What makes Digimon superior to Pokémon?

What makes Digimon superior to Pokémon?

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The Cthulhu wants to impregnate a loli episode

>digital monsters
>it’s just humans with wings and guns

It's not.
Digimon as a franchise is all around shittier.

I dont think so because it is like pokemon but done with a dragonball stint. Like it all you want I just dont care either way.

10/10 dub.

Stronger bonds, for one, and a reason to fight.
Ash has dozens of Pokemon, and the only constant is Pikachu. And the premise is that they go around looking for fights.
With Digimon, the standard is that one child gets one partner that they trust each other's life with, And together, they're forced through trials that often wouldn't just mean their fates, but the fates of worlds.

digimon is digital isekai

Digimon were alot lewder for one.



Because every girl is best girl.
I don't know how they do it either.

> (OP)
>10/10 dub.
The absolute state of neo nu neos Sup Forums.

>tfw everyone wants to fuck your digimon
At least pokemon trainers don't have this problem.

only adventure is that.

>At least pokemon trainers don't have this problem.
Yes they do

Lillithmon. That's pretty much it.

The waifus

Shitra can choke on a thousand nigger dicks and die painfully, actually.

>What makes Digimon superior to Pokémon?
Sibling love

>How would Hikari spend Valentine’s Day?
>“She’d make a lot of obligation chocolate for Daisuke(?) and Takeru and the other Chosen Children. But the most beautiful one she’d make, with the most careful wrapping, would be Taichi’s present…” (Producer Arai)

They're created from data that goes through the web, what did you expect?

>lewd/badass monster designs
>cool world building
>tamers was cyberpunk af
there's no real comparion though imo
they are too different from each other
digimon is an adventure anime
pokemon is more like a sports anime

>what is /vp/

So if I upload an OC somewhere it can become a Digimon?

sjws can fuck off because the boys got fanservice too.

30% pokewaifu's. 70% about bitching about lando-t

it'll likely get mixed up with data from a bunch of other OCs in the process but yeah, it would.

explain's all the waifu's

>30% pokewaifu's
and over 70% of that portion is dedicated to actual pokemon

God Sora's hideous. She looks terrible in Uki Atsuya's style. Really all of them do. His style is better suited for other shows.

Blame the stupid sexy Gardevoir

digimon like Angewomon and Lilithmon were more likely to have been born from the data of porn videos than OCs

I'm not even referring to Gardevoir.

furfag shit like Eevee is actually more common there.

honestly its most 70% pokemon, 25% lilliephiles and 5% other

Gamefreak designers don't make character their dicks

nice try Masuda

Have you not been paying attention to Gen7?

>Stronger bonds, for one, and a reason to fight.
Who cares
>Ash has dozens of Pokemon, and the only constant is Pikachu.
Right, more versatile, allows for a more interesting plot to unfold based on what he has with him at the time.

>With Digimon, the standard is that one child gets one partner that they trust each other's life with, And together, they're forced through trials that often wouldn't just mean their fates, but the fates of worlds.
breh, have you never seen a pokemon movie? From literally the first one onwards, Ash and co are saving the planet every goddamn time.

/vp/ has a hate boner for that gen.

Movies aren't canon to the show.

Who cares what they think, they're retarded and they spawned Slugfucker

>who cares about characters having an actual reason for their actions and a meaningful connection to one another
Literally everybody, brainlet.

>don't make character their dicks
Try again.

half the thread is fanart and caps from video games. It's clearly franchise vs franchise, not anime vs anime.

There's a hacker somewhere in hacker's memory that is all about loving waifu's

Which Digimon represents websites like BadDragon, Sup Forums, and TheSilkRoad?

damn, look at you extrapolating a point he never made, like a real faggot.
the stronger bonds shit is gay as fuck. Seriously, who gaves a fuck. If he said better characterization, or they make you care about the characters more, maybe. But stronger bonds? faggots, both of you.
And you're both faggots for implying Ash has no reason to fight. Just kill yourselves.

