Why aren't you reading the new manga of WSJ?

They're pretty good

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Kimetsu has almost 100 chapters already and Neverland I think over 50 as well, they can hardly be counted as new.

no they aren´t, and you should feel bad for liking manga

well I'm only reading Dr. Stone it's okay
also give back WT

WT is axed ?

God tier
>One Piece
>Black Clover

Great tier
>Dr. Stone

Decent tier

Shit tier
>Golem Hearts
>Cross Account
>Full Drive

Can’t axe tier
>Spring Weapon

Wait and see tier

>Golem Hearts
That's why
GH is garbage, honestly it deserves to be axed, but when there is a 70% chance a series I like will die early, I'm going to avoid new Jump series until one starts getting editor-pushed like Kimetsu or Neverland.

Also Lycopene doesn't belong there, no one is interested in a tomato poodle gag series, should put Yuuna there instead

Let's see here.
Dr Stone: chapter 41 was great and so was the tournament arc. Very excited where it will go.
Bozebeats: will survive the axe, cute MC, scanlations never ;_;
Golem Hearts: got shit the minute timeskip happened, all over the place
Robolaser: didn't get shit with the timeskip for some reason, improves on Kuroko's strengths and keeps fujobait at a relative low (for now). Still unrealistic sports, but what do you expect from Fujimaki. Robato > Kuroko
KnY: I dropped with chapter 95. I didn't enjoy how dragged on the fight felt, on top of the constant narrations of the fight which made it hard for me to read the action.
TPN: Meant for binging rather than weekly reads. I think it lost its steam with Goldy Pond Arc, but picked up again quite recently.
I'm going to pick up BokuBen next, I heard good things about it.
Eternal hiatus.

don't worry, it's sales are under 500 copies and so far it ranked last every time except for once

it is axed

I've read chapter one of the exorcist one and didn't really care for it.
Golem Hearts is okay I guess. It's very generic, but somehow feels earnest.
Dr. Stone is pretty great.
Bokuben is Nisekoi 2.0 and that's a good thing.
Promised Neverland is also great.
Gave Robo-golf a shot despite not being into sports manga and dropped it 20 chapters in.

Overall Bokuben, Dr. Stone and Neverland are what I look forward to every week. The rest I catch up with when I'm bored. Is Kimetsu no Yaiba any good? Also what's the series in the top right? Don't think I've seen that before.

>scanlations never
Isn't LHT doing it? Though they're so shit there may as well be no scanlations.

LHT did the first chapter as far as I'm aware, the others are on Viz. So yeah, I'm stuck waiting for torrents.

Kimetsu is the new Toriko, WSJ tries go promote it to be the next Bleach or something but nobody really reads it

>God Tier
>Black Clover
When does it stop being shit? Battle shounen usually just get worse over time and the first 20-30 chapters were already a pain to read.

Boze - Kinda shitty, not the worst
GH - garbage
Stone - good
Spring weapon - meme
Bokuben - shit
Tomato - meme
Neverland - good
Kimetsu - good
Golf - have not read

Dr. Stone is pretty great except for the flashback with Senku's father. The fact that they can't even pass on anything useful for humanity felt way too contrived.
Hopefully the next arc will be better.

How about read the first 50 chapters and make a judgment for yourself

Yeah, it's being promoted so hard that it can't even get a Cover for the arc climax but only gets a lead CP with Boruto getting the actual cover.

After the arc you're reading, with the Blind Date Arc, it's quite enjoyable. Then picks up on steam, loses it a little, then there's a whole asspull arc, then after that arc it gets really really good, and with the tournament arc it lost me since it felt so rushed near the end. I dropped with the raid arc (felt too similar to all the things I hated about MHA's yakuza raid arc), but yeah, it does get good at some point.
I thought I was the only one who didn't enjoy that at all. But with the wars coming up that should be exciting again.

Kimetsu is great, read it

I've already read it, judged that it was shit and dropped it. My question is whether it actually improves after the early shit parts, because otherwise I don't understand why user rates it so high.


Kimetsu is shilled so fucking hard that it gets a fucking lot of CP you mean

Which is the better harem between Yuuna and BokuBen? Or can you not compare between those two?

make it less obvious when you samefag and shitpost

>God tier
>Black clover
>Shit tier


Just drop it then, leave it be.

Don’t be like Kimetsu shills who thinks their manga is the next holy bible or something.

Where did the Kimetsu guy touch you?

>God Tier
>Black Clover
3/10 made me reply

Don't put me on the same level as that MHAtard

>hating on BC

You are the very same faggots who spams AAAAAAAAAA with Aster pic on BC thread

Fuck off Kimetsu shills

you're bored today, aren't you, your patterns are obvious

>nobody mentions mha
>compelled to call user mhatard
Okay then.

I know
My point was that it had a few fans here in the west and they're disappointed it is already dying. I hate that feeling although Golem Hearts doesn't make me feel that way, I sympathize with its fans

>Blind Date Arc, it's quite enjoyable. Then picks up on steam, loses it a little, then there's a whole asspull arc, then after that arc it gets really really good, and with the tournament arc it lost me since it felt so rushed near the end. I dropped with the raid arc (felt too similar to all the things I hated about MHA's yakuza raid arc), but yeah, it does get good at some point.
I'll give it another go then, worst case maybe add it to my backlog for a rainy day or something.

>anyone that shits on Black Clover is a Kimetsufag
No, it's called having a brain. Or being over 13 y/o. None of which applies to you, I'm afraid.

he's so dumb he basically admitted himself that he's that retarded shitposter

he also false flags and proceeds to reply to himself after, how sad

kek why are Kimetsutards so butthurt?

