White Album 2

Season 2 when?

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Never. Enjoy more Saekano.


Kill yourself

>Season 2
What would a sequel be about? All the sex-capades in France?

Hopefully soon. Also they should adapt the Kazusa's True Ending, I want to see Setsuna letting go of Haruki animated.

Did it even do well? That's what counts usually.

You realize the anime only covers like the first 20% of the whole story?

The next part takes place 3 years later. Haruki and Setsuna are in university, Touma still overseas (but comes back) and there are 3 other bitches in play now. This is the part with actual girl routes and multiple endings.

The anime is a perfect 1/1 adaptation of the start of the VN.

If they made a season 2 with extended edition coming out tomorrow, it couldn't be a perfect adaptation because there are like 5 different girls that want MC's cock.

Well, shit. Fund it!

They could animate the only important parts of Closing Chapter then go straight ahead to Coda.

Looked it up, BD's didn't sell that great. Looks like they made the anime at least to promote the VN.

In that case, Setsuna should win.
People might prefer Touma, but good writing in romance isn't about what the audience wants to happen.

Well that's saddening. Although the original White Album had 2 seasons.

>Although the original White Album had 2 seasons
I'm watching the first one now. You can tell they changed the writers for WA2, and it was clearly an upgrade.

That being said, WA1 has way better animation and better VAs, including Aya Hirano.

>In that case, Setsuna should win
I can respect you for that. But in the ending of Kazusa's True End and the closing song really makes it feel like this was how White Album 2 ended.

How much European dick did Kazusa take?

What if the MCs of WA1 and WA2 swapped places through a time wormhole?

What would go wrong?


None. Only Haruki's cock can satisfy her

What happened here? he goes to euro?

Not him, but I've only read the Setsuna route of closing chapter. He's already had sex with Setsuna at this point, and it ends with him in France, metting Touma on the street, then the credits roll.

Yes with Kazusa. He also breaked up with Setsuna.

I wish he got nice boat'd.


Who was the better girl?

The one who didn't manipulate.

So the three side heroines? They were shit.

Nah, only Koharu was.

As the main heroine, Setsuna is a better written character and far more complex than Kazusa and the other heroines. Kazusa is my favorite for Haruki though.


Ogata Rina is a better written character than Setsuna.

In the WA1 anime? Maybe. But Setsuna's multiple faces and tricking personality is something else, there's a reason why the opinions on her are so divided and that's because her character has a lot of interpretations..

Only Toumafags want this. 50% of WA2 lies in CC. Any adaptation that doesn't go omnibus format is going to be automatically shit. Hence why the novel and manga were fucking garbage.

How they ended the manga/novel?

Are you retarded? She just confessed to the MC. Stop making out like she's some kind of horrible, evil schemer.

The novel went for Kazusa Normal with some elements of Kazusa True. The funny thing is that Maruto cheated the readers into a Setsuna True but it was a dream from Setsuna. I have no idea about the manga.

Touma's route in the fandisk is pure bullshit. What the fuck happened to "I'll never return to Japan again?" Also Setsuna and Haruki's friends going to their wedding is fucking disgusting and cheapens the resolve Haruki needed to make his decision at the end of Touma true. Those two should have to live with their decision to destroy everybody else's lives for the rest of fucking forever, not this sweet happy ending horseshit, that should be reserved for Setsuna's route because she was the only one who put effort into mending relationships and fixing shit. Fucking makes zero sense and Maruto should be ashamed for writing it.

You are the retarded is you reduce her character to the typical angelical girl. Yes, Haruki and Kazusa are worse but Setsuna isn't a saint either. The three of them are fucked up people.

>Those two should have to live with their decision to destroy everybody else's lives for the rest of fucking forever, not this sweet happy ending horseshit, that should be reserved for Setsuna's route because she was the only one who put effort into mending relationships and fixing shit. Fucking makes zero sense and Maruto should be ashamed for writing it.

Honestly, Touma should have no place from CC and up.

It's a fan disc so it isn't canon even though it was written by Maruto.

>You are the retarded is you reduce
Sorry, an idiotic ESL like calling me retarded is always going to make you look all the dumber.

Whoever said fandisks weren't canon?

You still don't have any arguments. Setsuna being manipulative is a fact.

Don't be so assblasted. Of course they will return to Japan one day. At the very least, Youko still lives there, and of course Kazusa would want to see her. And there is literally nothing wrong with reconciling.
And yeah, it was a great after story.

There's no need to argue with an idiotic ESL. Anything you say is automatically moot because you can't articulate yourself properly.

>still doesn't have an argument.
Stay mad, Setsunafag.

He just misspelled "if".

I wouldn't go that far. If it were up to me I would have preferred a Touma route in CC with the "Go to the concert" troll option being made available. At least then going the Touma route wouldn't involve completely wrecking Setsuna to the extent that went on in Coda.

It cheapens the Kazusa True ending. The entire point of that route is to sacrifice everything for the one you love. What's the fucking point if everything ends up all smiles and rainbows?

I'm not even a Setsuna fag, was just making a simple point which you misinterpreted. That, and I'm correctly highlighting your stupidity.

>It cheapens the Kazusa True ending.
Not a single bit. They did sacrifice everything. How does it cheapen from the fact that their friends forgave them?

If it is for the ESL bullshit, It was just a typo dumbass. It's common when you write too fast. My comment was understandable enough, see

>How does it cheapen from the fact that their friends forgave them?
How stupid are you? Their friends forgiving them is a direct contradiction to their character; that's exactly what makes it jarring.

