WW1 and WW2 are like the same thing lol: the anime

>WW1 and WW2 are like the same thing lol: the anime

The tools of war and doctrines have changed, but it's still a mere armistice of 20 years to the same conflict.

>I have no Idea about History: The Post.

Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
Ist’s Preußenland? Ist’s Schwabenland?
Ist’s, wo am Rhein die Rebe blüht?
Ist’s, wo am Belt die Möwe zieht?

I mean, that is technically a true statement

>I'm a fucking idiot


>anime is fiction

>I haven't watched this anime: the post

fuck you, entire thread missed the point.

I'm mad because I'm a WW1boo and I thought this show was gonna have a WW1 aesthetic but then halfway through they just start adding a bunch of WW2 shit outta nowhere and it killed it for me. A show that simultaneously had Napoleonic armies, WW1 armies, and then panzers and WW2 shit for the second half because why not it looks cool.

Isn't it essentially the same thing?

Nazis getting btfo by the allies+russia in both wars the second time completely.

Is Tanya the Conrad Von Hotzendorf of anime?

>It's another amerifat who does not know a shit about history episode

this show reeks of a japanese westaboo that mixed up WW1/WW2 constantly and so his show is filled with a bunch of WW2 shit. If you can't see that, you're the real idiot for not realizing they added a bunch of WW2 shit.

You mean there weren't flying battle mages in WW1?

apart from the mages virtually everything about the battles is right for WW1, then panzers roll onto the field and I facepalmed.

You do understand that it takes place in the interwar period right? Also somehow it being Great War Strike Witches didn't take you out of it, which is even more bizarre.

>simultaneously had Napoleonic armies, WW1 armies
If you were a really WW1boo you would know that the war started like the Napoleonic wars due to the inhability of the High Commands of Europe to learn from the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian war. Now fuck off read some history book and then try again

The problem is that the Great War is not something that Japan really understood. Their frame of reference over trench warfare with be Russo-Japanese war of 1904, which isn't really well understood by most Japanese at that (with the exception of the naval battle of Tsushima)

They added it because time had passed and they have a guy literally from the Future, isn't it obvious for you that he would tell them about how counter the WW1 tactics?

Didn't they have a Dunkirk-esque mass evacuation at the end? That was a WW2 event. I believe it's better to not tie it down to any WW.

How terrible! Your expectations were WW1 and the tanks that appeared ruined it for you. What could’ve possibly caused this? Could your expectations of an accurate WW1 anime have originated in the literal magic in the story?
Everyone knows that mages fought in WW1.

>Didn't they have a Dunkirk-esque mass evacuation at the end?
>de Gaulle
>French Army to africa
Americans should be banned to talk about history

it's interwar silly

>Oh no! it's like if the armies innovate during the war. Are you telling me that my BattleField 1 game is not a accurate and they weren't using armored trains and chivalry charges during the whole WW1?

>If you were a really WW1boo you would know that the war started like the Napoleonic wars due to the inhability of the High Commands of Europe to learn from the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian war.
This doesn't contradict what I said. The napoleonic bit was accurate, but then that same episode or the episode after that there are panzer tanks and the strategic level of the show randomly shifts from WW1 into a pseudo-WW2 diplomatic scenario in the last episode.
a show can have otherwise historically accurate combat and have magic on top of it without blatantly breaking the setting and using "hur it's fantasy" as an excuse. See: Maria the Virgin Witch. Imagine if during that show someone just rolled up in a napoleonic uniform and started shooting a musket, that's how jarring it is to have a panzer roll onto a WW1 battlefield.
he clearly just morphed whatever aspects of WW1 and WW2 felt viable at the time, I was hoping for a little more respect for the 1914-1918 settting. The show ends in 1925, WW2 shouldn't even be a thing and yet the diplomatic situation is exactly what it was after Germany conquered France in WW2, like it just jumped from WW1 to WW2 outta nowhere.
fuck off with these smug little nothings
I wasn't aware they had WW2 tanks in WW1 because they innovated so fast fucking retard

>that was a WW2 event
This anime isn’t an explanation of history. It is alternative history, therefore a Dunkirk-esque mass evacuation wouldn’t be a ‘WW2 event’. It would just be an event.

