I remember hearing something abouta Tsuki remake a few years back, what happened?

I remember hearing something abouta Tsuki remake a few years back, what happened?
Was it released? Who is translating?

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>What happened?

Fate/Grand Order happened. Seriously. There are people on certain boards here on Sup Forums who didn't realize that Akiha wasn't a Fate character.

Nobody cares about Tsukihime anymore, its just an old visual novel that only oldfags care bout.
Fate is the new hotness.


How did you start a thread without an image

Sup Forums pass allows for that

This meme isn't anymore

Typemoon doesn't care anymore, they just want to milk the fate cow endlessly.

It wasn't released. It'll probably never be released. No one would translate it by now even if it were released. Happy Valentine's.

The remake was for the VN. That was over 10 years ago. The only info we got at all was just some updated designs. Its all F/GO's fault.

Akiha isn't a Fate character?!

>what happened?
Nothing. There was nothing released besides the character designs. Also don't expect anything as long as fate is making bank.

Why did they change so much? Who ironed their hair?

My top five Type Moon girls are: Arc, Touko, Bazett, Nero and Medusa. What does that say about my taste?

You have absolutelly patrician taste user


Ciel a cute


What are some songs?

Tsuki is old and busted, at best you guys can hope for cameo in FGO

Id switch out arc,otherwise its good
Absolutely disgusting

>they just want to milk the fate cow endlessly.


Top, middle or bottom?

>they just want to make money endlessly


Grand Order made over 950 million dollars of profit in 2017 alone. They are too busy playing with their new sports cars to make anything else.

Melty of course

Middle. Melty sprites were Takeuchi's best work, back when he still tried.

Sooner or later Fate GO is doomed to fail and they will have to go back to Tsukihime

Nasu doesn’t care about Tsukihime anymore, simple as that.

Nasu is content writing a couple chapters a year for a garbage Fate mobile game, and making all the money he'll ever need. Fans are apparently okay with this, and simply play, and in some cases support the game with money while still begging for the Remake anyway (as if they're not contributing for it to never ever happen).
It's a sad state of affairs, TM is creatively dead, full of wasted potential and Nasu is a sack of shit.

New Type-Moon is shit. Those designs, especially Arcueid's, are shit. Be happy that they won't ruin Tsukihime.

It's all waifushit now with a million retcons and saber clones.

Why should he care about Tsukihime after FateSN, CCC and Grand Order were released?

tfw it still hurts

Why would they have to go back to Tsukihime when they’re set for life from FGO money?


Jesus christ

>company stops trying to make money because at some point they think what they have is "enough"
That's not how it works.

Old as fuck news. Just an excuse for Nasu to continue being lazy, as if he couldn't channel some of that money to actually good original projects and the Remake on the side if he still had any drive to work left.

If FGO fails Sonys mobile and entertainment division will fail as well. Its a huge chunk of their profits, it will not happen.

>Implying Typemoon will go back to Tsuki
Fate GO makes more money in less than a week than Tsuki has done in 15 years

Type-Moon is creatively bankrupt and don't care.

Do you mean to tell me my waifu has been in Fate shit all this time and I didn't even realize it? I read Tsukihime first but I still haven't finished Fate Stay/Night, so I still don't know what the fuck is up with the rest of the Fate universe.

>set for life
That's not how it works

Fate blew up big time and Nasu has to babysit every production or else it goes to hell

Things you are going to get before the Tsukihime remake:
Grand Order Parts Two Through Twenty
Completed Strange Fake
Apocrypha Part Deux: Electric Boogaloo
Complete Theatrical Reenactment of Every Single Fate Work
Nine part J.J Abrams Hollywood adaptation of Fate

Christ, do you honestly, unironically think they'll keep relying on a mobile game to continue surviving forever? They know trends and popularity are a thing, they're not as stupid as you, user.

>Fate GO makes more money in less than a week than Tsuki has done in 15 years
If that were the case, they would never attempt to do new anime like Apocrypha or LE, or games like Extella. Their profits will never compare with GO trash.
Even the old, super shitty Tsukihime anime, from before Fate existed and TM got popular, sold pretty fucking well. There's a profit to be made, so they'll get to it at some point. We can only hope Nasu puts effort into something for the first time in a while, instead of lazing it out like he's done with Fate for years.

At this point Tsukihime fans are pretty much pic related

>I still don't know what the fuck is up with the rest of the Fate universe
F/SN doesn't connect to most other Fate entires. Most of them are alternate universe stories that don't interact with F/SN in any way, just existing to facilitate a mobage or whatever being made with Fate designs.

Damn, melty sprites are still the best.

>Complete Theatrical Reenactment of Every Single Fate Work
Takarazuka adaptation when

You forgot Half Life 3, a new Virtual On, Dark Souls 8, the ending of Berserk, the ending of Vagabound and the end of the Isekai fad

>If that were the case, they would never attempt to do new anime like Apocrypha or LE, or games like Extella.
Thats Fate, not tsuki. Its promoting GO indirectly.

