>MAL actually has good taste for once
I don't understand why people like Darling in the fag
>MAL actually has good taste for once
I don't understand why people like Darling in the fag
MAL is too dumb to appreciate FranXX.
I want every MAL user gunned down in the streets, and I don't believe that this is an extremist opinion.
VEG score is due to high front loaded scores due to the hype
Why don't you go back there?
MALfags are pretentious pseuds, so of course they would love VEG.
what's new? they love melodrama,kyoani and photo filters
franxx is boring as fuck, its just generic trigger DUDE SEX LMAO, some symbolism/hidden meanings with obscenely obvious shit like the spider last episode, and half the plot from gurren lagann
Threadly reminder that this is unquestionably 100% bait and you are all retards for replying to it.
This is a manufactured controversy. These shows have nothing to do with each other at all. You could just as well pit one of them against Yuru Camp or Citrus or Pop Team Epic or Kokkoku.
Another example of how this word means jack shit now.
How the fuck is it not generic? ALL of the elements are commonplace in other mecha shows. The show is doing absolutely nothing fresh.
Inshallah brother
>and half the plot from gurren lagann
It bears more resemblance to KlK on most regards, but whatever.
>Virgin Soul's rating increased during the awful 2nd half
Nah MAL is garbage
This, Violet Evergarden has such a high score partly because idiots have rated it high when the first episode hadn't even been broadcasted to the public yet.
GL came before KLK, and klk ripped a lot from it, so I just went with that.
Obviously GL ripped a lot of shit itself,
but at least it was more original than klk/franxx so far
A large amount of darlingfag incoming, everyone~ take your position and prepare your popcorn and laugh at them to the fullest.
VEG's fans everyone.
Everyone's taking a shit on MAL, but I guarantee you everyone in this thread actively uses it.
no u
Most of trigger shows tend to involve taking genres and switching a few traditional thematic elements around for a more "modern" take. With franxx, it seems like its taking elements of past genres they've already worked with but not really doing anything new with the themes, which is fine because I still find the show more entertaining than Little Witch, which is to say I can keep my eyes open when watching it.
Here it comes, darlingfags and its stupid opinion. I can't even laugh at them because they're too retarded.
Both series are still ongoing.
Why are people rating them already?
MAL, where everyone has their 10/10 reviews written and never updated after the first episode
Their staff list is pretty cool, I like seeing who worked on what
I like how kyoani magnum opus score keeps decreasing and Franxx keeps increasing.
Coming from someone who is studying cinematography, VEG is done horribly. I just look at it and I go what was the purpose of this, then I find out there is no purpose. There are mometns of silence when there shouldn't be, there are cuts on action that we should see. They make it seem like everything is fancy and well done when its garbage because they dont know how to compose a scene properly. I dont hate VEG, because it does have a nice interesting story, but the story is better when Violet isn't around.
Don't you dare mention china.
VEG is boring girlish shit. Franxx has copypasted plot Both are high-budget soulless blockbusters.
Sora yori is love
And anyway, DitF's score has been increasing while VEG's score has been decreasing. This forced fanbase war is idiotic nonetheless.
Imagine how high of a score Rick and Morty would have if it was on MAL? That fanbase and VEGfags are one in the same, after all.
>high budget
Surely you jest.
It's more like a perverted Eureka Seven with maybe a small hint of Gurren than anything else so far.
It totally plunged after the finale though
ANN does the same thing in gruesome detail and that website isn't nearly as garbage (they don't allow rankings until the show ends)
>"Gilbert-sama, I turned myself into a pickle".
>VEG started from 8.9 and now 8.4
>Darling started from 7.2 and now 7.9
I rate shows by the time the 5th or 6th episode comes out since I have good idea of how I feel about a show at that point.
The mechs are cute girls.
That was A-1's episode, plus that was a boring setup episode. Once the show gets to Trigger's episode (4) it gets good.
I do
I don't go near the forums nor I rate the shows but it's fun to keep track of my anime-watching habits
>Kyoanifags are MALfags
The overall budget doesn't change, brainlet. The irony is that the episode with less action and more storytelling, episode 5, was the best and that's mainly because an ex-kyoani was in charge of it.
Anyway, the budget is shit.
this is really smell falseflagging for me,are you the same OP from "Which one is your type?" thread?
>hurr durr fucking generic mozart writing shit for piano again