Which one is your type?

Which one is your type?


>brain damage cup

Other: Best girl Yuzuki from AOTS

Left because unlike right she was just stating the truth.


The type that doesn’t remake the same shitty thread.



Left is also an autist who's lying to herself to be cool. She'll turn into right most likely as part of her character arc.


Left. Right looks like she's been put through many fiters

demon girls are my pentultimate fetish so left

Akira is my type.

left isn't unfaithful though
she only wants her darling

I love 02 but "autistic" hits me in all the right places it's not even a competition.


Right without a doubt. Only bugchasers will pick left.

wait a minute,my VEG subs is different from that image...

>not wanting to get oni aids to prove your love

Even a real life autist would be offended if you compared them to violet

right. I like my wamen with passion and fire in them.

Neither, both would be huge pains in the ass, that would both probably kill me.

Are we talking as a friend, or someone you would bring into combat with?
If its the former then definitely 02, but if its the later then the question now depends on our access to giant robots.

Memes aside, I don't really find Violet autistic, she is legit broken.

Manufactured controversy. These shows have no relation to each other. Mods should start deleting these threads.

It's a wife thread you idiot.

>doesnt know about chroma subsampling

OP made this thread before and everyone mocked the shitty filter on the original VEG image.
So now he is posting a fixed version that a kind user made last thread.


Left - Best girl of the century
Right - Autism

this what happens when you have a shit encoder

>This comparison

>this is what happens when kyoani decides to test the limits of what their fanbase will defend

You are just a blind adhd faggot that can not appreciate a true AOTY. KyoAni "fanbase" did not defend Tamako nor Kyoukai no Kanata.

Meanwhile Hyouka was being shitposted just as VEG is now and look where it ended.