>until one starts getting editor-pushed
that's wise
reposting averages for issues #1-10 of 2018
new series (less than 2 years) that are definitely safe are

dr. stone
we never learn

BC is excellent for binging on a rainy day or for a commute.
>not mentioning kny
>even though it hasn't passed two years yet
Huh. Also, rest in peace to both Golem Hearts and Full Drive.

>even though it hasn't passed two years yet
it was premiered in 2016 issue 11
2018 issue 11 was last week
it's 2 years and a week old

I just went by the normal date, but you're right. I concede, then.

Is the romcom the same as Nisekoi or are there any differences?

>Yuuna and Kimetsu are both older than 2 years
Time flies

Yes, well done those are some nice titles

It started good but like Nisekoi it's starting to drag now. At least the MC isn't as cringeworthy.

Does anyone know how Cross Account ended? I don't think I've seen anyone mention it at all.

>2 years since those started
oh god, i'm getting old ;_;

>not pushed by Jump
>doesn't do any pandering
>always at the top of the rankings
>mangaka will end the manga by his own accord and not after getting axed/milked by Jump
Saiki is based. I'll miss him.

wait, is saiki ending?

Kimetsu>Black Clover
Still that not saying much since everything is better than Black Clover.

Like shit and feMC got Nisio'd.

One is To Love Ru the other is Nisekoi.

Not really soon but by this year it most probably will. A lot of things are wrapping up.

How so?

Yuuna is literally "dude tits lmao". Bokuben is your average episodic harem.

>Yuuna is literally "dude tits lmao".
Picked up

>God tier: One Piece, Black Clover, MHA
>Great tier: Boruto


>Black Clover
Fuck I know this is bait but I really need to give a (you) to say you're autistic

God tier
>One Piece

Great tier
>Dr. Stone

Decent tier

Shit tier
>Golem Hearts
>Black Clover
>Cross Account
>Full Drive

Can’t axe tier
>Spring Weapon

Wait and see tier

Fixed list

why does everyone hate golem hearts

i like it alot

>KnY: I dropped with chapter 95. I didn't enjoy how dragged on the fight felt, on top of the constant narrations of the fight which made it hard for me to read the action.
Fight is over, but while it was indeed long, it was one hell of a ride.
>Is Kimetsu no Yaiba any good?
It's great. Characters are endearing and the fights and sfx are good. The first arc is a bit weak but it get really better once he get his two companions.

>I'm addicted to WSJ manga

What the fuck did I do with my life

Bozel seems to be a good manga, Sadly Jump's audience only likes OP and Nisekoi's alikes so it will get the can, Neverland is great bur I can't stand Emma, Dr.Stone is good but there's something off, Golf is shit, bokuben well...., Yuna is haremcrap so not even worth my time ranting it, Yaiba is cool, everything else is axe bait.

I'm loving Act-Age but now that Viz stopped I can't really understand chapter 4
I hope it does great in the rankings because 2 anons said they might translate it if it isn't instantly marked for death

Why is KnY heavily shilled on Sup Forums?

Starting Kimetsu today,read 25 chapters of TPN not see what the hype is about,been putting off BokuBen cause probably Nisekoi 2.0,been putting off Dr.Stone cause hate how the MC looks.

People seems to like KnY because reddit doesn’t touch it

Neverland is amongst the only good new titles.

Neverland anime when?

yuuna got announced around chapter 90
so maybe 2-3 months from now for neverland

>fine tier
Dr Stone
>shit tier
everything else

>All these new hits
>One Piece and HxH are the only pre-2000 manga left, the last of the universe universe old vanguard
Man, it's gonna be the end of an era when those 2 are gone

>we can't study
pick one

>only pre-2000 manga left
more ridiculous will be when gintama ends
then the gap between 2nd and 3rd oldest will be 14 years between hunter and haikyuu
2000s will have no survivors

I'm going to shill a little for act-age
A friendly user uploaded DDL for Viz's first 3 chapters of act-age

It's fun

This manga would have been damn fine if only it would have kept the Moeyukibowl between /lit/ and /sci/, it went to shit as soon Sup Forums got introduced.


yeah, when it was a love triangle it was ok. The series turned into shit the moment it went the harem path

>*36,418 *,*36,418 Dr. Stone Vol.4
>Beaten by BokuBen
>trash by Franxx
>doing worse than Black Clover

Yeah Dr Stronk really need that SUPER PUSH

If you think Sup Forums was bad just wait for the other 17 worthless love interests that will get introduced to pad it for 200 chapters.

>it gets an anime announced at chapter 60
What will you do.

Neverland is just like prison break.
It became shit after they got out.

bokuben has a story, yuuna is just 'what excuse can we use to get the girls naked this week'

Shudan was great fuck you

Don't you talk shit about my wife Emma.

>2 years

Yuuna is nothing but flashing tits but let's not pretend Bokuben has a story besides the basic premise

don't worry, that's why Boruto exists, to milk and fake that nostalgia

Both are shit but Bokuben is better than Yuna

what about lit's slow decent into madness and a stomach ulcer?

I like bokuben but i know in the end my favorite girl wont win, and right now it seems that /lit/ is gonna win

Like MHA? I think Dr Stronk Sale is to low for that

Like World Trigger

isn't bokuben close to its ending? They are already in the second semester of their third year

Who is the semen demon on the bottom left?

Takemoto Uruka

I plainly don't like how shounen jump series are written, their staples, clichés and whatever makes them popular.

I was too happy when I realized every series I was reading on Jump had ended to consider picking up new ones.

>bokuben close to its ending
They just finished the mandatory beach chapter/arc

i like how fujimaki draws clothes in robot laserbeam
too bad the manga stinks