VEG and FranXX are both mediocre.
VEG and FranXX are both mediocre
I love it!
Sometimes I forget why I stopped coming to Sup Forums. Then I remember the fanbase wars over two shows completely fucking unrelated to each other they love to brew up. Then I just leave and get sad that I have to like anime as much as these retards.
I hate it!
Okay. As a franxxfag, okay if that's your opinion.
Now try to convince VEGfags and you will have a bad time on your hands.
>muh console wars
Different opinions and reasonable discourse is not allowed on Sup Forums. It's rule 69.
As a VEGfan I really hate these OPs because they just want v-tier console wars.
Shut up digibro!
Digicuck will hate on anything so long as it has the label "A-1 Pictures" on it. He doesn't even have to watch the show. He's such an autistic faggot, take a shower and shave your beard for fuck's sake, you skinnyfat bastard.
Exactly, and that's why it's important to have these fanbase wars and shitposting. It makes shit more interesting and fun.
falseflaggers aren't even trying anymore are they
t. SaO fan
Please stop pretending like veg and franxx are in any kind of similar position on Sup Forums.
Veg isn’t even too 3 most discussed shows this season and franxx is so much bigger then everything else.
There is no back and forth or fan base war or anything like that so why try to force this narative, as if we can’t all see the catalogue?
The only relation the shows have is that VEG was hyped up to be THAT show, and franxx out of nowhere took its spot, that’s all, the “war” is over Sup Forums would rather talk about franxx and like 3 other more popular shows then VEG. There’s no competition, it’s already over.
So glad Sora Yori doesn't have hetshitting cancers like Violet and FranXX have.
t. Digicuck
SAO was burning shit but that doesn't mean everything by A-1 is.
And still better than poorly directed CGDCT garbage like sora yoi
Holy shit, letting Tumblrinas make themselves at home here during YoI was a massive mistake. Burn in hell, fag. Or better yet,
Shirase is best girl, but Hinata is the sexiest.
The funny part is that Sora Yori has no yuri in it.
And no het either which means we don't have to deal with yuri-hating KyoAni/Trigger hetfags every fucking time.
>caring about the opinion of some youfag Internet "personality"
I had to Google him and saw the fucking beard and knew this is some Sup Forums tier shit. It has no place on Sup Forums.
dear lord, no wonder people hate /u/ guys
Stop /y/ning
Oh no, I hate him and never watch him, I hate all of these YouTube reviewers. I'm just pointing out he has godawful opinions.