he was saving up for the 6th war anyways.

For a creepy bug-grampa villain, Zouken's actually pretty aloof.

>As for the rest, basically Zouken gives up after Shinji loses the first time because as mentioned before, he was saving up for the 6th war anyways.
Could Zouken really last for like another 60 or so years until the next war starts? with not only his body but his soul already rotten and all

>Why does Heaven's Feel feel like it was written by a different person?
Originally the vn was going to be split between two near side routes and two far side routes, with the two sides having deliberately contrasting tones. Fate and UBW were the near side routes and HF is an amalgamation of the original Sakura route and the planned Ilya route.

>Where the fuck was Zouken during the events of Fate and UBW? Why didn't he go out to summon True Assassin or do any of the other stuff he does in HF?
He's very patient, if he doesn't see a serious chance of winning he doesn't bother participating and waits for the next war.

>Where the fuck was the shadow? Does it just decide to be a good boy when you're not in the Sakura route?
When Shirou starts showing more interest in Sakura, it gives her hope, and in turn fear. Thus roused from her comfortable apathy, her emotions stimulate Angra Mainyu and activate the shadow.

>And for that matter, what the hell was the "Sakura is a master too!" shit all about?
Shinji was always using the book to pretend to be Rider's master, Sakura simply didn't have any motivation to get involved in the other routes.

>What happened to "Joker"? When Rin sees Gilgamesh for the first time in UBW, she calls him the eighth Servant Joker, but that's just never explored or mentioned again.
Pretty sure it's joker, not Joker. She was just saying he's a wildcard.

>Why does it have so much porn compared to the other routes? I don't hate porn or anything, but why did the fat girl have to get most of it? Nobody likes Sakura.
It's the only route written with H-scenes in mind from the beginning rather than tacked on. And if anything, Takeuchi didn't draw her thicc enough.

>Why did they decide a tattooed girl in edgy pajamas would be a better final boss than Gilgamesh?
Kirei is the real final boss, and he's great.

>Where's the Illya route, dammit?
Some will tell you Prisma counts, but those people are liars!

I was going to call you a fag but I read the scene again and you're right (and that other user was right). They never get around to see her actually die before she disappears, but in the other routes she gets atomized by Excalibur or gets her neck blown off by Caster.

So basically HF happens solely because Sakura was wetter for Shirou than usual? That's super lame but I can't say it doesn't make sense.

He's already functionally immortal and they make no secret of it so lasting 60 more years shouldn't be a problem.

>Why does Heaven's Feel feel like it was written by a different person?
HF is actually old Nasu if anything. It's a lot more similar to his previous works than the two earlier routes.

>Why does Heaven's Feel feel like it was written by a different person?
HF is Nasu at his finest, much like Tsukihime. Fate and UBW were always poorly written pandering trash for the lowest common denominator much like FGO.
>Where the fuck was the shadow? Does it just decide to be a good boy when you're not in the Sakura route?
Pic related. Shirou paying more attention to Sakura makes the thought of losing him to Rin all the more horrifying and infuriating to Sakura, and her finally feeling intense negative emotions instead of shutting down emotionally like before made her contract with Angra Mainyu that Zouken established without her knowledge activate. This is also why Zouken decides to take action in HF.
>And for that matter, what the hell was the "Sakura is a master too!" shit all about? Fate and UBW wouldn't work if that had been the case all along.
There's literally foreshadowing for it in every route. Sakura reacting to Shirou having a bruise at the start of the story is the exact reason she relinquishes Rider to Shinji, since she doesn't want to fight him.
>Nobody likes Sakura.
That's why she's been at the very top of recent polls, right?
>Why did they decide a tattooed girl in edgy pajamas would be a better final boss than Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh is absolute trash in F/SN (literally zero consistent personality and motives except being an OP final boss), but the point is that Sakura isn't the final boss even if she believes she has to be. She's a victim, the real enemy is Angra Mainyu.

