Medea is a Ukranian bumpkin

Medea is a Ukranian bumpkin


what is ukrainian?

A what?

Where did you get that picture of my wife?

She was your...oh, oh man. This is so awkward.


I feel Medea is getting a bump in popularity recently and I don't know why. I liked her ever since the original VN but not much art and the like has been made of her in comparison to the other servants until recently.

Look, man. I didn't know. No hard feelings?

She is, in character, the total opposite of today's women.
Sure, she was forced to do lots of shit, but all she wants is to be cared and care for the caretaker.

Get out of here stalker

Your wife fucked a random stranger for semen (mana)

Well, Sup Forums, which one?

No. The Kingdom of Colchis is in modern day Georgia.

>Wears side-tie panties
She's a SLUT


kuzuki gave medea the snek

a nazi usually

>ywn have a movie night with Caster and Rider.

But that's an Illya.

That can't be Ilya, she isn't a slut.

Don't they dislike eachother?
I think I'd rather watch a movie with girls who can get along.

One of them isn't

Baisically russian but under different government for now.

also much more nazi than normal russians

>Don't they dislike eachother
Not really

Wrong FSSR, you dumbfucks.

Somewhat but they are united against Saber

All I can recall of them interacting was that time in HA in Rider's shop. Saber, Rider, and Caster don't seem like each other that much.

whatever happen to the donetsk peoples now?



Just harmless banter. Caster is the number one saberfag.

Where the hell did you learn to use a computer Issei?

No such thing, Tovarishch.

Not according to nasu

Takeuchi was/is literally incapable of drawing a woman's curves
Even titty monsters like Rider and Sakura look barely a cup size bigger than Ilya

Where are Rin's thighs
Where are Saber's muscles
Where are Sakura's breasts

At least we have fanarts.

But he got better.
He even draws Saber with tits from time to time now.


if anything she would be a greek in georgia you retard


I want to wash Saber's back after a long battle, than prepare her some tea and snacks and watch a movie together until we fall asleep while holding hands

Reminder that Medea is B82 and Sakura is B85. Does this looks B82 to you?

Would you marry this Snek and raise a family together?


And Tamamo is B86

Sorry, she's not my type

Would it be disrespectful if I asked to touch her tail? Cause I really want to.

No, but I'd let her ride my best bike, if you know what I mean.

Only her husband is allowed to touch it.


It is perfectly natural to want to touch her fluffy tail.

You just have to try hard enough.


Tfw you would happily live a quiet life with Medea in the fertile valleys of Cholcis and raise a large family with her.

I want to kiss it.

Would you teach Medea how to defend herself against brutish modern magic?

More like a village slut OHOHOHOHO

I would teach her how to make children

I want to lick it.

you mean according to Issei

which is a less reliable source

>he said
>posting the woman who literally prostituted herself for political power and influence

she has Item construction A, she can make some origin bullets and teach those Nip bastards american self defense


>teach those Nip bastards
But then there's the Irish.

Yes but Wada can into tits.

shes irish, thats punishment enough

>Literally forcefully taken away from her husband who was later killed
>Took revenge on the killer and stole his country

How can Medea even compete.

by doing that but first?

you do know how her story ends right? she returns to colchis and puts her son on the throne

Bazett can't get a break.

There are different versions of her myth and that is one of them. Nasu took one where she became a hunted witch for the rest of her days.

Meant for

Send all Type Moon threads to /jp/, people

By being the original which your hollow imitation is based on?

also by not being in a trash fire like Apo

>everything has an anime now

You can't get rid of us.

>everything has an anime now
Witing for Ataraxia.


Soon tm

>Witing for Ataraxia.

We have ginger's happy food time anime.

Kill yourselves, subhumans.


>hollow imitation
Not even close. She wouldn't have been this better if she was an imitation though.

>We have ginger's happy food time anime.
But ginger is always cooking.

I like them pointy ears.

Please refrain from posting lewd images of my wife. You're distracting the monks at the temple.

Kiev is Russian clay

they're still holding out

>Not even close.
I mean you are right, she fails to reach the quality of the original utterly

>busty evil elf witch who steals peoples servants and has a tragic past, falls in love with another antagonist and dies as a couple with him

Higashide just forgot to make her likable and not look like shit

I'd be down, but I don't really want to live in a time before the internet, and I certainly wouldn't want to live in modern Georgia either


>"What are you?"
>"A freeloading sandwich..."


Why won't Saber get a job?
Why must she be a filthy NEET in Shirou's household?

How is Souichirou so handsome?

>stable job
>upstanding member of the community
>devoted & loyal
>will risk his life for you
>will protect you
>will forgive you for mistakes

is he the perfect husband?

Entitled king, just look at how her kid turned out.
Would Shirou be a good influence on Mordred?

I guess I'll never get my own caster.

>that dirty face
is she a fucking preschooler?

eat like an adult

yes, shed be mad at him at first "dont treat me like a woman" and all that, but in the end shell realise that hes the father she never had