Do anime movies go in the Movie Folder, or the Anime Folder?


they go in the studio or director specific folder

If they're sequels, they go in the same folder as the show.

the anime folder, then the movie folder inside of that

The Downloads folder.

in the anime folder

shows go in separate folders also inside the anime folder

I put mine in the movie folder but almost all the movies on my HDD are anime anyway.

lol this, though I also have an anime folder in my downloads folder

Interesting stuff, I'll keep these in mind.

Does Sup Forums list anime movies on their letterboxd?

I put it all in a "shows" folder. TV series, movies, YouTube channels, etc. Doesn't matter if anime or not. It's a bit weird to call a "movie" a "show" but who cares.

Sure do.

Standalone movies go in the movie folder, but if they are related to a show they go in it's correspondent folder. Except Redline, Redline goes in the anime folder for some reason.

This for me.

correct Florida Project rating.

>Florida Project

Anime folder, duh.

It was good for that scene where Dafoe escorts the pedo off the property on it's own.

To your desktop

I really like my system

standalone movies go to the anime folder in movies, sequels/prequels/whatever go to the corresponding folder in anime

I don't, but i have no real reason for not adding them.