
Post anime/manga that broke you

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Do vn's count?

I could not handle it and still can't handle it.

Not gonna lie, whenever Subaru came to visit Rem after the incident and dropped his facade he has been putting on infront of everyone else actually made me cry. The last time anything has hit me that hard was when Cherry Pink came out.


quads confirm

>what I expected
cool fantasy world and cute waifus
>what i got
severe emotional trauma from watching repeated brutal executions of said waifus


Your Lie in April

>no re zero ep today


After learning that there were no routes to save her, I am having some difficulty continuing on. That was just absolutely shitty to have to go through, though I saw the death flags coming.

I'm at the part where Subaru is begging Rem to run away with him. I'm honestly considering dropping the anime, I cant take much more of this. Every episode is just more futility and suffering. Is it worth finishing?

The series doesn't end in futility but it doesn't conclude the story since it's still ongoing.



Just consider yourself lucky the anime ended the way it did then. Because fuck cute couples apparently.

>couldn't handle Re:zero
lmao get a load of this faggot

>not crying during the coma scenes
Have you no soul?

if you love Rem, or have ever been in a similiar kind of love, it's pretty fucking painful

No, because rezero wasn't very good.


Anime or WN?


fuck off plebbit

couldn't find image from the manga; but anyway, this moment stayed with me for a while

thanks you too

It's very hit or miss (ha) but if nothing else you've come this far and the last episode has a sequence that is sublime.

Some of those that broke me incoming. Jesus just the music from pic related, Kuzu no Honkai (Scum's Wish). I have felt and been through so much of this series' topics and they are legit dark indeed. If you have never used anyone, known it, and felt deeply what scum you really are, you've been blessed and I hope you can stay that blessed forever. There is nothing like the feeling that you have destroyed someone, possibly for years to come, and seeing it in their face. Especially having had it happen to you beforehand and knowing full well what it feels like and what you've done. And then, maybe even seeing someone else doing that on purpose and enjoying it. So much went on in this show and so many people just said "huuurrr forced drama derp soap opera shit". If this show doesn't gut punch you at at least one point, if not several, I honestly, non-judgmentally and with a very informed perspective think that your are either a child, or have been graced with a somewhat childlike innocence that you should protect at all costs.


Fucking hell I was supposed to save my scotch for valentines day


Well fuck you too then.

Based on this blurb, I will now need to watch scum's wish. Thank you.

This shit had me actually down in the dumps for 2 weeks. I felt like shit after watching it


>if you love Rem

Her confession didn't break me because I was so prepared for it due to all the hype and I watched it a year late. It was also nowhere NEAR as traumatic as I was preparing for because she takes it so well and had, to be fair, just shot him down as well. Had she been traumatized at the rejection instead of plucky, I'd have killed myself in a Suburu-death like way. They still walk away holding hands, it was almost comfy but if I had gone in blind, I'm sure my rage would have been palpable. Now, the LN plot for her...I know the tldr and I am not even fucking goin' there. Maybe if I WANT to neck myself and just need that one final push.

NEXT! Aku no Hana. Needs no explanation. I have rarely seen a more unflinching, uncomfortable, and unforgiving series. It's like...somewhat 1984-tier bleak (as in the novel) in its character arcs. Especially with Saeki's destruction almost as much as Sawa's. I feel guilt in the shoes of the MC just because he got off so easily compared to the others (even though it was real, real bad for him, he became whole again). PLEASE GOD let that final montage w/ Sawa in the city be real and not just a pipe dream he had. Not another Emergence, for the love of all that's holy. We'll never know, I guess.

"I'm doing better, I made it to the other side...how about you, Nakamura?"




...don't thank me until you survive your suicide attempt or else aren't impressed and wonder wtf I was rambling about itsfuckingnothing.png

But lesbians though! So you can't really lose. If you hate /u/ don't let that influence you, it's incidental to the series and concerns one character, really, and is not the focus.

>implying we are talking about the confession.
Oh the sights you will see.


>>if you love Rem

You've only seen the tip of this iceberg. Just remember that Tappei only gives to take.

>a similar kind of love
What where you really love a perfect and cute girl but she doesn't love you back so another equally perfect and cute girl confesses to you and you reject her?

You were the cute, perfect waifu material girl being rejected?

>I'm honestly considering dropping the anime, I cant take much more of this

Don't worry, I had those same feelings walking into that episode. But that episode restored my hope and was a turning point for the story. Keep going. Subaru hit the bottom but with his new resolve, he can only go up from there.

I don't think I've been in the game long enough to hate particular tropes or generes. Consequently, I haven't seen much yurri that I can think of. I do enjoy shows immensely that manage to get me really thinking, emotionally or otherwise. It keeps life from being so dull. I apperciate the sincerity in your post and will keep it in mind when viewing.

They better not do anything to the sister in the 3rd game (if it ever comes out). Losing Toko was hard enough

Keep it that way. If I listed to people bitching about yuribaiting, ntr, moeblobs, Trigger being mindless, SnK being popular therefore for plebs, etc. etc. that would have ruined countless great anime. Never forget the main rule of Sup Forums. We hate anime.