Pretty sure Dunkirk wasn't done when there was an armistice, or done by not!de Gaulle, or involving the not!French army.

the anime is a WW1 setting with a bunch of WW2 happenings in it, which reeks of a japanese person that has trouble distinguishing the difference, and the show basically becomes WW2 in the last episode strategically.

you are aware it's not actually our history right

and yet they namedrop Cannae and other historical events when they feel like it but fall back on "it's fantasy" whenever something reeks of ignorance.

Except it really doesn't. Strategically it's still closer to a WWI where the Kaiserschlact had actually been successful. Hell, even the representation of how major breakthroughs were done, that is mining, is far more accurate than it has any right to be.

>This doesn't contradict what I said. The napoleonic bit was accurate, but then that same episode or the episode after that there are panzer tanks and the strategic level of the show randomly shifts from WW1 into a pseudo-WW2 diplomatic scenario in the last episode.
The napoleonic thing was in the first ep and we only see tanks in the last arc dont trick the thing just to justificate your point

>a show can have otherwise historically accurate combat and have magic

Youjo Senki is BY FAR the most accurate anime about Europe or war in general just look the details in the weapong, even /k/ approved it

>WW2 shouldn't even be a thing and yet the diplomatic situation is exactly what it was after Germany conquered France in WW2, like it just jumped from WW1 to WW2 outta nowhere

Yeah because the world wars happend by event like in my paradox games, it's the same war that after the fall of Scandinavia fall in a stalemate until they developed tanks with the help of Tanya read the fucking novels

>I wasn't aware they had WW2 tanks in WW1 because they innovated so fast fucking retard

What I said above, you are the worst kind of Speedwatcher i have ever seen

There weren't any mass evacuation of troops during WW1 in Europe, except Gallipoli, which is clearly not what it's being referenced. So it's either Dunkirk or simply the fact this is an AU and has no relation to any RL WW whatsoever.

Dunkirk did involve the French army.

I will not stand for this insult and hereby challenge you to a sword duel, fiend. May your god stand by you because my god does, and my waifu Anne Von-Habsburg-Frank does too.

>germany conquers all of their neighbors including France via stunning tactical
WW2 and begins an African theater
it's fucking WW2 strategically and WW1 tactically but lol a panzer. So what you're telling me is this show isn't going to end how WW2 ended? Because they clearly jumped from 1917 to 1939 outta nowhere and that's clearly what's happening.

yes it's alternate history
there are similarities and differences

again, magic
contain your autism

so let's just ignore the jarring jump from the end of WW1 into a mid-WW2 scenario

>Dunkirk or simply the fact this is an AU and has no relation to any RL WW whatsoever.
Yeah because there were no other amphibious evacuations or exodus of soldiers from france to continued the fight from the colonies in WW2. Please people, if you dont know a shit about history dont talk about it, keep talking about anime in Sup Forums or lurk for 2 years in /his/ before trying again

it's not jarring because it's not our fucking history,

>mid-WW2 scenario
The only tanks ever showed are Panzer III (1939/1940, used in both Poland and the fall of France) if that is mid WW2 for you user. Stop lying to justificate your point, it's embarrassing

>exodus of soldiers from france to continued the fight from the colonies in WW2
Wasn't the argument that this is not WW2?

>we only see tanks in the last arc
>Youjo Senki is BY FAR the most accurate anime about Europe or war in general
that's pretty sad.
>Yeah because the world wars happend by event like in my paradox games, it's the same war that after the fall of Scandinavia fall in a stalemate until they developed tanks with the help of Tanya read the fucking novels
I read these sentences 3 times and it's just as retarded as the first time. Literally what.
>What I said above, you are the worst kind of Speedwatcher i have ever seen
>references something that wasn't even in the show
this whole post reeks of teenager

The strategic scenario is clearly a mid-WW2 scenario post-conquest of france. Don't even pretend like it is even remotely similar to anything in WW1, it has far more similarities with WW2 on a strategic level, almost like the brainlet that wrote it just said "fuck it it's fantasy I like how WW2 ends better" but whatever you guys would prefer to revel in headcannon.

