Am I brainlet if I'm completely lost about 5 episodes into this? Lawrence and the trader talked for about 5 minutes straight and I didn't understand any of it.
Am I brainlet if I'm completely lost about 5 episodes into this...
you need to be 18+ to post here
watch it again, pay more attention, you're more capable than you think
I have good news for you user, you're a prime candidate for getting retardbux from the government!
I get the coin scam. If people think the purity is going up, then the current coins are easier to get. But the current coins will actually be more pure then the new ones, so their value is actually increasing.
What I don't understand is all their logic to keep holo alive. How does wheat tariffs and permission to sell without taxation come into play.
Wolfies fucked korbo.
Holo is really cute!
>all their logic to keep holo alive
she's a hostage, why would they kill her
Spice and Wolf thread lads?
It's not supposed to make sense because they're stupid. Why do you think their plans never work?
First arc is the worst. Go through it and you'll fall in love in the next ones.
You you what would be cool? If Parchment ends up being this uber master economic philosopher that jump starts the American revolution early.
Replaces John Locke and shit.
>tfw you wil never plan and gently guide humanity to the meta-capitalist utopia with your silver haired Ayn Rand wolf waifu.
i've dropped it after 3rd, so you're fine
You mean Adam Smith, right?
Read the wealth of nation, OP.
Locke was the philosophical impetus behind the founding fathers. Smith was more of the spearhead who, in effect, actualized Locke's genius.
This. Fantastic read.
You might even be retarded.
It really is great that true best girls get amazing doujins like that one.
You need a degree in economics and a high IQ to understand Spice and Wolf.
The best kind are the ones that fill in what is kept out of the source.
Was that the money hoarding scheme? I can explain it, if you'd like.
I get how the coins gain and lose value, but not how the rights to trading get involved.
Buy low, sell high.
wait, so is she constantly sagging?
did yo try reading the subtitles?
that's usually the problem with anons not understanding something
Why don't we have more economics animu Sup Forums? C Money of Soul almost cou ts but it's just a battle shounen with money powers
This guy is just a fucking retard
No, it's not even that complicated. If they wanted to run a REAL scam, they'd pump up the price of a particular stock while trading in options on that equity; sell a bunch of suckers call options for the artificially high price while shorting it and using proxies to buy up cash-settled puts that allow them to buy the equity once it crashes and still make sales at the previous high price to cover the short at a net gain.
That was the only thing I could understand watching that show.
Have to ask, since she is several hundred years old, has she given birth before?
>400 year old vigin
Remember that she was bound to the wheat for a long time.
Am i fucking retarded?
I literally feel like you are talking in an unknown language
She never had sex before for over 400 years...good gravy, she must of torn he cock right out from the roots.
>must of
Kys yourself to death until you die.
You first lover.