Everything will be OK darlings
Darling in the franxx
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Not for everyone though
>Ichigo was mean to one of the pilots so she deserves emotional abuse and 02 is an angel that dindunuffing
You are trying to reason with the guys who would probably kill themselves over 02.
Should I feel bad if Ichigo's suffering gives me a boner?
shit mecha
Ichigo is torturing herself and can only blame herself for that. Zero Two is not an angel but Ichigo should pull herself together. She is a leader of the squad for god sake, there are more lives on the line than just Hiro's
I think I've found the most unlikeable character of the season.
He was surprisingly understandable of others this episode. The pink demon slut is still the worst character so far.
At least he is a character
and did you forgot about Mitsuru?
cunt:the character
there's nothing wrong whit the high and mighty type, hell i myself love me some satsukei
but him? i just want to bash his head in with a shovel for being such an annoying fucker
copulation with an ogre (oni) female is a particularly profain heresy and is thus punishable by execution!
He gets better
I didn't expect him to shake Hiro's hand in episode 5, so he isn't all that bad.
That's not 02.
That’s not Mitsuru
Ichigo has no one to blame but herself honestly. She had more than enough time to get closer to Hiro if she wanted to do so, but she only started to panic and get proactive when 02 showed up.
Never seems to have occurred to her to see if Hiro can pilot with her when it was "just" about him being deemed a useless stamen that was at the risk of being sent off to garbage disposal like Naomi. She only did that when he started piloting with 02.
The lesson is that you shouldn't orbit because you'll regret it.
He did get better, than he went back to being worse.
But he's not the worst, Mitsuru has been terrible from the beginning and never improved a bit.
Reminder that Ichigo is the Jorougumo and the web is the bird's nest.
We're gonna make it.
Hiro is the worst, Zero Two should be mine.
He never improved because he stopped being on-screen after 02 ate his soul.
Sounds like something an Oni would say
Just self insert into him like the rest of 02fags :^)
He had the scene in the hospital and then the one with Kokoro. He was still an asshole in both of them.
God bless this tiny retard.
Execution it is for me then.
>But he's not the worst, Mitsuru has been terrible from the beginning and never improved a bit.
Nah, he was bedridden at the beginning of episode 4, and now he's able to walk around outside. It's improvment, even if he's still in bad shape.
Kokoro will heal his kokoro.
I sure hope not. Fatty is such a nice person, he doesn't deserve having Kokoro taken away from him.
I-it will? Thanks, that's reassuring
Ichigo became the worst character when she hit best girl
Fatty will die, he's too much of a good boy and a non-character.
There is no way this will have a happy ending. Why delude yourselves?
Goro the best bro
Even as an onifag I can admit that 02 deserved that one.
What's more interesting is that 02 played along with it. From the earlier scene where Ichigo grabbed her arm you would have assumed that it should be like slapping a statue.
Shut up, everything is going to be daijoubu.
That scene actually improved her as a character.
The reason why Zorome and Mitsuru are complete assholes is because that makes the other characters seem less annoying. Personality contrast.
>do any of the pilots from your plantation become adults?
Best couple. Show is degenerate enough already might as well make those 2 be partners in the mecha, I wouldn't mind.
Ichiguts for true suffering
Death won't stop me.
She had enough time to try and go for Hiro and she blew it. Should be happy that she still has Goro, who's a really swell guy.
I can't wait for the reverse NTR doujins.
isn't there a name for it?
666man Crybaby
02 sacrifice the whole plantation, becomes full dino and rape Hiro when?
>02 was the parasite all along
To be fair she did save their asses. But she's extremely autistic and has no compassion for others. A psychopath in other words.
Can't wait for Hiro to make it rain 02's tears
I'd like to point out that Naomi was such a pathetic girl that Ichigo never even gave a fuck about her. Or else we would be having a completely different scenario right now
There are more pressing matters to attend to
Like dealing with a cute demon trying to kill Hiro
Hiro think of Naomi just as junior he have to take care of and Ichigo pick up on that.
Hiro think of 02 as the reason he still have a reason to be alive and Ichigo definitely SEETHINGLY pick up on that.
>We can make whatever generous inference we want about this character or the way the plantation works and treat it as cannon
>Ichigo specifically chose her partner, and is capable of having a romance with someone else, even though her ability as a pistil hinges off of the relationship she has with Goro.
Fuck. Off.
Could anyone translate this?
02 is cute
I want to inhale 02
I think compability also refers to how attractive you are to your partner, Naomi was probably even worse than the frigid megane girl, so its safe to assume she was never a threat to Ichigo.
We definitely know she could have checked to see if Hiro can pilot at least with her because that is exactly what she did when 02 showed up. But it never occurred to her before that, she'd have been fine with him being a useless and depressed sack of shit that just hangs around the plantation as a charity case as long as no other girl gets him.
Cuckona: even though we're still kids
Cuckona: we're going to become adults! (x2)
Goro: suddenly it's gotten heavy!?
Cuckona: Hiro!
Hiro: I'm hard! I'm finally hard!
02: Our compatibility is great!
Cuckona: Hiro!?
She reminds me about Cherno Alpha
inb4 it gets revealed later that they're actually thinking of others during the mecha sync
That's gay.
Hope she won't suffer the same fate
He is only going to get stronger. He will be the blue oni by the end of episode 6.
We've been over this many times user, you cannot rape the willing.
That would make things more interesting sure, but so far the chances this will take off are 50/50. Shall I add anything to pic related btw?
All Futoshi wants is food. And Kokoro treats him more like a friend, for now at least.
keep scrolling
This. That's why i dislike childhood friends. They always keep themselves in their comfort zone without trying to make a move on the MC, and then, when another girl show up and the MC start getting interested in her, they act like a drama queen, blaming either the MC for not realizing her feelings or the new heroine for taking him away from her, when the one who's at fault is her.
Totally worth it.
Didn't that one relationship chart say perfect compatibility from Futoshi to Kokoro though?
You're overthinking things. Kokoro is a nice girl who cares for all her friends. She's the group mom you could say. Why do you think she's called Kokoro (heart)? It's a talking name.
Does someone have the first image of the same author translated? Can't happen to find it anymore.
Kokoro takes care of him and he falls in love with her
But she still stays with Futoshi
i never expected flip flappers to get a season 2, but look at it now. We have s2 it's just titled darling in the franxx.
I think thats such a silly image, Kokoro and Futoshi are the perfect nice couple that is going to die saving everyone in the first part of the show to set a more serious mood into it. This is so fucking obvious it hurts, its also a very common trope on mecha animus of this type. Chances are that Kokoro loves Futoshi and he loves her, but since he is a fat fuck and not the most conpetent pilot, he probably thinks she hates being with him or some shit. You know that ol "you're too good for me" shit. They will die while confessing to one another. And everyone will flip their shit over it, it will make Hiro's squad have a meltdown.
Who do you think would best get along with Zero Two aside from Hiro? I say Kokoro. She took ques from her with no hesitation and doesn't disapprove of Hiro being with Zero Two.
I want to sniff her socks
I can totally deal with the "too stupid to make a move" part, but it gets annoying when they get bitchy over it. Uruka is fairly decent for a childhood friend apart from being retarded that one time
Futoshi is going to pilot with food instead of a pistil and exterminate the klaxxosaurs
Papika 02 is a fucking asshole tho