>Wasn't the argument that this is not WW2?
can you point were i said it wasnt ww2? the whole point is that you can't understand the anime due to you lack of knowledge about the Napoleonic Era, WW1, the interwar period and WW2 in general


>makes a post that proves the point of the guy he's talking to
>ends his post with an insult like he didn't just undermine his own point

considering ww1 germany never took france your point is moot
cant bitch about misrepresentation when its uncharted history

>makes a post that proves the point of the guy he's talking to
How in the hell is 1939 mid ww2?

>/his/ autists greentexting at eachother over rule of cool

> the whole point is that you can't understand the anime due to you lack of knowledge about the Napoleonic Era, WW1, the interwar period and WW2 in general
oh fuck off I'm OP and I'm not even that guy, you haven't done anything to make this point other than stating as much

>it has far more similarities with WW2 on a strategic level
So, why did not Germany try to capture the French fleet in port as it did in World War II? in the anime they let them escape

because that guy's point was that it jumps from WW1 into the WW2 conquest of france and everything you guys have posted has only PROVEN OP's point? This pathetic semantics rabbit hole you went down has led you to prove the point of the people you are arguing with.

The immediate time after the Battle of France is not Mid-WW2, not even a year had passed since the war started.

It's just a mishmash of real life events. WW1 Trench Warfare with Napoleonic Uniforms and Panzers. Oh and Magic, don't forget the Magic.


>oh fuck off I'm OP and I'm not even that guy
not an argument, that is why this is a anonymous board, nobody gives a shit if you are the one who began the discussion. He denied that the First World War was inherently Napoleonic at the beginning and that as time went by it developed into a trench war and later into a war of tanks and stormtroopers showing that he don't know a shit about what he is talking about

What's with the sudden surge of youjo senki threads?

English manga just started its run

>The period between WW1 and WW2 had elements of both world wars
Wow, I bet you feel really smart right now.

Except it's clearly established that the show starts in 1924. If you're really a WW1boo you'd realize that's about half a decade after WW1 ended and a good 7 years after the French introduced the warfare redefining Renault FT-17.

>So, why did not Germany try to capture the French fleet in port as it did in World War II?
Because High Command is retarded? Kind of like how they didn't destroy the BEF at Dunkirk and let them escape, together with a significant portion of the Free French (and potentially the entire French fleet had Darlan not been a massive fucking cunt piece of shit).

>Napoleonic Uniforms
Nothing Napoleonic about it, my historical expert friend. They resembled the red pants the French wore at the start of WW1. Though admittedly that triggered me too: the French HAD camouflage uniforms at the time and experimented with them since 1910. The problem was that the French were caught with their pants down and didn't expect war in 1914 so everyone was wearing red pants until early 1915. There's no reason for "The Republic" to wear those outdated pants 20 years later, when the opening narration implies the war has been going on for quite some years. They should be wearing horizon blue uniforms with adrian helmets. Though I'm going to give the anime some leeway for artistic license: those fancy red pants are a lot more iconic than drab horizon blue (which is in part why some ultra-conservative elements in France believed abandoning those red pants was a betrayal to the country).

>he denied
no he didn't? since a strawman is the crux of your psuedo-intellectual rant I'd figure I'd cut the jugular.

Whenever did he deny thet? All he said is that there was a mass evacuation of troops that didn't correspond to the supposed WW1 setting, and went to a WW2 one.

finally someone with a brain

The dates are stated multiple times throughout the show starting with 1913, 1914, etc. then it jumps to 1925 at the end. idk where you're getting 1924 from.

I don't watch this show, but I think OPs point is technology doesn't progress that fast. Even if there is some magical element, magic doesn't invent new tech, it exists seperately. So if the world quickly goes from ww1 tech to ww2, that doesn't make sense.

