
Which Jojo character has the best hair

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Doppio gets me Uppio



Kira. All of them.

Highly disappointed in this thread.



Why did you post a picture of a guy with a shit on his head?

Thanks for point that out, user.
Was just about to ask that question myself.

let's describe a JoJo character in a shit way and let other posters guess who I'll start:


Gee, I wonder who could that possibly be.


>it's like a zebra, but with dots and his hair is mommy boys style

I always thought Joseph had cool hair.

>has a massive bulge

That guy from Part 6 who was one of DIO's retarded sons.

unironically has best hair

Gappy makes me happy


Joshuu makes ME happy

When will you jojofags move on to a better series?

Crappy makes me unhappy

(you) first


Also Dio

Does Yasuho fap to her initial discovery of nude Gappy?



>too much makeup tbqh


do not open this link

>Araki getting a boner on 3 occasions at least

Sexy tbqh

Good guess but no


>too much makeup
have you ever seen a girl?


I'm gay


Only by raping Jotaro can we achieve Heaven.


t. DIO

I feel glee at the sight of the man with deformed teeth


Ferdinand is a guy

Which JoJo character is most likely to have an STD?


Jotaro, after being raped everyday.
It really drives home how similar they are, no?


Anyone in Stone Ocean.

stone what?
i don't really remember that part, was it any good?

Not really.

It was filler for part 7

i dont remember your mom, was she any good?

Your mom

is daiya autistic

>no valentine to rewatch the anime with

They’d probably just suck your dick and call you gay anyway

>mfw new chapter soon

How soon gappy poster

Not soon enough.

Did any of you guys see that FUNKe video about how the anime uses color?
Parts of it were kind of cringe but he pointed out some shit I didn't notice before.

Joshuu makes ME happy

>crappy and hoeshu
>always uses same pictures
Doppyfag is truly the patrician shitposter among you all.

*leaves forever*

I'm not gappy poster though, I simply posted it so the real Gappy poster would not be able to post it

*comes back* *uncanonically*

*comes back in PHF and becomes the best character*

Several posts user. You were late by several posts. He already posted in this thread but a mod deleted it. Mods have divine taste and left the Doppio one up though.

God damn I hope Araki writes his own light novels about characters he fucked over someday. Especially the ones in part 7.

How far did Araki predict this Bizzare Adventure to reach? Has he already planned out parts 9 and 10 for his son to create after he dies as his legacy?

What is it about Doppio that makes him untouchable?

The freckles gives him power.
Much like a cat has nine lives, every freckle Doppio has is an extra life.

Doppio is a cock-slurping slut

fuck doppio

Doppio has a freckle for each time he was raped

t. gappyfags


Are you gay or something

>i already did.png

The whispers of my beautiful Doppio is what prevents me from erasing you from this timeline you crappyfags.

>Jojo threads are just the same weird sexual comments over and over again
we really need that anime up and running, huh

no u

>implying this isn't good
fuck off, le redditor

This is actually canon.

Not as bad as other threads and generals.


All that will attract is normalfags
What we need now is a new chapter


Anime threads were fun though.

Why do you fags care so much about Doppio? Genuinely curious here, his time was short and the only thing he did was trying to not die.

>his time was short
Should we care about Diavolo instead?

I know this is a terrible place to ask this but what do I say?

I saw the video since it was on my recommended list even though I wasn't familiar with the channel beforehand. I don't think I'll be watching anymore of his videos, but the part talking about Hierophant Green and Star Platinum switching colors was interesting and I don't think people make as many videos dissecting these aspects of Jojo as much as others so overall it was decent. It's not that long either which adds to it's tolerably.

Read the manga.

Depends on how much you have talked and how close you are

Sure, why not. He's Do

Well how familiar is she with anime and manga in general? If she's completely outside of that aspect I don't think you should suddenly drop Jojo's onto her.

We like each other. She wants to get into the stuff I’m into. I want to give her a good idea of what Jojo is and why I like it.