>Its actually just more shonen shit

Why are some people afraid to give honest reviews on their favorite stuff? Its not like you're less of a person because the stuff you like isnt the most revolutionary thing ever

Jojo is pretty revolutionary though

It's very well made shonen stuff?
>isn't most revolutionary
It is. You're just too new to realize how revolutionary it is.

>dbz-style energy ki surrounding the character
>he probably is also yelling and has a similar pose
It's shit.

I wouldn't go as far as to call it revolutionary. But it has some very creative and unpredictanle elements for sure.

You should never compare a series but judge it on its own.

Its not a conscious decision, its more like people compare it to what they believe to be lesser works as to emphasize its superiority. The fanboy wars/hype is off-putting

k brainlet.

You said that but I bet there's probably something you like that other people legitimately think it's shit and you wouldn't be able to see what they're seeing in regards to that which you like.

Because once you strip away the empty hype and powerlevel wankery and look at any of the big shounens critically, there's nothing left of value.

>this is what jojobronies believe

>Calling anyone bronies but Kemonofags

It was boring as fuck


HxH is too intelligent and subtle for the average shonentard to understand it.

>HxH is too intelligent
Yeah, just like Rick and Morty!!

I agree, but there's a difference between "I think this is amazing" and "This is a deconstruction" or something that is less subjective

I agree, I think people just get carried away sometimes and spout stuff like that, at least I've caught myself wording stuff in such a way from time to time.

This can't be serious...

>Don't you have any honor?

>My dad owns a wal-mart
Every fucking time.

I hope you are false flagging, because otherwise you are harming HxH even without realizing it.

"people who like thing are fags, thing is shit"
"hey fuck you"
"omg wow, better make a post about how I'm the reasonable one here"