Haruhi broke me for many reasons mainly knowing that it may be a long time before the inevitable season 3, two more movies and several more novels were are definitely getting so shut up lalalalalala can't hear you.

I mean sure she's cute but not perfect hence why she so good due to her extreme flaws in the novels, also why everyone talks about her and Subaru lots, they are both equally shitty people who in turn make each other better through effort. You should see the near death situations Subaru goes into when trying to alleviate Rem's habits and the amount of time and dedication he puts towards trying to better her. Also using the anime as a platform for what people are talking about in terms of feels is really out of touch here. Considering everyone is referencing what happens after Subaru and Rem fiancees.

To spoil and put everything in a nutshell, Subaru is basically the therapist from Good Will Hunting right now.
Especially when he goes to talk to everyone else in his party for his From Zeros he's dishing out.

Re:Zero has one of the shittiest, literally-nothing endings of all time. It literally doesn't matter if you finish it or not because you won't be satisfied either way.

This scene absolutely killed me. The way the music swells at just the right moment, the way we are returned to that scene in the first episode, the look of shock and confusion on his face had me bawling.

What a great, great show. I'm so glad I watched this.

Hate to be that guy but... what show is this?

You should REALLY hate to be that guy. I seriously don't even know how it's possible to not recognize what that is.

>Not recognizing one of the most crushing scenes in recent anime history

The show is called Steins;Gate. It's so, so, so good.

If you plan on watching it, watch all 25 episodes. The first half is kind of Slice of Life, but I promise, just push through and keep going.

You held out that long? I couldn't even make it past this part before the tears came.

Pretty sure he wasn't as aggressive as Subaru was though

That only happened one time and Roswaal deserved it for being an insensitive prick.

All these people sucking off Re:Zero. That one guy that doesn't recognize Steins:Gate...

Is Sup Forums nothing but newfags nowdays?

No, I just don't want to post anymore.

Should I watch Re:Zero? I just finished my current backlog show.

Read, not watch. the anime does a disservice to the source material, if you want the actual story go for the novels but if you want a commercial go for the anime.

That scene is heartbreaking. This scene with Kamui is also very emotional, the OST and Abuto's lines make it so sad. Abuto is such a bro.

Alright, I've actually been feeling like reading a LN. Maybe I'll buy the first volume.

It's a pretty shitty show but good god it hit the exact right notes to get me.

You don't really need to buy if you just read the novel online, its free. Though its in nip so.

>tfw when you are so dead inside that you never have feels
>tfw when it's gotten to the point that you have to actually force yourself to be sad and even then you barely feel anything
I just want to be sad when sad things happen again

Bokurano was sort of designed to be a gutpunch from the ground up as far as I can tell but that didn't make it any less effective.

>We hate anime.
No. We actually enjoy watching it.

>I'm at the part where Subaru is begging Rem to run away with him.
>Every episode is just more futility and suffering.
Imagine this user's reaction once he actually finished the episode. On another note, what are you faggots doing pausing in the fucking middle of an episode and posting on Sup Forums?

Speak for yourself faggot. Anime has honestly helped with my personal shit in a way that I can't really say. I like this medium warts and all.

Dammit ShindoL, I just wanted to fap, I didn't need the feels.

It's like a decade later and I still sometimes wish this that show hadn't been the rushed mess that it was. If they had had even 12 more episodes...

It was pretty good despite that though I agree.

Why is Khan so great?

I'm in between shows, myself. Not sure what to watch now that I've finished Lupin Part 1. Don't want to start Part 2 just yet as its much longer.

>using a pretentious movie to describe a pretentious series

rezerofags never dissapoint me

Spacefeels are the worst and best

Season 2 of Re:Zero needs to happen just to watch the fallout with remfags

>Good Will Hunting
>also trying to imply the series is bad in some way due to my comparison
I don't know if you have shit taste in films or begging to be a victim of an arson


>not dropping it after he broke the 4th wall



The scene where Grimmer dies was rough, I get that a lot of Urasawa's characters are written to be perfectly nice people, but still

You're new I see.

I haven't watched any anime to it's completion since.

This shit will rip your heart out. Or if you don't have two hours you can watch Voices From a Distant Star which is the same story by the same guy told in like 30 minutes.

About love and loss and growing apart and lack of communication and ...




>you will NEVER feel love like this
>you will NEVER spend the last seconds of your life in a hallucination with the robot recreation of your girlfriend
god this song hurts

that's not fair

Am I too far gone if I didn't even feel bad for Emergence girl? She did it to herself.


source me up

this looks like its gonna hurt as much as i need


This was probably the cheesiest thing to ever exist that actually made me cry. I even fucking knew it was coming, but it still got me.

Kill yourself.

Ano Hana

Get ready for a feels trip

I just finished reading the Berserk Golden Age arc a couple days ago completely blind (all I knew was the "griffith did nothing wrong" meme but I didn't have any context) and hoooly shit I am emotionally spent

I have never felt so exhausted reading a piece of fiction. it hurts

>Post anime/manga that broke you
Good Guys losing

Ah thanks i dropped mid way

so im picking it up again ?

Haruhi Suzumiya (iirc that frame is from the movie)