The official English-language release of the last two volumes is already financed, r-right...

The official English-language release of the last two volumes is already financed, r-right? Surely they're not going to drop it this close to the end because of low sales?

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I have volumes 2 and 3 on my shelf but cant for the life of me find the first volume in a store.

No, in fact, they're going to add in an extra bonus chapter that gives it a proper resolution.

>Anime flopped
>Manga flopped
>English version flopped
What's wrong with the world

Is this a doujin? Where can I read it?

It flopped in the west due to shitty distribution of the series by Amazon (they missed deadlines, aired episodes with the wrong episodes subs etc) and the fact the "cute girls market" was taken by "HAHA SMILE SWEET SADISTIC XD".

Japan just has shit taste.

Yes, but the similarities are almost uncanny.

did it really flopped in Japland though?

It flopped because it was boring

we are still good lads.

??? Amazon UK has volume 1 in english for like £10, what's the big fuss?

>that gives it a proper resolution
Doubt it.

Yeah it does, with an estimated 1-2 month delivery date.

people with attention spans of a goldfish. also autism.


>tfw only way to buy OP/ED in official quality is to buy the audio CDs on CDJapan, no region-free digital stores

I was in the same situation with Shoulder a Coffin Kuro. It took Yen Press a couple years to reprint volume 1.

>tfw ordered all volumes but 1 gets stolen in the mail
fuck yeah australia

i had the same thing happen to me in brisbane, thanks somali postmen

Having the exact same problem as this user. Went to my local comic shop to pick up my monthly pulls and asked about the first volume I ordered back in December since they've got a new policy where all standing orders not picked up are cancelled two months after but there is some weird supply issue going on that's affecting volume one but it's odd that volume, two, three and four aren't affected from what I know.

Not to mention we're stuck with the constant fuck ups knowing as the royal mail. To make it even worse.

Would have never guessed there was a shortage as I bought all three volumes without issue.

You know I'm surprised giving that this is Yen Press, a very popular publisher for manga, they don't seem like they'd have much of an issue with stock but for more alternative manga or comics I can understand but I'm really surprised it's from a company like Yen Press. I wonder if those volume ones will be actually worth anything if they decide to reprint them.

I'm also pissed off about this. What should I do? Watch the anime & continue with the english volumes for 2,3, & 4?


are we getting volumes 5 & 6 too?

>not enough content for a season 2
>too much content for an OVA
god damnit

movie when? I need more one night

I'm worried about the bonus chapter. I think the ending was amazing as is.

More like girl's last series

frozen potatoes

>notice vol. 1 is out of stock online
>remember seeing one at my local B&N
>it's still there, grab it immediately

I don't even care that I had to pay the $15 MSRP + tax

>TFW the best song wasn't even included in the OST

Why did they even adapt this show when it was so close to finishing? Why not wait?

It's Adam and Eve, not Anna and Eve.

Yen press has historically never dropped any manga or novel they've ever released, even if the release schedule slows to an absolute crawl like spice and wolf.

It's Hidamari Sketch meets S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

you have to have pretty refined taste to enjoy it