Who is the most Powerful Servent?

is Karna the most powerful as it took three servants noble phantasm to take him down?

>King Jew
>King Jew's son
>Muslim Skeletal Assassin
>Good ol' Gil

Karna is a jobber

Rider Seiba is stronkest
>has Excalibur which is planetary weapon
>has Rhongomyniad which can ignore defense
>has Avalon which can tank anything
She's even better than Achilles in his best class since she has all the good np

>beaten by having his shit canceled out by one of the strongest nobel phantasms while having someone spamming firepower comparable to excaliblast at him

>comparable to excaliblast


Could Buddha beat Gil?

I don't think so, since that isn't his purpose.

And so is Gil

Hmmm. It was never clear why he was so strong. Prob something the anime left out from the novels.

There's been too many Fate threads lately, and that needs to stop. Nasu is a talentless chuuni hack that now has to hire other writers to milk the franchise, while he counts all the shekels he makes from that cancerous garbage pay2win mobage that only attracts retards.
No more Fate threads. Down with Type Moon. Kill Nasu and dump his corpse somewhere to rot.

Young David is a pretty crap Servant.

Son of the sun god if I remember correctly.

>tfw Saibah probably has all the prerequisites for Grand Rider but most likely isn't even a Grand.

They're both based on Gram, which should be even stronger.

>There's been too many Fate threads lately
Well considering that an ENTIRE season was just dropped a few days ago, that's a pretty reasonable thing to expect.

Wait what the actual fuck, was last encore cut in half? Literally why?

Merlin, Solomon and King Hassan are the absolute top 3 and no other Servants come close to them. Other than that, Gil, Karna, Ozzy, Herk (Archer), Dantes and Quetz are the top tier Servants.

Because the studio knows Japs don't care about anything other than Fate Grand Cancer, so why bother making more Extra anime?

Gram is Balmung.
>In The Nibelungenlied, as translated by Margaret Armour, it is named Balmung
And Excalibur is most likely based on the sword in the tree

The absolute state of FGO tertiaries

I wish Japan would hurry up and go extinct already, Fucking christ their tastes in literally everything is terrible.

you forgot Moises and David(old)

Yeah, Buddha could beat Gil.

Meant for

Well then you should add
Since there are from F/GO too.

David is weak compared to them, and we have yet to see Moses in action.

Truman should have bombed Tokyo instead of Hiroshima.

Nah, Buddha could beat them.

Savior classes would just be too broken in Grand Order.

Truman should have just gone through with the invasion of extermination after nuking the whole damn country to hell.

Buddha is only strong against anti-heroes, somone like Solomon would have no problem dealing with him.


No, I was talking about Apocrapha. "Dropped" as in dumped on us all at once, not "dropped" as in abandoned.

>Strange Fake ongoing
>Prisma ongoing
>Prisma Movie's BD just dropped
>Heaven's Feel movie recently aired
>Apocrypha anime aired last season
>Extra anime airing
>Fate/Cooking airing all year
Did I miss anything?

It's all garbage. TM now only caters to Grand Cancer retards.

What I meant with purpose is that Buddha's role is to save. He will beat the opponent until they are saved or something like that.

>There's been too many Fate threads lately
Whatever Stalin.

She doesnt have that
Sealed behind 13 seals, essentially useless.
Doesnt have that either

She is considerably weaker than vanilla Saber all things considered.

>(((grand))) servants
Gee user, even Medea would beat Saber with a better vessel

Gil is generally said to be the strongest, with only Enkidu equaling him. Karna comes in behind at least those two.

Grand Servants are a different bag.

I'd like to see a Fate story where the servants are at their absolute best.
And I don't mean just having the perfect master and no nerfed stats, I mean having access at all the stuff they could possibly have.

>"I love the taste of cancer-ridden shit in my mouth"

FSN says outright that the strongest demonic sword (Gram) is equal in output to the strongest holy sword. So not necessarily better, but at least equal.

