Just finished the show 2 hours ago and wanna know what you guys liked and did not like about it...

just finished the show 2 hours ago and wanna know what you guys liked and did not like about it? im still kinda sad Van Hohenheim died. would liked for him to have just lost his immortality and grew old with his kids. also why the fuck did we not get a kiss scene at the train station

I liked it more when it was written by Shou Aikawa.

Openings and endings
Some of the suspense and plot twists
Bradley's english voice
Build up
Father's unique motivation and goal
>Didn't like:
All the sob plotlines: Elric's backstory, Nina, Hugh, Greed's squad, Izumi's backstory, Winry's backstory, Ishwalan war... well, the rest of the anime.

FMA 03 was good until they ran out of manga material

The characters made the story 10 times more epic.

Ling yao , Greed , Kimblee , Armstrong are all really good characters.

03 was superior to brotherhood in every way.

Every way.

Honestly they could have stayed with 03's tone instead of going for a humorous one. That's something I hear a lot of people I show FMA:B complain about.

>envy being hohenheim's son
>conqueror of shamballa
>that cyborg guy that should've been dead
All of these are worse than anything in Brotherhood, and I'd say the last 2 ruined 03 for me.

You really only needed to post the cyborg man, nothing gets worse than him.

I liked the characters and the setting and overall it's an enjoyable show, but but there's something about the writing that makes it feel a bit aimless.
Like at the start we're introduced the protagonist, his problems and goals, but then during the rest of the show he's just not really doing anything other than dealing with whatever appears in front of him. There's nothing he ever does that works toward his end goals. Instead it's the antagonists working toward theirs but from our point of view it's all rather cloudy until the end of the show when it all sort of falls into place half due to the antagonists plans and half by providence.

I wonder if this is a problem of conflicting mystery and adventure genres. Ed's goal was on the adventure side, but the whole military and father conspiracy is a mystery teritory.

t. natural contrarian

I think it could have been solved by having a delayed introduction to Ed's personal life. That's how other shows handle it. The fact that the story frontloads itself with Ed's conflict sets an expectation that this is what the show will be about. You could establish Ed and Al as characters without needing to tell us everything there is to know about them from the beginning.

She stroke gold with the theme but I think it lacked world building and intrigue, they found the truth about the philosopher stone in the 1st 10 episodes, know about Bradley and Father in the next 15, after that was just everything falling into place like said

Good point

>envy being hohenheim's son
That was a good thing. Fully justifies Envy's sadistic instincts towards Ed. Plus forms a part of the 'sins as failed human transmutations' theme. If Envy was a filed experiment of some random character, it would have lacked impact.

>conqueror of shamballa
Only in the film, which you can ignore. Anyway, again, there is nothing wrong with this.

>that cyborg guy that should've been dead
Oh wow. Getting triggered by the reappearance of a minor character. It's nitpicking. Do you complain every time a character who should have been dead resurrects? Code Geass must have set you on high trigger alert all the time.

Yeah, compare it with 2003, where mysteries are revealed in small doses throughout the show. That keeps the viewer intrigued and hungry for more.

This. Someone should make an chart about watching FMA until 5th lab and pick up Brotherhoord from there.

Kimblee and Greed are easily the best two characters in the series .

>That was a good thing. Fully justifies Envy's sadistic instincts towards Ed
They justify it in Brotherhood by having him literally just be Father's sin of Envy.
>Only in the film, which you can ignore. Anyway, again, there is nothing wrong with this.
It comes out of fucking nowhere.
>Oh wow. Getting triggered by the reappearance of a minor character
He was turned into a Philosopher's Stone, how the hell do you survive that and get made into a cyborg. And by that point, he was far from a minor character and in side villain territory.

Pretty sure Jeremiah is the only "dead" guy who gets resurrected though, right?

>It comes out of fucking nowhere.
And? Things like magic ("alchemy"), parallel worlds, homonculi godly abilities don't bother you, but you get annoyed when the show incorporates real events?

>how the hell do you survive that and get made into a cyborg
Is this your first anime? I could come up with much better frodos about the show, things so obvious, which you haven't even mentioned.

>he was far from a minor character and in side villain territory.
Keep telling yourself that. Freaking Tucker had more presence and more impact than Archer.
It seems to me you are on the autism spectrum and get annoyed by little elements that have no bearing on the overall story. Why does it trigger you so much?

No. Have you watched it? Try reading episode summaries, I won't spoil you.

>but you get annoyed when the show incorporates real events?
I'd be less annoyed if there was any foreshadowing to the idea.
>Is this your first anime?
It's still a bloody issue mate. 'It's not bad because something else is also bad' is a shit excuse used by DBStards.
>Keep telling yourself that. Freaking Tucker had more presence and more impact than Archer.
He was still a side villain by that point.

