Why aren't you reading the best romcom manga ever made? It has actual romance and comedy

Why aren't you reading the best romcom manga ever made? It has actual romance and comedy.

Because yandex and iqdb have nothing.

I wear the exact same thing and look EXACTLY like this.

forgot about it after batoto died


So starve.


Final fantasy references.

>Sup Forums hates good manga
What a fucking surprise.

But I am reading Senryu Girl?

I like this picture


>>More male controlled by female fantasy trash

I don't know what I was expecting by taking a recommendation from Sup Forums

>he doesn't like femdom with lolis
Go back to your astolfo general faggot.

>Sup Forums doesn't even care about manga anymore while there are daily anime threads

What's it called you fucking nigger?

i don't like fem* anything

Oroka na tenshi. I am spoonfeeding because the thread will die anyway since Sup Forums has fucking shittaste.

are there any romance manga that focus on the actual relationship part rather than the hilarious misunderstandings part

>Uzaki Hana
Wait i remember that girl getting a serialization right? Why the hell i can't find it on Mangaupdates? Is there even a site to read it since it's not that much popular?


goes a step worse, given she wants the guy to betray his kind and murder other demons.

>TL Note pointing it out

I don't even know where to read manga now that batoto is dead.


It'd help if there were new chapters.

The raws are at ch 18, translation are at 9, have fun

He turns it around pretty well in the raws.

post some pics

>best romcom manga
But thats not Takane to Hana, user.

It's not the best

What's with this author and SpongeBob?

Have they fucked yet.?

What else would you have put for this baka tenshi to stroke?

What the fuck
How TALL is she?

>people translating manga are autistic
Stop the presses!

>Using Yandex over Google
Theres your problem. Google finds it instantly

Cut me some slack mate, i just discovered this manga recently and i have no idea where the fuck do start searchin when it comes to newly released manga.
Nice dubs anyway

Little angles have no business being this sexy.

When's the ntr arc?

Because she's actually a demon.

I like how the artist has made porn of a character that looks exactly like her.

That's no fun.

go on

Just one more then.

Go on

You should have put the title in the subject line instead of making another "why aren't you______" thread.

When are they gonna kiss?

Soon, I guess. They almost kissed at the end of this volume.