Maybe I do. What you gonna do about it?
Jokes aside, there's been a lot of fate stuff airing recently, so no wonder there are so many threads going on.

What about Buddha? Is he in a special tier too?

Hercules and Cu would benefit a lot from this, they have a shitton of potential NPs and skills split across their Classes. They both qualify for six.
Archer Gilgamesh has everything but would be even more effective at using it with the mindset of his clever younger self or wiser older self.

The problem is all that stuff just ends up being advertisements for Grand Cancer, so the quality is even worse than before.

>Gee user, even Medea would beat Saber with a better vessel
Thing is, she doesn't qualify to be Grand, they are described as the best of the best for their class. Also Solomon was summoned as a simple Caster by Marisbilly and won the war, so he doesn't rely on being Grand.

I've only tried GO. It's not exactly good, I agree.

>Strange Fake
>Heaven's Feel
>Emiya Gohan

Divine Spirit.

>Best of the best for their class
>True ass
Nasu is an hack

>The problem is all that stuff just ends up being advertisements for Grand Cancer
F/SF has nothing to do with F/GO
Prisma has nothing to do with F/GO
Apocrypha has nothing to do with F/GO
LE had a little cameo with Servants from F/GO

I don't think he is considered as a divine spirit though.

>Everyone's Overpowered: The Novel Series
>pedophile bait
>the wormslut movies
>SoL cooking show
> not garbage
The absolute state of TM fans

While the cooking show could have been about anything, I do like the food they make.

>LE had a little cameo with Servants from F/GO
Advertisement right in your face.
I'll give you the others, though.

Strongest servant can't really be determined outside of the obvious ones like (Archer) Herk, Gil and the Grands (Soloroman, Memerlin, Dark Souls Gramps) because a lot of the early servants are gimped for story purposes like Seiba.

Then watch the Food Channel.

So I guess Waver in the end of UBW was an advertisement for F/Z? And Luvia was an advertisement for HA? And talking about Touko in the end of HF was advertisement for KnK?

We don't have a cooking channel where I live. But I do watch cooking shows when they're on TV.

You got it.


>>Everyone's Overpowered: The Novel Series
If everyone's overpowered, no one is
>>pedophile bait
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, Reddit is two blocks down.
>>the wormslut movies
I haven't seen them but if they have Illya they are good
>>SoL cooking show
That's literally the epitome of Fate

>I haven't seen them but if they have Illya they are good
user, I...

gram is equal to excalibur

Balmung is B rank, Excalibur is A rank or EX rank depending on the saber

But he cannot use toilet and must poop on the Designated shitting street for he is Pajeet servant.

so who is legit the strongest fate character lore wise, like game description and not game mechanics. Someone told me Karna has a NP that can destroy the universe so isn't he the strongest?

Either God (the one beyond the Root), or ORT (Type: Mercury), honourable mentions to Primate Murder.

Please tell me you are joking

But Medea can and has already beaten Saber 1vs1.

God/YAHWE/whatever it is that possessed solomon, Solomon, ORT, Saver or a true demon, maybe one of the outer gods (Lovecraft style)

DV! Medea is an evil witch and commited DV!

Pshh, nothin personnel kid
*saves humanity*

Leave Goetia to me

Apparently Illya's only on-screen like three times, and they skipped over all of the scenes of meeting her in the town and park that should have happened so far. The movie ends after the Shadow eats Saber and Shirou still hasn't gotten to know her at all.
I get that they want to give Sakura a strong introduction, and from what I've heard they succeeded, but they better do a really good job of getting back on track in the second movie. Unless it's basically completely dedicated to Illya, it's going to look rushed/forced as hell for Shirou to have a heart-to-heart with her and abandon everything he stands for on the advice of some girl he barely knows. God help them if they write her out of that moment too.

Solomon's big plan which he had to break time to achieve is literally something Buddah pulls out to make a point to Hakuno. All the energy of human history ain't shit to Buddah apparently.