It's only a sacrifice if they were made to live with their decisions. Also because it's completely out of character for them, especially Tomo to forgive Haruki and Kazusa after the shitstorm in Coda. Setsuna forgiving them I can understand since she pretty much did that at the end of the route. But for her to go to their wedding? No fucking way. She accepts Haruki's decision but it still fucking kills her. There's no fucking way she could go to their wedding and be all happy like.

>If it is for the ESL bullshit, It was just a typo dumbass
>"You are the retarded is you reduce"
Yeah, raping the english language is only just a typo.

Nice try, idiot, but you're utterly worthless. You also completely misread my post which further proves you're a complete moron who can't read basic english.

A WA2 thread I see.

Last year, somebody posted a drama cd of Kazusa, what is it all about?

>Their friends forgiving them is a direct contradiction to their character
To whose character? Do you think Takeya or Io would never forgive Haruki?


It's been translated.

Whatever, It's like speaking to a wall.

Takeya maaaaaaaaybe but Io? Did you hear what she said at the end of coda? She feels absolutely disgusted that it made her want to puke. Her forgiving Haruki and Touma is like expecting Setsuna's family to forgive them.

Several years passed. Of course those emotions would be gone.
I might agree that Setsuna coming to their wedding is a little bit exaggerated, but I don't see anything wrong with Takeya and Io.

They took it very personal too. I don't see them forgiving them.

Wasn't Tomo there as well? That alone proves how much thought went into Touma's fandisk route. Tomo of all people would never forgive Haruki and Touma.

Don't really remember Tomo there.

Io literally said she was about to cut Setsuna off because she blueballed Haruki at the hotel. Way to prove you can't read, dumbfuck.


Does this Mini Drama CD of Kazusa is a continuation of her True Ending in Coda.

>Of course those emotions would be gone.
No way. Remember that Takeya and Io never liked Kazusa to begin with even back in IC and they've been watching Setsuna suffer all those years in CC. To see Haruki repeating the same mistake again made Haruki pretty much dead to them. With the kind of fallout that went down at the end of Kazusa's route can only be described as nuclear. Friendships don't recover from that kind of shit.

Yes, it is.

>all this drama over WA2
Oh how you little kids can consider yourself lucky you never read or watched WA1.

>tfw another year of suffering knowing that we will NEVER get an adaptation of CC or Coda

They did like her in IC, although they didn't consider her a friend.
And consider what Takeya did for Haruki in Kazusa True. Of course he will forgive him despite all the drama. Not instantly, of course, but he certainly will.

Absolute fucking LOL at EOPs.

Why are you still one? You could enjoy IC and CC in their true form if you weren't.

Takeya only took Haruki aside to talk to him one on one to convince him to abandon his crazy ideas instead of berating him for it like what Io and Tomo was doing. At no point did he ever express support for what Haruki was about to do.

Manly tears were shed at that one Takeya scene. He would definitely forgive him while I don't expect Io ever to, but who cares about her anyway.

I wasn't talking about supporting though.
Io is just hot-headed. I still think she will forgive him.

What were you talking about then?

I read that Rina end is the best one.

Sell me on WA1
Im quite curious on the series

It's funny how much Rina resembles Setsuna but her role in the story is almost the same as Kazusa.

Takeya is ready to go to such great lengths for Haruki's sake that it's impossible to ruin their friendship forever.

Why invest a shit load of time learning a language just to read the ending of a visual novel I don't even care for that much? I could invest time learning something that would actually genuinely help me in life so I don't end up a worthless sack of shit like you, who spends his entire life collecting welfare and reading boring VNs.

Rina is a fighter like Setsuna, while Yuki just sits and waits, like Kazusa.

Again, what lengths? All he did was take Haruki aside and talk to him.

Why is White Album 1's OST so much better than 2's?




Where was all that cool jazz in WA2?

Only in IC. Setsuna is very passive in Coda/CC

Please remind me, what they were talking about and what he offered to do.

Oh that's what you were talking about? But again that was only on the condition that he dropped his plans and returned to Setsuna.

Can't comment on the VN, but the anime is completely different from WA2.

WA2 focuses on the MC and two girls. In WA1, there are 5-6 girls after the MC's dick, although only two of them take centre stage (pun intended).

WA2's MC is pretty straight forward, but has some pretty believable internal conflicts when it comes to the two love interests. WA1's MC is baffling and frustrating; he gets compared to Makoto from School Days for a reason.

WA2 is set in high school (then college in the VN). In WA1, they're already adults, MC is a student struggling to live off part time jobs, two main girls are idol singers. The music industry/business is central to the plot.

Rina is the best girl of the series, if by virtue of actually not being a miserable, self-loathing bore. If something goes bad, she looks up and moves on, and works hard for her success.

I already watched WA2 but thanks though
Still how was the shitstorm in Sup Forums when WA1 was aired?

That's not true at all.
In CC Setsuna was always trying to interact with Haruki and even if Haruki chooses one of the 3 sub heroines at the end he will always have to confront Setsuna about it.
Setsuna's Coda route and the Extra Episode featured Setsuna taking center stage even, and we see things from her perspective as she tries to fix everything.

>I already watched WA2 but thanks though
Yeah I was just using it for comparison.

Picked the fuck up.

The anime is quite bad, so it didn't cause much of a shitstorm.

Well that's true. I completely forgot about EE, I think it was the best closure of the series.

Anons, did Kazusa won in the LN version? I read somewhere that the LN are finished.

WA3 is looking nice.

At least take the OST of the series even if you don't like WA1.