>extrapolating a point he never made
Except that it's literally the point he made. But please, let me see you stretch words and meanings until they are distorted into whatever you thought they mean, it ought to be funny at least.

seven deadly sins probably

jokes on you, my waifu is Angewoman, so she's already real.

Digimon is a kids show!

Daily reminder we had this shot in one of the Digimons.

was pretty sad when leomon died

Sup Forums

Which time?

im old, only saw it once


stronger bonds =/= meaningful connection
Yea the kids like their digimon, it is in no way interesting or meaningful. They're stuck with each other. What the fuck else are they going to do. The entire situation really leaves them with no other option. It's just more power of friendship garbage. Go watch BNHA.

Ash has an objectively better motivation. Him not having a reason to fight is objectively more interesting. He goes out and chooses to pursue greatness, he chooses to try to make something of himself and be the best.
The digi faggots are chosen by who the fuck cares to be the destined faggots of saving the world. It's just another 'chosen one' bullshit scenario. Is that not played out for you, is that not the most typical setting and motivation of all time? It's just so thoughtless. They do it because they have to. There's nothing intrinsic to the characters. You could argue there is more going on with the lore, but to argue because of the surrounding scenario that the characters are more meaningful is just fucking garbage. You're a brainlet for thinking it.

Oh, had to ask because a Leomon dies in every season.


I want Dianamon's sopping bunny cunny on my face.


A mouth is fine too

Only in adventure and 02 are they chosen to save the world. In tamers they make their own decisions, in frontier they chose to accept or refuse their mission, in savers it's literally their job, in xros wars they take sides in a war or join a hunt and in appmon they are chosen by the main antagonist to raise their mons for him.

Stop fucking digital creatures.

>Sup Forums

Sup Forums is Sukamon because if it looks like shit then it’s shit

Oh wait that’s reddit aswell

Sup Forums is platinumsukamon

>because if it looks like shit then it’s shit

No, this is 'mericamon. Literally burgermon.

bad dragon

>huge brain

Makes me think

Reminder that digimon poop



desu? this

there is actually some thought put into the show.

Also murder.

Sure as hell not the tits.
Pokemon started off as a series of games, and Digimon, not so much. As a result, the IP is stronger due to the consistency with the mainline games. Digimon games are all over the place with its quality and it doesn't help that even with the first season/batch you already had recolored Digimon while all of Gen I's Pokemon are unique, albeit with some similar designs (Rhydon/Nidos/Kangaskhan and Clefariy/Jigglypuff/Chansey) and even then, they're still unique and not blatant recolors.

That said, the Pokemon anime is trash compared to the Digimon anime series. That I won't deny.

>allows for a more interesting plot to unfold

Too bad nothing happens with the plot at all. I really hope you are underaged because if you are really defending pokemon and you are an adult then you might as well put a bullet through your head.

Wow, it's almost like digimon tries to do something new and often has meh results while pokemon sticks to the same formula for the last 20 years.

You faggots won't admit the pokemon franchise overall is bad. The games are repetitive as fuck, the anime is trash designed to make you drop it since the director's goal is just to bring a newer audience. It's a disgrace how there's people defending pokemon on this board.

Lewd girls.

H-hey guys... Taichi got that plot armor r-right? ;_;

Only as long he's fucking his sister.

Why not both?


It's not. Pokémon has actual monsters instead of cosplay humans.

no, it's zombie taichi on the poster and zombie daigo on the trailer.

IDK which is better, being offered Jelly Filled Donuts or being asked "why do you always get the pizza and I get the crust".

marginally better story at times, and i guess it makes furries feel better about themsleves

i guess i finally have a chance to post it

the fact that it's isekai.


>Tamers team
This guy has good taste. It's a shame that Dukemon is unlockable so late in the game since he's got royal knight status.

Because of the music.

that's not the original ost.


Is she taking of Nokia's pansu?

of course, why wouldn't she

Why is zoidberg in digimon?