You now remember Umaru

You now remember Umaru


something something first page

I will never forget Umaru

Umaru 4ever

umaru is actually comfy anime

>umaru thread
>posting that slut hikari


I wish i didn't.

Can someone remind me what happened in the second season and how it ended? I distinctly remember watching it, but all I can recall are prickly girl being cute while losing her spaghetti and white hair imouto being introduced.

umaru was an okay character for once in her life

>asks local ninja

10 posts in an umaru thread and no gore yet, that has to be a record



How does this compare to other Doga Kobo shows?

Nice general, faggots


Literally who?

Umaru and everyone experienced gradual character development

We still don't know why Alex is spying on the Doma family

Sales are as strong as ever. Season 3 is a guarantee. Read 'em and weep.

Great, more bullying then

What a nightmare

How could I forget AOTY?

This show killed demo, I will kill it in return.

hey, bullyfag, I have a surprise for you

it's waiting in your kitchen

Why are people so indisputable angry towards a silly show? What is it about Umaru that triggers people so?


It got a season 2 when a show they would have preferred over it didn't. They're literally just salty af

never knew oomer to begin with

Retarded fans spamming shitty threads like this
>salty af
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>pic unrelated