Magi is indeed amazing.
Childhood is enjoying JoJo's. Adulthood is realising Shaman King was superior
Shaman King was pretty popular in latin america even more than Saint Seiya.
Am i the only guy who finally started to enjoy flowers at the end and was sad to see it go?
Russian-user here.
I really thought it is best anime ever. Untill few years ago i've decided to watch Dragon ball. And it was amazing. Can't believe that there are people that don't know that something awesome exists.
Not more than saint seiya, at least where I live. It was popular because of 4Kids, bu saint seiya and dragon ball were always more popular.
It was good, but not THAT good. I feel the fanbase exaggerates about its actual popularity. It wasn't relevant (outside the niche fanbase) for a long time. Maybe if takei hadn't been a retard and turned down the new anime it could have gained a new resurgence, but come on. This series has been on the grave for a long time now.
>only kids watch big buff masculine men
>only adults watch shirtless 10 year old boys
Makes sense to me
Magi is shit, especially the latest arcs
I actually initially disliked it, but then gave it another shot and enjoyed it
Then, right after I got into it, the whole comic died.
That was painful.
Will we ever see a New anime? (I know the creator rejected an anime remake offer)
New story arc is coming, so maybe there is a little possibility