Antagonist never being satisfied with its state of existence to the point it saw life itself as a cage.
Animation was fine
Dog-morph episode
Didnt like:
Everything else, excluding what ive forgotten which is most likely half or more of all the characters, storys, settings, music, and backrounds.

Didnt care for this shit at all.

>bringing up DBS
You are here to shit the thread, I get it.

There was some. Ed seeing 'the other' side for split seconds. A show goes in a direction you did not expect and incorporates reveal which personally annoy you. Why do you equate it with being bad? 'It's bad, because I did not want it to go there'? Stop being childish.

>He was still a side villain by that point.
Please. You backpedal hard. First you say he was far from being a minor character, later you settle with 'but he was still a villain!'.
What difference does it make exactly about him being a villain to what I wrote? We are back to square one of you nitpicking on what happened to a minor character, Bad Guy C who could have been omitted from the story entirely without incurring any sort of loss. You strike me as one of those pedantic types that get a fit and walk out of the cinema when they see a period film and spot a silly blunder, like a historically inaccurate hairstyle.

Who else gets "resurrected"? Nunnally and CC don't count, they were never dead to begin with. You could maybe argue that Mao counts, but it happened the episode after he got "killed", so I'd say that's stretching it. Who am I forgetting?

I know it's cliché, but the manga really is the best version of this story. I liked Brotherhood , but they cut out a lot of humor and a lot of really badass action scenes (Lanfan vs Envy anyone?).

If you did like watching it , I reccomend at least reading volume15 of the manga. They covered the Ishval war in one episode in the anime which really was a shame. Volume 15 is raw as hell, it covers the war arc and is very well written.

All the things I liked about FMAB you will find tenfold in the manga. I thought a lot of seiyuus did a good job. Hiroyuki Yoshino and Miyamo Mamoru were perfectly cast in my opinion.

Things I liked about FMA 03:
-Greed's voice . Suwabe Junichi does Greed better than Daisuke Namikawa.
- The atmosphere. Even in the questionable episodes the atmosphere is very cinematic .
- The Jean Havoc episode is hilarious.
-Nina and Tucker were much more disturbing in this series.
-THE MUSIC (Brohoods music was shit in comparison).

I loved the Crimson Alchemist in both series even though he has quite a different personality in each.

All in all I think both series are great, but Brotherhood is a somewhat pale representation of the manga.

I love Alphonse!

every fucking 10 minutes

Mamoru Miyana must be worth gold in Japan. He seems like an expensive Seiyuu

Agree with most of this. Got to add on that I like the message of Brotherhood that this show had to offer. The lengths that these two go to for each other are the same that I feel I would go to for my own brother.

>Suwabe Junichi does Greed better than Daisuke Namikawa.
You are thinking of Yuuichi Nakamura. Namikawa voiced Hohenheim in FMA:B

That was grating.

Just finished it today as well, my dude.
My main complaint is the epilogue, it was really underwhelming. Edward and Winry should have had a more emotional showing. Alphonse and the May should have been shown, are they together or not? The Chimeras, Mustang, Izumi, Ling Yao, etc, most of these had pending plotlines that could have been shown, not just stupid pictures.

I've never watched FMA, should I watch FMA or FMAB? I've heard that Brotherhood skims through the beginning because it assumes you've already seen FMA, should I watch FMA up to a certain point then switch over?

Watch both, in order of 03 -> B.

Read the manga.

Watch 03 if you plan on also reading the manga

Watch FMAB if have read the manga and want to watch some cool moments animated

Read the manga if you want the best story

Watch brotherhood. It "skims" nothing important, actually. It's fast-paced but nothing of real value is lost.

Liked: the whole deal with the gate of Truth was pretty deep when you think about it.
Disliked: all the generic shounen shit cliches.

>also why the fuck did we not get a kiss scene at the train station

because romantically autistic MC syndrome, and babbies-ever-after shot gives closure anyway.
> plus Al tapping that chink loli pussy

I don't understand why Ed doesn't work with the homunculi, they want the same thing

>Alphonse "Chink or Nig I stick it in" Elric

Best boy Alphonse getting the best girl

> why the fuck did we not get a kiss scene at the train station
>"Ill give you half of my life if you give me half of yours, its equivalent exchange!"
>"You dont need to do it like its alchemy, Ill give you my whole life"
That was enough for me.

Watch Brotherhood. Then go back and start 03, it's like watching an OVA. Just keep going until it gets boring.