>Why does Heaven's Feel feel like it was written by a different person?
Nasu Alter wrote it.
>Where the fuck was Zouken during the events of Fate and UBW? Why didn't he go out to summon True Assassin or do any of the other stuff he does in HF?
Zouken's the kinda guy that would rather have others do his dirty work, but after seeing how badly Shinji fucked up before his own eyes, he said "Fuck it, I'll do it myself."
>Where the fuck was the shadow? Does it just decide to be a good boy when you're not in the Sakura route?
Dormant. Awakened by Sakura's feelings for Shirou.
>Why does the black sun from 10 years ago get literally no mention or reference in any route besides HF? We know the fire was a big event for Shirou so surely there'd be some allusion to the thing instead of him only remembering it in HF for no good reason.
IIRC it shows up in the final battles in Fate and UBW too.
>Why did Shinji never get a second Rider for himself in those routes when HF shows he knows how to and is willing to do it?
Rider didn't die in her first battle with Saber. She was wounded yet survived and healed up.
>And for that matter, what the hell was the "Sakura is a master too!" shit all about? Fate and UBW wouldn't work if that had been the case all along.
She was the true Master of Rider all along. Shinji was a Proxy Master like Iri was for Saber in Zero.
>What happened to "Joker"? When Rin sees Gilgamesh for the first time in UBW, she calls him the eighth Servant Joker, but that's just never explored or mentioned again. (though I guess you could chalk this one up to Rin being wrong)
What kind of shitty subs are you using? Rin's nickname for Gil was "Kinpiki", or "Goldie". Gil's just an Archer class Servant.

>Pretty sure it's joker, not Joker.
No, it's capitalized, that's why I figured it was going to be an important thing but then it just kinda gets forgotten about. Well it doesn't matter much, he's not Joker anyway.

>and the planned Ilya route.

>literally zero consistent personality and motives

>What kind of shitty subs are you using?

>Why does it have so much porn compared to the other routes? It feels a bit jarring when this one route has more H content than the entire rest of the game combined.
Because the H-scenes in Heaven's Feel are actually crucial to the story.
>I don't hate porn or anything, but why did the fat girl have to get most of it? Nobody likes Sakura.
I like Sakura. Fuck you. Fight me.
>Why did they decide a tattooed girl in edgy pajamas would be a better final boss than Gilgamesh?
Kirei was the final boss, and the bareknuckle brawl was the most badass final battle in Fate.
>Where's the Illya route, dammit
Ilya is not for lewd. Read Prisma if you want that shit.

She means Joker as in Gil was a wildcard in the Grail War, not a different and unique class altogether. Gil is an Archer. You suck at reading comprehension

>so you beat the strongest servant Berserker in a climactic battle? too bad, i'll come out of nowhere to hijack and drag out this route together with the priest who's completely one-dimensional until HF! i'm a chad who wants saber, so beware, you insecure eroge-playing virgins!
>i'm going to genocide people! look how evil i am! all so i can job to shirou and he can look badass!
>uh, guess i care about civilians dying now, even though i wanted to kill them myself last route! kys, sakura

Read it again

>Where the fuck was Zouken during the events of Fate and UBW? Why didn't he go out to summon True Assassin or do any of the other stuff he does in HF?
Not doing anything because this Grail War is fucked. Irregular masters, came in only ten years, other fucked up shit. He'd rather go ham in a Grail War where things aren't so weird and have a better chance of victory. He decides to do things in Heavens Feel because he realizes his project of Sakura turned out really fucking good.
>Why did they decide a tattooed girl in edgy pajamas would be a better final boss than Gilgamesh?
user, you're an idiot. Kotomine is the final boss.
>Why did Shinji never get a second Rider for himself in those routes when HF shows he knows how to and is willing to do it?
Shinji can't magic at all since he doesn't have circuits. Also Rider didn't die.

Don't blame me, I'm not the one that capitalized it as if it was something important rather than the common meaning of a joker card.

>Illya pure
Hercs fleshlight according to word of god

>What happened to "Joker"? When Rin sees Gilgamesh for the first time in UBW, she calls him the eighth Servant Joker

Source your claims, knave!

