the fuck kind of name is "krillin"?
The fuck kind of name is "krillin"?
Its kuririn
The fuck kinda name is OP?
>married to a woman named after a number
not in the american version
18 doesn't age, right?
>fucking your wife in her prime until you're dead
I'm jealous
>falling for jap's propensity for r sounds
It's Krillin
Don't talk shit about my boy Krillin, he's the best thing in DBZ
Till she leaves you for a more able man
Only men in her universe more able are saiyans and her brother
Isn't a krill a small shrimp? Makes sense that Krillin is a turbo manlet
>saiyans and her brother
I don't see the problem
What the fuck kind of name is Chin Chang Chong? Do asians drop silverware when they name their kids?
Kuri is chestnut in japanese.
That's why his daughter is named Marron.
Is kuririn supposed to be a pun like other db names?
How did Krillin get a loyal wife like 18? IT’S NOT FAIR BROS.
by saving her life
My guess is that Krillin is play on grilling. I mean, many characters in the DB franchise are named after food-related stuff. Like vegetables, freezers, coolers, evening meals and such.
by going out of his way to to help people from not exploding
>You kikoho cell until your dying breath
>The guy who does nothing but run away gets the girl
>she never even thanks you for saving her life
>Even fans forget your sacrifice
Poor tien shin han