Not exactly Fate, but [] Shiki is functionally omnipotent, right? At least in terms of everything that stems from the Root.

Shiki isn't omnipotent, she says so herself, but she's as close as anything really gets. The ending of KnK is basically her telling Miyaka he can ask her for anything he can imagine and she can make it happen.

Also everything stems from the Root. That's the point of the Root.

still can only fight defensively against a Servant

That's regular Shiki.


>Apparently Illya's only on-screen like three times

He nearly doomed humanity in Fragments. Ozymandias literally said that Arthur was going to ruin humanity and Ozzy was trying to save it.

And Unlimited Blade Works would ONLY work against Gilgamesh

That was not Solomon, it was Goetia using Solomon's body. And Goetia admit that Solomon is far stronger than he ever was.

>Q: In the other Type-Moon works, who else besides Arc can fight against Servants?

>A: If we're working on the condition of one on one, with an extremely average Noble Phantasm. Generally most of the 27 Ancestors, Kishima Kouma, Aozaki Aoko.
>If it's just a defensive fight, but would still be a fight, then Ciel. Shiki (Rakkyo), Shiki (Tsukihime) are no match for Servants....but Ryougi Shiki (3rd personality) might be able to go as far as the Ciel class.

Nope, regular KnK Shiki is weak as shit. Azaka is stronger physically than her.

Karna is pretty powerful, but mostly due to Vasavi Shakti, which due to the facts that can only be used once and he loses his armor after using it, makes it a last resource noble phantasm. Without that spear his next powerful attack is Brahmastra, that is A+ rank and around Balmung in power and his main offensive attack that can be used.

Those restrictions Vasavi Shakti impose on him really screw him up. Without Vasavi he is still a top tier servant with a great arsenal due to his 90% reduction armor but say he fights someone like Arthuria, the A++ Excalibur wins the clash and the resulting damage is probably enough to defeat him because he will only use Vasavi after he is certain it is needed, and by that point he lost already. Say he fights someone like Achilles, that has a shield that blocks VS, Achilles can force that use by applying the world crush and after that beat an armorless Karna due to his better speed. Say he fights someone like Cu Chulain, Gae Bolg going direct to the heart (core) means that 90% reduction will be useless and he gets insta-killed.

It's a HGW, power alone won't win everything. It's more of a battle of compatibility. If Karna could use Vasavi Shakti multiple times, he would definitely be a monstruosity on another level.

>Nasu is still too beta to turn Jesus Christ into a little girl divine spirit

Both Ozzy and Bryn wiped the floor with him, even Gil in proto almost defeated him. He didn't do anything memorable in fragments until the bonus chapter in which he at least was capable to defeat a beast.

I bet we can at least get one of the Apostles.

Well void shiki is wanked to be the closest thing to omnipotent in Nasuverse because her power comes directly from the root\spirit of origin directly

Yeah, Ozzy would win if it was 1vs1, but Manaka managed to form alliances and Arthur still went for the fight even though fully aware of what he was going to sacrifice for that wish. The problem is what Arthur was ready to do if it meant saving Britain and it still surprises me how the fuck he managed to unlock enough restrictions to shoot beams considering the battle against Ozzy essentially means four of those shouldn'd be releasable

>void shiki is wanked
She is connected to the Root, therefore she is part of the Root, therefore she IS the Root.

>Nasu is still too beta to turn Hitler into a loli that did nothing wrong

And she's still weaker than Servants

ozzy wins most 1v1's really, his RM is a hardcounter to most everyone

the only people I can see beating him 1v1 as regular servants are Gilgamesh (regular), Karna, Ishtar/Ereshgical or maybe hercules as archer

everything is part of the root anyway, being the root itself is another story

It still doesn't explain Nasu saying she would fight a defensive fight against servants, I mean Shiki was hyped to be able to wrap reality but can't beat servant?

>posting grand cancer OC donut steel
You need to go back

Slash Emperor is the strongest.

Buddha would do fuck all to old man Hassan,all he does is follow the will of God