>Where's the Illya route, dammit?
Read Prisma

He lived for 400+years I don't see why 60 is a big deal.

>Where the fuck was Zouken during the events of Fate and UBW?
You know, retroactively speaking, it's kinda of sad to think that Fate and UBW didn't really resolve things and that in the background, Sakura is still getting wormed by Zouken.

>replies to this fanart on twitter are either "do you have saber alone" or "sakura is cute/ i want from sakura or just "cute" in general"

Rin really fell from grace, didn't she? And it's just going to get worse after the second HF movie, too.

That's Prisma Sakura though, who has done absolutely nothing wrong, while Rin has been irrelevant all season as she should be

The Prism poll is just one of three polls referred to in that pic, though, and that's not even including the Newtype ones.

Holy shit when the third movie will be out people are gonna hate Rin even more

But Rin was great in HF

It'll be even better because they won't have the narration trying to justify how much a bitch she is

Seriously, why didn't get Rin first place when UBW was airing?

imagine reading a 70 hour VN for your shitpost and getting THIS dismantled immediately

She's officially titled The Average One. She can stand next to Saber all she wants, but never surpass her. Meanwhile, Sakura started at rock bottom, so the only way she could go was up.

but she was also a cunt

Or maybe I was legitimately curious, but who knows really.

Kind of puts a damper on all the lighthearted spinoffs when you see her and know she spent eleven years in the worm pit and is probably still getting beaten and/or raped by Shinji.

l lot of the issues with HF (like why theres so much plotdump compared to UBW, especially considering its the last route) it that it was originally going to be two routes, Sakura/Illya (somewhat like tsukihime nearside/farside) but it was too long, Illya got cut, and the plot got smashed into 1 long route

wait what the fuck is this

Shinji route.

Shirou got closer to Sakura
Sakura was afraid to lose him to Rin
Zouken was gonna stay out of this war but saw that chance to play Sakura
Shadow disabled Kojiro and gave him the chance to summon Hassan

Sakura was Rider's master not Shinji she sacrifices 1 command seal to summon the book that Shinji uses to control Rider that's why there's a powered up Rider (Sakura) an a weak one (Shinji)

The porn and final boss are simple, Sakura has the charisma of a brick wall so they had to throw sex scenes left and right and when that failed Ilya stepped up as the heroine (That's where her route went) and Sakura became the baddie but she failed again so Kirei had to step up as the final boss.

who the fuck would choose Sakura when Saber and Rin exist?

Who would choose any of those bitches over Ilya?

>literally King Arthur
>tsundere bitch
Who wouldn't pick a kind busty housewife over those?

I know right

>Why does Heaven's Feel feel like it was written by a different person?
If you read Tsukihime and Rakkyo, Heaven's Feel is much closer to Nasu's core works.

The focus on dumb Servant fights over horror/thriller is a result of the different premise, and it's only gotten worse as more authors get involved in newer Fates without understanding the appeal of the original. Case Files is pretty much the only spin-off that gets it. Grand Order is garbage precisely because they appeal to secondaries like you most of all.

Funny you should say that, since Sakura is generally agreed to have amazing charisma in the HF movie, which also cuts out the Ilya route shit.

>which also cuts out the Ilya route shit

Let's just all agree that Rin and Illya are superior to the rest.


because I'd like to have a woman (or two) that has a chance of living through childbirth
>literally King Arthur
that's supposed to be a negative?
>tsundere bitch
She is cute, and would be fine with being in a polygamous marriage with me and Saber
>Saber not mentioned

blueray/dvd when?

Saber is alright, I have no problem with Saber. Rin and Illya are simply objectively better, though.

>that's supposed to be a negative?
Unless you're gay, yes. Even if she has a vagina, your child will be raised by two fathers.

It's still Fate/Stay Night is bad or something.

Sakura & Saber > Rin & Illya.

