Who is best virtue and why? I vote Raphael because of the booty...

Who is best virtue and why? I vote Raphael because of the booty. Also do you think this show has any hope of actually getting better?

It'll always be Kindness. Best mom.

Who the fuck even watches this show ? (and its prequel with demons)
It's utter garbage and the fanservice isn't even good, so why not just watch some hentai ?
I can't believe shit like this gets funded even though the anime industry is allegedly understaffed...

Personally, I'm a sucker for good/interesting chardesign. That's all I need sometimes to finish a show, even if it's utter shit.


But muh dik

good very good
Daddy likey.



She's my favorite so far. Raphael was a bit weird but actually competent and helpful. Uriel was dumb and I just plain don't like Michael.

She is my favorite but I was a little disappointed with her episode.

Can't wait for a petite brown one, I have a feeling I'll like her.

best butt of the millenium

You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down
You spin my head right round, right round
When you go down, when you go down down

pic related

Wait, it was a sequel to the sins ecchi show?

Yes, but it's standalone.

The idol chick from Persona doesn't represent any virtues.


whens the big tiddy monster's ep?



How would you clean her up?

With my tongue, naturally.


these angels sure are dumb

>Also do you think this show has any hope of actually getting better?
It'll be hard to top that ass, but Sariel might just be able to do it. Literally a boobs vs ass show.

You know, her deciding that the guy was not suited to be a messiah was a bit weird, it was a bit of a serious moment that I didn't expect.

I'm ashamed it took me until the third episode to notice the first and second "messiahs" weren't the same guy

I mean, I wasn't exactly looking at the guys

Is this better than the devil version?