Characters you want to look EXACTLY like

ITT: Escaping from reality that you're ugly


ITT: Escaping from reality that you're ugly and unattractive








I wish I was half as manly as him

It's not that we're edgy people, the villains just always look the coolest


I was told I actually look like some Anime characters
After growing my hair I bit I look like this guy

Not even gay but Archer is sexiest person in Fate

hes has less of the "bad boy" than Lancer, isnt a prettyboy like Gil, doesent have the cuteness of shirou or the roughness of Kuzuki

hes middle of the way in every respect

I want to be the little boy.

>wanting to be albino willy wonka

>hes middle of the way in every respect
He's a damn good cook and great with housework. Plus he's not a manlet like Gil is.

I want to be so beautiful man that even my sisters fall for me.

This is fine too, assuming I get the personality too.

Aiming to keep your voice?

>He's a damn good cook and great with housework
so like Shirou? and shirou isnt even a backstabbing treacherous emo bitch

also Gil is 182, not tall for a servant but not exactly short

But thats a good thing. Archer isnt a twink like Gil and Shiro, not a 3rd worlder like Kuzuki nor a retard like Lancer. Not that he really is a bad boy anyways. Plus EMIYA isnt a manlet like Gil and Lancer

Also this




Nobody wants to be black user

Oh, nevermind. I read "characters that look EXACTLY like you"
here's how I want to look

lancer has a rattail so archer is automatically more attractive than him



It's not Sup Forums related at all but my ideal self would just be Young Link.