Sakura & Ilya > Saber & Rin

>no-personality & generic waifu > yes-personality & cute loli

>King (female) of the Knights
>intensely loyal
>shows incredible prowess
>5 foot 90 pounds, blonde hair green eyes
>likes plush lions
>is a very sleepy and hungry knight
>slightly autistic
>wants to learn how to be more useful
>was never actually a male
She is literally the perfect wife.

She's a shy unconfident girl with immense amounts of self-hatred and bitterness due to her horrible situation, and yet she also has a fierce determination to endure it all, as well as being really kind-hearted and selfless. She's usually introverted and keeps to herself, but develops to become a lot more energetic and playful before the start of the story due to the influence of Taiga. That said, she's still very modest in comparison to the more generic action heroine personalities of Saber and Rin, and treasures daily life over risky goals. Unlike them, Sakura prefers to lay low and stay out of trouble, but for better or worse, Rin is the one person who brings out Sakura's inner competitiveness, as she simultaneously looks up to and loathes her big sister. Sakura has a bad habit of blaming herself for the faults of others and putting their happiness over her own, but simultaneously, if she's offered hope and happiness, she won't allow anyone to get in the way of it no matter what, as the two things she won't stand for are having the rug pulled out from under her and losing those she cares for. If she's somehow angered, Sakura's rage is cold and calculating, to the point of almost seeming gentle despite its ruthlessness. Even when not angry, Sakura sometimes displays gentle snark and teasing, similar to Tohsaka, but done in a more kind-hearted way.

And that's far from all there is to her.

The only good part she had in the VN was that scene in the rain after she ran from the church.

Her character during HF was drama queen during day, porn star at night, then after Shinji's death she became a shitty tsundere/powerlevel fag "all is allowed to those who have power" and then whining nonstop when Rin had a way to match her.

From what I've read none of these parts happened yet and most of Ilya's parts come when Sakura goes dark.

Taking into account how they are considering a sex scene on the 2nd movie shows how confident they are on Sakura charisma.

Nice bait.

>(literally zero consistent personality and motives except being an OP final boss)
While it's true he's not much characterized in fsn he is consistent.
>the real enemy is Angra Mainyu.
He just wants to be born, let him be!

Just goes to show the grasp her detractors have on her character.

>Sakurafag reading comprehension
That was about Saber.

Meant Yandere, guess you never made a mistake.

>Originally the vn was going to be split between two near side routes and two far side routes, with the two sides having deliberately contrasting tones. Fate and UBW were the near side routes and HF is an amalgamation of the original Sakura route and the planned Ilya route.
>Why does Heaven's Feel feel like it was written by a different person?

Type Moon always does the Near Side of the Moon and Far Side of the Moon twist routes

Near Side: Arc and Ciel
Far Side: Akiha and Maids
Stay Night: Saber and Rin
Other Night: Sakura and Illya
Extra and CCC

Why do UBW fans hate Sakura's route?

No it wasn't. Generic waifu was for Saber while Rin got yes-personality, and Illya got cute loli. You aren't very clever, are you?

Heaven's Feel doesn't have a mid boss like Fate and UBW, right?


>HF is actually old Nasu if anything. It's a lot more similar to his previous works than the two earlier routes.


Nine Lives?

Just read his earlier works.

Oh my God that's absolutely disgusting.

Like you wouldn't.

>Sakura & Saber > Rin & Illya.
>no-personality & generic waifu > yes-personality & cute loli
Looks like someone is trying to backtrack after being put in their place.

You should have read the VN.

How is that a mid boss like Berserker or Caster?

You should read the thread

UBW is definitely the best VN route.

From what I understand the Fate route, up to Assassin, was drafted when Nasu was still in high school, pre Tsukihime.

>UBW is definitely the best VN route.
Don't spread lies like that.

He's right, though.

UBW has nice scenes but HF is the best climax possible.

Shirou vs EMIYA and Gilgamesh is the best climax possible

Nasu Kinoko and Takeshi Takeuchi are old friends. They have known each other since junior high school. And it was in junior high that Nasu first began working on the story of Fate/stay night.

