The old animation use to have a uniqueness to it and had a soul. That was the one thing struck me first with one piece...

The old animation use to have a uniqueness to it and had a soul. That was the one thing struck me first with one piece. Now it's just lame, during fights, characters seem to float in the air and the punches seem so impact-less as mentioned by other comments. It seems that it was small budget long ago but people with passion were working on it(pic related for example), nowadays it's generating big money but the passion is long gone.

Other urls found in this thread:

>old toei anime
>animation, unique, soul
Nostalgia goggles thread? Old Toei was just as trash as new Toei is. You just grew up. Read the colored manga or don't. Toei and Ghibli are the most influential studios for a reason OP. They are newfag indicators. You're supposed to move on from there.

Also while we're on topic of the One Piece anime. Toei completetly misunderstood that One Piece is a parody, a deconstruction. It has emotional pieces in the OST while OP was meant to be a comedy foremost. Another reason why Toei shouldn't be taken seriously.


I miss the old colors.

This, and I also miss the "grainy" look of older animation.

read the manga then

It's getting just as bad.

>I have only seen the punk hazard fights
Good for you user, you might wanna consider watching more than 2 episodes.

What the fuck happened?

That's like your opinion man. If you don't like it stop reading it.

>If you don't like it stop reading it.
I did.

That's so bad it hurts


I see they tried the Naruto vs Pain thing.

I think the giant rifle was the best animation in the series to date

>Toei completetly misunderstood that One Piece is a parody, a deconstruction.
Is this bait

>another level zero reader
Don't worry user. You'll be old enough to understand One Piece at its core eventually.

Blame digital anime

hipster anime faggots haha

Thats their new "action animation" form, the shaking camera, close shots followed by a quick zoom out shot then back to a close shot to their faces or hands.

It's light-hearted and goofy, not a parody

You were right until the Ghibli part
How the fuck can you even compare their animation

>schizophrenic animation

I can't believe I'm defending Toei, of all studios.
Technically, the animation is complete and utter shit, but the direction, the soundtrack, and the intense voices of the characters could make it appear better to the audience.
>inb4 onepiecefag defending his precious shonen
I had lost interest in most other shonen anime and manga a while ago, and One Piece was the only one I was still interested in - but the Punk Hazard/Doflamingo's island arc that lasted for about 4 years in the manga made me drop it. The anime itself had incredible visuals when everyone got together on Sabaondy, and it had terrific visuals (for a long-running shonen anime) during the descent towards Fishman Island, but Toei dropped the ball not even halfway in the arc.

I only said Ghibli was influential. I said nothing about their animation.

>not a parody
Are you sure?

wow this is really bad

Once they went digital, they started being quick at being lazy with the animation. I'll always appreciate the hand-drawn stuff more but I wish they'd stop being lazy and half-assing everything they put out.

>using vague terms to justify the nostalgia goggles

how do you go from this
to this

>being mentally ill behind cute anime reaction images

>it's actually worse than this ancient gif of a girl sucking a lolly seductively
Christ, Toei.

I honestly think the art for the anime was the best during Water 7. Colors were good, lines were well-drawn, and the effects paralleled the manga.

both look like shit. Watch more anime dude.

Oh wait. That first one was supposed to be an example of good animation? I just assumed it was one of the bad ones. One Piece truly is trash. The aim at least, haven't bothered with the manga.

The art is pretty good for the manga except for the newer chapters. Everything just blends in with the background.

What I've always been afraid of is the pacing. It's like they can't do a single thing without getting involved in the deep personal problems of everyone they come across.
>Hey guys let's stop on this island to get some supplies
>20 episodes later
>Great, we helped Akoto kun catch his long lost pet dog and successfully petitioned to reduce taxes for the townspeople to the local government
>Now let's get those supplies

The anime has pacing issues episode 1. The manga actually goes too fast. You can tell he's been writing the same shit for 2 decades now so he skips over the obvious shit. Your fault for watching the One PIece anime or any anime by Toei.

Widescreen ruined everything

Yeah I'm sure you know better than Toei who consulted with Oda himself

You mean the "cel" look right?

The animation he posted on the OP is digital you retard

>my dad works at nintendo

Does anyone feel like the art for the manga is too cluttered? It seems like oda tries to cram as much content into the story that it just looks messy. This is one of the reasons i dropped it. I'd rather read walls of text accompanied by a decent clear picture instead of less text and messy pictures. Not as bad as bleach though.

man, I miss this style of art in One Piece

plus I miss alot of the characters personalities: sanji was a badass gentleman, but now he's perverted as fuck.