The whole OP and fags point can be refuted with this how this get during 1 hour?

except that image ignores the 1939 tanks probably intentionally

Except they're not conquering their neighbors in this, they're forcing armistices and peace treaties. This alone brings it to WWI strategically. Furthermore, they haven't even begun a war in Russia at this point, and the Kalmar Union was, once again, forced to the peace table. The strategic doctrine of Germany in this is far more 1917 than 1939, but keep saying it isn't.

Ah yeah, I messed up probably. I did know Tanya's birth year was 1913 and that most of the show's events take place in the mid 1920s. I was just off by a year it seems.

If Schugel can develop an advanced missile beyond WW1 times through faith in God, why couldn't whoever was designing tanks do that as well?

the final episode quite clearly shows a graphic of the empire conquering and annexing the territory of it's neighbors, the republic is only still around because they fled to not-Algeria

in the manga they use shitty tanks along with infantry charges until they eventually get modern panzers with the knowledge of Tanya during his time with the mad scientific. A 13 ep anime cant show everything but it's implicit that they dont spawn Panzer III from nowhere

Given that the Vickers Medium Mark 1 was desgined during the 1920s, the tanks we see in the anime are theoretically only a few years off. That's a difference that can be handwaved by the fact that war drives innovation like nothing else while pic related was developed during peacetime. It's not entirely implausible for an alternative history scenario.

That too.

"oh btw I invented the panzer no biggie" is not something you should just completely ignore especially when it creates a misunderstanding that inspires threads like these.

maybe dont be animeonly?!

She is showed sharing knowledge with the High Command and the scientifics multiple times, that is why she is Tenient in first place. You dont have to be Albert Einstein to attribute tanks to the character that just 2 chapters ago gived you balistics missiles

The most it shows is a military parade through Paris, something commonly done by military victors. However, it's outright stated that they use the victory to take clay that was bordering on Germany already, but leave the rest of the Republic alone. The same goes for Sweden, that is Germany solidifies its hold on Denmark and that's about all.

goddamn man there is literally a fucking map in the last episode with all the goddamn countries listed, and it shows the borders of the empire engulfing the former territories of the people it just defeated, that is very clearly annexation.

Or it's a graphic representing victory and you ought to actually read the god damn novels.

or maybe a simbol of them being defeated? if they were anexed why they said that the not-swedens are joining the not-UK troops in the north sea.

Also in the anime they show a peace treaty ready to enforce in Not-France that they drop away when they heard that Not-de Gaulle fled to Not-Argelia

>that is very clearly annexation
Theoretically it could also mean puppet regimes, but I'm just anime only.

It's not WW1 nor WW2 because it isn't set in our earth, retards.
It is explicitly said on the novels that this was the first and only world war that this world ever had, since after it the Empire collapses and Tanya goes missing.

miss pic

you don't show the territory of your empire expanding over the former territory of the people you just defeated if you dont mean to imply annexation. It's probably an anime-only mistake but it is a mistake nonetheless

if you want to force it to be the mistake you want to find so hard go ahead, as 3 people already point out, we interpret it as a symbol of defeat not of annexation

that's such a headcannon copout and you know it fuck off

literally fucking this, why cant anybody understand

No, it's in the books and the maps included in those books you cunt.

God her character design is so shit

>entire thread missed the point
How about you go fuck yourself for opening the thread in such a retarded fashion? You're lucky anyone bothered to reply you fucking cunt

which doesn't change the fact that the anime got it wrong
nice vague shitpost, thanks for replying

Seriously though. it is entirely feasible to arrive at Panzer III in the middle of the interwar years if Germany never were forced to Versailles limitation.

You know at the start of ww1 they had many many very bad ideas about how to use your troops.
At the end of ww1 the special forces had all the new and best training in the world at the time.
They were small and they worked.
The MC is the special forces.
Well at the start of ww2 that training was now basic training because it worked.
People normally try to train there troops to get the job done unless your a ww1 Frenchy then you just need a bayonet.