The motivation behind Fate was simple: Nasu was a big fan of the Samurai Resurrection (Makai Tensho) manga, which involved battles between dead historical figures from around Japan. Inspired by Samurai Resurrection, Nasu wanted to write a story about historic heroes from around the world participating in a grand battle. The basic concept of Fate, such as the battle for the Holy Grail, magicians, and servants, had been set.

At the time, Fate was not intended to be a game, much less an adult one. Nasu was simply a junior high student whose goal, like many, was to have his novel sold in bookstores around the country. Likewise, his friend Takeuchi was simply an aspiring artist who wanted to jump into the manga business.

Initially, Nasu only wrote what would become the game's "Fate" storyline (the game Fate/stay night had three storylines, the Fate storyline being one of them). In his early drafts, Fate's heroine Saber was a man, and the protagonist was a girl with glasses. For a number of reasons, Nasu stopped writing at the fight with Sasaki Kojiro (about 1/3 of the current Fate storyline), and set the work was aside for many years.

What happens to the Matou family after Fate route and UBW route?

>and the protagonist was a girl with glasses.
They should have kept that

>Why did they decide a tattooed girl in edgy pajamas would be a better final boss than Gilgamesh?

Zouken and Kotomine are the final bosses, user

>Matō Zōken – The man before him was the mastermind behind the Matō family, a presence known but never seen. Kotomine Kirei’s senses couldn’t help but go on the alert.

>“Kotomine Kirei, you’ve gone too far with your petty trickery. You even dared to act behind Tōsaka’s back; you’ve overstepped your boundaries. You don’t need Kariya’s hand to kill Tokiomi at all, not since the moment you decided to get rid of him. You must have prepared for every eventuality – I’m not so old that I’m turning senile. You might be able to trick Kariya, but don’t you dare think you can trick me too.”

>“I think the Tōsaka son and those of the Einsbern house are all idiots. If they remember the details from the last battle of the previous war, then they should understand that there is something odd with this fourth Heaven’s Feel, and be alert towards it.

>"I saw through the battles of this round from the start. Truth be told, just by looking at that despicable Caster at the start of the War, we should have been able to tell that the summoning didn’t call forth a Heroic Spirit, but an evil spirit far removed from heroes. Without a doubt, something has begun to err within the Heaven’s Feel system. We need to solve this problem first.”

>"Just seeing how Kariya, who betrayed me, suffers in pain day by day – I honestly can’t get enough of it. I desire the Matō house’s victory, but I’m also tempted by the thought of observing Kariya’s defeated and helpless end. How conflicted I am!”

>“I may look old, Kotomine Kirei, but my nose is still very sensitive. You have the same smell as I do. You’re like a maggot that crawled here, attracted by the piece of rotting meat that Kariya is.”

He was certain that Matō Zōken was a nemesis that he must eliminate sooner or later.

You're forgetting the sunset classroom scene, the sick Shirou scene, the heater scene, the various times Shirou visits her in her room, Liberation and several others, and that's just in HF.
>drama queen during day
She literally goes out of her way not to be dramatic and try to carry on like usual despite her mind and body slowly breaking apart.
>porn star at night
Read Realta Nua.
>then after Shinji's death she became a shitty tsundere/powerlevel fag "all is allowed to those who have power"
I mean, other than the obvious fact that Angra Mainyu was corrupting her mind, it should be pretty clear from Rin's priorities in the route why Sakura was led to believe that was the answer.
>then whining nonstop when Rin had a way to match her
Funny how you conveniently miss the parts where Sakura wants Rin to escape while she sacrifices herself to stop the grail, or how she tells her she never wanted things to turn out the way they did.
>most of Ilya's parts come when Sakura goes dark.
Nope, plenty of Ilya scenes come before day 9, and they were entirely skipped without any problems.
>Taking into account how they are considering a sex scene on the 2nd movie
Actually, we already know that even the heavily RN-based 1st movie just barely got the rating they wanted, so sex definitely isn't happening.

Imagine being this obsessed with Sakura