Darling in the FranXX will have a happy ending right?


Dinosaur Aids > Gargoyle Feet

Likely no


>56% chance of best couple dying

>plastic memories + evangelion
>happy ending

Remember that 02 did literally nothing wrong

Ooogga boogha

Of course it will. The last episode will show a timeskip of Hiro and 02 and their dino kids at the beach.


What does this mean

>Hiro will die because he fucked a slut with AIDS.
That's a good ending in my book.

Of course it will. Trigger is saving anime, remember? At this point the happy ending is the real subversion.


i know how this works. Sup Forums fooled me into watching it, i am not getting my hopes up


>not guilty crown + kill la kill

02 has pink hair and apparently spreads plague. Do you think...?

The world of Darling in the FranXX has no black people.
The world is desolate, obviously far into the future where whites have to live underground and use thermal energy from magma to sustain themselves.

>Still run by a small kabal
>still assailed by primal beasts wanting magma gibs

you goomba, it's because the writers were involved with both of those as writer and director

Not a chance
02 dies after teaching Hiro to love and Hiro and Ichigo end up together in the end

I'm pretty sure most of them are asian.

>He doesn't know

Go away, Sup Forums.

don't they need some diversity?

We have to hit rock bottom before the healing can begin. Prepare for suffering.

this isn't a western videogame or comicbook

t. Syrupnigger
Forgot about /spa/? I didn't.

I had such high hopes for this in that 02 would peg hiro but they just HAD to go the standard heteronormative route. There's not even one gay couple in the entire show and doctor franxx literally raped that nana on screen!

Sup Forums please. This is Japan. They don't give a fuck.

Delete this thread you fucking cancer.


Only Japanese survive in this world, all the name given by Hiro are Japanese

>Hiro and Ichigo end up together in the end

>implying pegging is gay
>implying sexual intercourse between a male and a female could be homosexual

>doctor franxx literally raped that nana on screen!
that was extremely cringe
I had to get my wife's son out of the room for that

Where's her mech? I doubt that they could afford to scrap it entirely.

It was never built. They used training simulators and only built mechs for those who passed.

Soylent Green doesn't need mechs.

How much time passed between the test and the start of the show? It dosen't seem that long since Naomi is only now just leaving.

Truly, they were, a Darling in the FRANXX™

what sort of Gov't is running the show here? We've got a collection of what appear to be a union of sort of city states. Are they allied or independent? It seems like a confederation or Khannate

I actually think this is Sup Forums's best post. Everybody can leave now, there's no topping this.

this is worse than aldnoah desu

Judging by the people involved and also animes these days having a hard-on for sad/open endings as they make fucktards over at reddit/Mal eat that shit up needing anime to make then feel like a grown up, literally the anime version of Oscar bait. I doubt a happy ending will happen.

ya no. This one is getting played straight for a while.

Intense battle upcoming. We gonna lose somebody. He doesn't know. Innocence shattering immanent.

It's not a bad question though. Presumably even if they didn't build a mech for Hiro and Naomi, they would have a blueprint or something, right?

I'd be down for a post-death mech reveal at some point in the future. It's an opportunity to refresh flowerbro posting too. Win-win.

It's a safe assumption that at least one of the characters dies. A $50 bet on the fat guy dying first is also reasonable.
Oni might either die or let Hiro become an hero and go berserk / escape the plantation.

Go back to Sup Forums then with your shit opinions you cancerous newfag.

so same chance of meeting a white man in america?

>Females have two X chromosomes (XX) and males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

>Crying about lack of normal relationships in an anime about monogamy as a refreshing alternative to modern depressing and unfulfilling sexual culture.

>Not noticing extremely obvious symbolism woven into the entire anime.

>Hint: It's not only in the stilyzed red blue XX XY designs but also the clothing designs of the Parasites: Boys have Y ties, Girls have X.

XX: Girl
XY: Boy

Science, bitches.



All 56% threads are being moved to /bant/ now, that's kind of what it was created for.

aldnoah shoah?

God dammit. Just...god dammit.


Hopefully they all die a slow painful death. It's the only way to save the threads at this point.

t. Ichigofag

02 is going to die like Senketsu and Nia and I'm going to be buttmad.

Imaishi is not in charge of the writing.

>When niggers "evolve".

Well this show just took a turn for the weird. Still going to watch it.

Strawberries is better.

02 will die

There are multiple "plantations" across the region which act as survival bunkers against the klaxosaurs (whatever they are, we still don't know their origins nor purpose, as too much is still not revealed and hidden), maybe there are other civilizations in other places of the world. So far we only know the orphaned kids are used as expendable weapons - basically slavery even though they don't treat them harsh and provide for them; so yes similar to our modern society, or at least where it's headed in some places.
Also it's called cabal, this isn't mortal kombat.

Hiro will eat her to absorb her strength

Underrated post

You can pretty clearly see a city in the background.

Does Hiro have a Klaxosaur STD?

Words of wisdom.


Not possible. Since a good ending for 02 means a bad ending for Ichigo


Whew. It wouldn't be very hard to have indoctrinated all these pilots in to thinking these things are monster/aliens when in fact they are just a different group of people fighting over the magma energy.

Ichigo is for ______

Why does it seem as if every Franxx thread is created by hyperactive 12yo kid?

I'll blame Zorome if you'll blame Zorome.

You guys are fucking blind I swear to god.

It could easily just be a human city and a bunch of dinos showed up. APE's council meetings have giant ass towers in the background too.

Who created the dino?


Surprise, the only decent episode of Franxx so far was made by KyoAni director

It's the same shade of blue as the klaxos though. The city we saw in the plantation was lighted yellow with magma energy.

It also raises the question of where it is that there's a whole forest filled with snow.

>APE's council meetings have giant ass towers in the background too.
So is there a place where humans can live sedentarily? How is it not attacked by klaxos? Are they flying in the sky?

This just raises more questions.


Also apparantly the 9s have other jobs than fighting dinos, so yeah, odds are it's not quite a total apocalypse, I'd wager the plantations are resource colonies in the wrecked parts of the world.

The question is, how much is it? the east coast US? the whole US? the whole of the americas? most of the world? etc

There must be, if there's a "front line" there must be "behind the lines"


Lie to yourself, but don't lie to us.


I doubt you'll get anything out of it, at least nothing that would help answer these questions. The most burning one so far that relates to all this is "how do you make a girl part robot dinosaur?" You'll just have to wait until we get to that part of the story.

Loving with all my heart.

>different group of people
user they crush a clear red orb to kill the Klaxo.
It's not that hard to think.
Plus, if a Klaxo is just a robot fighting a human then 02 just has robot oil in her veins.

>I'm clearly beyond point of no return
>It'll end horribly
>But let's go on and see what happens
Absolute madman. I like him

Will you still love her with Ichigo hair style?

So Ichigo is a backup.
Thanks for confirming she's shit user, but you're also saying Goro dies and gets replaced by Hiro, and I can't accept that.

Why is everything written in english?

Fuck, that looks unexpectedly cute.

This feels cursed

Well, considering it's clearly set in NA. They might canonically speak English. It's been a mecha thing to do that since like UC Gundam.

Plus it means that the intended viewer probably doesn't look too hard at the screens.

And do make note of that other blip. ES-912. Wonder what that might be.

Cross Ange twist on the dinos when?

>Well, considering it's clearly set in NA.

I thought they were in the middle of the ocean bed or something.