Mitsuboshi Colors

I love the character dynamics between the kids and the adults in this show.

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I love the characters except red because she's not cute and no one likes her and she's dumb and I bet she stinks too

I love the Colors.


Yui was way too harsh this episode, bub.

They need to man up and accept their flaws.

Who exactly does this show pander to?



I want to date the 18yo version of Kotoha.

You wouldn't if you saw her.

I love Kotoha's outfits

>not 8

Men of culture.

>the elephant book is real

Children are a pain the ass. Young adult girls are the best.


Guess you never dealt with a real child before.

Fuck off


i want blue to step on me

Honest question, how many people here are watching this because they lust after little 2d girls?

I watch it because I hate being an adult and I want my childhood clubhouse back.

I lust after a cute daughteru.

I want her marshmallowy feet to give me a back massage.

I'm watching it because the comedy is actually funny and I enjoy the "it takes a village" theme with all the adults playing along with the Colors and giving them missions. Reminds me of being a kid.

I occasionally masturbate to loli but feel no sexual attraction to the Colors. I just find the show enjoyable.

It's just cute and funny. Being an adult has its benefits, but ultimately it sucks, this show reminds me of my elementary school years.
And I'm pretty sure that is the intent of this show. It doesn't even have any fanservice except maybe for the oni costume.

I watch it for the hats.

It kind of reminds me of "Hey Arnold!" with the kids by themselves having adventures in the city and interacting naturally with the adults.

I'm watching this because seeing little 2D girls makes me happy. I like to be happy.

I lust for poop


I'm watching it because it's fun. I'm surprised how sexual these threads are considering there's nothing really overtly sexual about the colors themselves.

Pops reminds me of my grandpa and how he would always give me and my brother fun little projects to do whenever we visited him in the summer.

He's literally Batou

that's really not a bad comparison, user.

so we can at least agree Yui is the worst Color right?

All of the colors are the best in their own special way.

Yellow is the worst, she's poop.

This one is fine, since she didn't know Kotoha is very insecure about it, she probably think it's not a biggie.
When she take Kotoha's handheld later though, that just cruel.

Blue >> Red > dogs >> insects >>>> piss > shit >>> Yellow.

Yui is the best when she removes her power limiters.

She dresses like a dork.

oh shit fucking chill yui christ

This is why she's the leader.


Reminder that there's no u in Colors. ;_;

an adorable dork

It's about time they learn who the boss really is.


I love sacchan's laugh

>dating the 2 digit version

Goddamn, Yui. GODDAMN.

Not a lolicon but I always feel way too amused when watching this



I need to make a separate folder for Yui's savagery.


I like how you can see Yui get progressively more tired of their shit and starts throwing shade at them more often.

Shaving kit.

Holy shit

They actually made the viewers think that Kotoha was the perfect Color for half the season before dropping the vidya truth bomb.

That's fucking hilarious.

why does everyone like yellow so much shes an obnoxious vulgar little cunt

>shes an obnoxious vulgar little cunt
So is everyone on Sup Forums.

Did you forget the turtle foreshadowing?
Now that was heart rendingly cute.

Being stupid is fun. She's just a cultured funposter. Now the real question is why would anyone like Kotoha?

Does liking this show make me an pedofile

Yui would be a great battle rapper.

[Spoiler]Only if you fap to the Colors[/spoiler]

It makes you a human bean

post the fearsome oni

Which color will have the biggest breasts once puberty kicks in?

Yui for sure

Red will have the biggest
Yellow will be mid-sized
Blue will remain pitifully flat



Being a lolicon is different than being a pedo.

holy shit what a madman

>Blue will remain pitifully flat
You mean deliciously flat and short with very long hair that almost touch the ground.

I think its funny

Whoever fucking wants to watch it, cunt. Same audience as Yotsubato.

My wife Yui is such a good leader.

Well, if you're watching this because you think the Colors are sexy you're probably a legit pedo who should not be allowed near schools.

> wife
Japan is not Muslim.

I wanna fuck Nono.


Anyone else want to take off Kotoha's hat and headpat her til she gets flustered because her hair is getting ruffled?

Nope, don't wanna fuck them, just wanna protect them and help them on their adventures
Can't wait for the halloween episode this week, seeing as most anons haven't seen or read it cause it was never translated, that's the ultimate 'town helping the girls have fun' episode

I want to take off her hat and play with her bald patch.



I want to teach Kotoha play video games.

Too bad the quality of the show is so bada it makes watching it a chore, and there's no dynamics or actual interaction aside from some joking between the girls themselves, or any fanservice whatsoever, making it a poor show and a huge disappointment.

looks like a Strawberry Marshmallow clone

She might get pregnant from that you sickfuck.


Sounds like you just have garbage taste.

Are you describing VEG?

No, because VEG doesn't even deserve the chance to watch through the first episode.
>random shitposting