>There's a profit to be made
Yes, but it is rather small potatoes. Nasu might as well walk away and sell his share of the company instead

>the ending of Berserk
Nah, that's still unrealistic even in a world where all that other shit happens

Melty, only Sacchin looks better in the original artstyle.

So many saber faces.

The original desings still ahve some charm but they look too dated, specially Akiha's giraffe neck

FGO doesn't NEED promotion via anime, retard. It gets plenty from giant billboards in Akihabara and word of mouth/internet fame.
They want more profit. They always ask what other genres fans are into in their surveys, because they want to make other games and anime that GO fans will also buy.
In other words, as long as there's any sort of profit to be made, they'll take it. In particular Tsukihime, which has been hyped to hell for years and has potential to introduce a bunch of dumb newfags to it, and kickstart a whole other franchise, has tons of money to be had. It's a matter of wether Nasu will do it right, or do it wrong. TM would never live down the Remake not coming out by the 20th anniversary at the absolute latest (and it would have to be really fucking good, with Mahoyo tier visuals and OST to make up for the huge wait). In fact, that's almost certainly the reason behind the delay, the need to deliver a quality product that Nasu is confident in after making fans wait so long.

Melty had so much personality, by comparison new designs look really souless. Ciel in particular is almost a complete different character,

i'll say that i actually like the remake sprites (including arc), but melty's are just supreme.

If Koyama made the art it could be maybe worth it

>Type-Moon is creatively bankrupt

What makes you say that?

It's not so much that they're bankrupt, but that Nasu wastes the good ideas he has in shitty games, where they're usually bogged down by the mediocre ideas of other authors.
It's doubtful we'll get another FSN/Tsuki/KnK, or even another Mahoyo again.

>tsuki is hyped
nah, its more obscure than Kara no kyoukai at this point

>making a VN
Mahoyo bombed so fucking hard anyways. Never gonna happen

>I read Tsukihime first but I still haven't finished Fate Stay/Night, so I still don't know what the fuck is up with the rest of the Fate universe.

The Aozaki sisters are mentioned in Fate/stay night.
Dead Apostles are mentioned in Fate/zero.
The Tohno family are mentioned in Fate/hollow ataraxia.
The burial agency is mentioned in Fate/strange Fake.

Fate/Extra & CCC are a re-imaging of the Fate/stay night visual novel series. The game takes place in an alternate universe, and features all new servants. Ryougi Shiki and Arcueid Brunestud are bosses here.

Fate/Grand Order is card-based online RPG for iOS and Android. The game features a large number of Servants, and has the player travel throughout history to participate in various Holy Grail Wars. The story is divided into seven chapters, only the first two chapters (along with the prologue) were available at release, with more chapters planning to be released following the game's launch at regular intervals.

>It's a matter of wether Nasu will do it right, or do it wrong.

How can he do it right?

Akiha is obviously a Battle Moon Wars character

Yeah FGO doesnt need it in japan but it made it for promotional material none the less. FGO is moving beyond Japan and perhaps served as advertisement for markets outside of Japan since hardly anyone knew about Apo in detail outside of Japan. Maybe thats why they decided to put Apo on Netflix, to create advertisement on a world stage to peddle the game.

Tsuki is beyond hyped among JP fanbase, you really don't know what you're talking about. They argue about Nasu's neglect towards his other franchises more than us. There would be Tsukifags whaling hard for Arcueid in the shitty mobage, and all the newfags would wonder why Tsukihime is such a big deal. The actual Tsukihime event would be a simple final step to get some of them into it, there is way more for GOfags to like in Tsukihime than KnK. More girls, more characters, more ebin power level bullshit.

The Remake VN at the very least is gonna happen wether you like it or not. I suppose them literally reminding you every year that it exists in TM Ace and clarifying that it is indeed going to be a VN isn't enough to convince you, but you can stay in denial.

Make a good VN with their highest production values yet, but all written by him (no getting other guys to write certain routes or some bullshit). Then let ArcSys make a new Melty Blood, and don't just reduce Tsuki to a shitty mobile game and nothing else. Hopefully write some side story game/LN series in the Tsuki world himself, as a parallel to Fate/Extra.

>Mahoyo bombed so fucking hard anyways. Never gonna happen

How did it bombed so fucking hard?

It didn't. It's a small VN, and they saved costs without voice acting. It sold appropriately. That's a dumb meme made up by secondaries who want to convince people TM will always be mobage garbage from 2015 on.

>and they saved costs without voice acting.
They didn't need to save costs, Nasu chose it to be a third person kinetic novel.

>the remake took so long that Hisui's VA died

>Fate blew up big time and Nasu has to babysit every production or else it goes to hell


Miura is going to die soon and Berserk will be ghost written into an ending based of his notes.

No love for OG Melty's baller OP? youtube.com/watch?v=zldORaRtdMw

Genuinely love the original Melty look (which is the top, you plebs), it takes me back to better times. Hell, when making new stick art lately, I went for that era as the basis.

The song is fucking sick, and they really did a lot with their limited visuals.
I admit I like AA's better overall though.
All the remixes that spawned from the OP songs are great too.


user, the new Virtual On comes out on the 15th.

what the fuck