What are you giving Shinka on Valentine's Day?
What are you giving Shinka on Valentine's Day?
My dick
i give her my disrespect.
Do you have a death wish?
i'm not afraid of you. at all.
Is collage user doing Valentines 2018, anyone know?
I want to fuck Renge.
i disrespect your post.
a date with her cute girlfriend
I bet you wouldn't say that if you bumped into her for real.
i would easily disrespect her in reality.
Yeah and then she would knock you the fuck out.
female can't knock me out.
>Mods ban fish threads
>Don't ban these literal 2-3 daily threads of Shinka made by betafags
Um acktually the girls give to the boys on Valentine's Day in Japan.
We're all little girls.
The knot.
>not having Shinka as your husband
I want Shinka to bridal carry me!
A dog.
I want to be Shinka's abused and battered wife!
I think she'd actually be a good husband.
Does getting turned on by Shinka beating up another man makes me a cuck?
Where's the fun in that, though?
It's not about fun, it's about Shinka being a responsible person.
A wrestling match, so I can feel Shinka's muscles!
what sort of mating ritual is this
Seasons greetings
Without a doubt
the only thing she deserves
Power Anal night
i still disrespect her. all day long.
What does she need to do to gain your respect?
stop bullying and torturing anons sexually every day.
Maybe Anons should stop provoking her.
Shinka is a great character.
she provokes first, calling them slaves and weaklings. also reveals her thighs and breasts sometimes. unacceptable behaviour.
>Deko can lean back her weight and drag Shinka with her
>Deko can proceed to bridge her body so Shinka is forced to arch her back
>now you can stare at the rhythm of her breathing through her chest and abs
A beating
The knot
my knot
Indeed, I hate how Sup Forums only sees her as walking sex.
when all they do during the day is masturbate, it tends to cloud their minds with only sex
i guess that's chicken and egg logic but still
a left hook to the body
For you.
Shinka sexually bullying weak beta Sup Forumsnons!
Shinka having fun with chad while her slaves watch!
I'm so sorry, user.
t. masochist manlet
>implying she wouldn't choke you out with ease
Dog knot
My dick
I'm bringing Shinka the gift of Dark Soul 3
I've been posting in Shinka threads for I don't know how many years now, but I feel like there's one thing I'm just really uncertain about.
You guys wouldn't actually have issues with fighting her, right? Unironically now. I'm kinda tall at 193cm and normal weight at 88 kilos, but she would literally not even be able to move me.
Has Shinka ever had a valentine's date before?
She's bigger and stronger than me.
But she's like 5'2 or something.
No she's 5'5", 126lbs with gag character strength.
Dark Flame Master's outfit. She wears it much better than Yuuta ever could.
i'm a 190lb army vet with a little boxing ability, i don't want to fight shinka unless it's ticklefighting
that's pretty healthy
For you
I want to bury my face into her
The way your face would touch her is through her knee smashing it in.
>she sees you talking shit about her online
Shinka can't beat me up if I let her
I'd give her chlamydia if I had it.
2D > 3D.
You would have no chance user. You're too real.
>implying you don't
That would imply that user has had sex before though
A male dog to keep her company.
What good are those threads if not for lewd posting?
Who would win in a fight, tan Shinka or normal Shinka?