Name a bigger job than this robot

Name a bigger job than this robot.
You can’t

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You, you fucking stupid faggot piece of shit. Get a clue.

China da.

stop ruining good series with le epic battle shonen memes

it's the fate of supporting characters to job so MCs story might develop
the same goes for china like said

But Smile is the MC

Only reason China jobbed is because the Nip writer is a xenophobe with a superiority complex.

What did Peco mean by this?

He still got 2nd place, didn't he?

I didn't like the ending.

Yeah it was a bit depressing.
Kazama fails at ping pong
Smile becomes an elementary school teacher
Peco abandons his friend

China man got a great band of friends and learn a good life lesson.

Life doesn't always work out neatly. People change their goals. People drift apart.

for you

>good series

>R-robot didn’t throw his match against Peco on purpose
Yeah because it wasn’t stated 1000x that Smile never plays to win against Peco

good show but also overrated

best anime of the 2010s

why did he lose?

it makes no sense


why didn't bald guy fuck his cousin? makes no sense

But China was the best character in the show. Was that all Yuasa's doing?

it's not overrated when it's objectively the truth.

China was a great character in the manga too, I dunno what that user's talking about.
He let him win.
Were you not paying attention to the entire butterfly joe story or are you just pretending to be an absolute retard?

Thats not how you spell China

This is what the whole fall scene was about, where smile gets a bruise on his knee. He was playing his heart out, not fucking around. Cmon nigga, the show had a clear message, and Peco had to win vs 100% smile to deliver it.

How fucking dense can you be? First, smile says he's gonna go after his knee, that he could do what his sensei could not. Then, on the very first point of the match he does exactly what he said he would and Peco still hangs on.

Depressing if you didn't absorb ANY of the messages the show was trying to convey.

>there are people who unironically believe this

What has been better?

Literally hundreds of shows.

You have to be under 18 to post here

Name 50.

Very true. It's clear I'm not interacting with adults here.
Pick any random sample of 60 or so shows, 50 will be better.

I remember getting into really heated arguments on Sup Forums about whether Smile threw the match or not when Ping Pong was airing, but I can't for the life of me remember whether or not I thought he did.
>tfw getting old

Speedwatchers should be shot. There is no ambiguity if you actually paid attention to the show.

what a meaningless term
what damage does a show being "overrated" cause and what is the solution to it?
none, and none.
such a fucking non-problem

China is the only good character in the series. The writer forced him to job to shitty players. At least he got a happy ending.

Woah you got me there bucko

Yeah it was forshadowed in the show with the coach’s story.
He threw the match 100%

t. brainlet

So is Peco’s relationship with Smile now like Butterfly Jo’s and Kazama’s grandpa relationship?
Kazama’s grandpa won’t even acknowledge the sacrifice Jo made for him to create his career. Peco has forgotten about Smile, and won’t acknowledge he didn’t win the match against Smile on his own.

That's why it's clear to conclude that Smile did not hold back against Peco.

>Name 50
One is enough.

>bottom right has boobs bigger than her head
Also you’re a pedophile more than likely

This "ace"

>not being a pedophile

The damage is pretentious faggots shit up the board acting like this is the greatest anime since whatever random shit they previously thought was the greatest anime.

I'm not necessarily saying Ping Pong is the greatest thing ever, but I'm genuinely curious; what are among the "best" shows then?

So? Whatever you tote around as being amazing and the best will be seen as not amazing or the best by tons of people too. Welcome to differing opinions and perspectives.

Yeah but I'm less wrong and significantly less pretentious.

If you couldn't tell from Smile actually smiling in the photo after the final match, he really tried and lost.

The fact that you believe that means you are as pretentious.

Not really.

Name ten better anime then.

>Kazama fails at ping pong
The guy is rich, he'll be alright
>Smile becomes an elementary school teacher
He's doing exactly what he wants to be doing. He looks happier here than at any other point in the series
>Peco abandons his friend
Why are you making stuff up?

No, you dumbfuck. Let me explain to you.
Smile was initially going after his injury but once he saw that Peco didn't give a fuck about it and was on his way to self-destruction he stopped aiming for it. He never had a spirit of a true sportsman, all he wanted to do was bring Peco back.
The same shit happened to Joe, he was the more talented one but didn't have the drive to go all the way in (and potentially destroy someone's dream) like a true competetive player.

If you seriously think this is better or even a good show at all you need to kill yourself right now before you procreate.

But it's unironically true.

>The guy is rich, he'll be alright
Money isn’t everything user
>He looks happier here than at any other point in the series
He looked pretty happy while playing Peco
>Why are you making stuff up?
Peco forgot about Smile just like Kazama’s grandpa forgot about coach

What was his problem?
Was he an Sup Forumsutist?

>This is what shit taste reads like, look at it, look a it and shudder.


>People still think Smile let Peco wins

That's not Kazama tho
Here’s 100

It's a good anime. Chill.

Oh no, you didn't like the way life literally goes?

Then again the show is average at best anyway.

Who're you talking to?

>Then again the show is average at best anyway.
Imagine believing this.

Forced animation: the anime

I'm going to force my dick down your throat.