OPT - One Page Thread

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What the fuck am I reading exactly.



I'm very glad this got picked up again.




>previous thread
That's a good way to get the thread pruned.


Do Nips actually do this to each other?




>Do Nips actually do this to each other?
its common enough amongst children playing




Translations never


yes. next time you meet a japanese give them the kancho. they will smile and be your friend.




Slav speak, probably rusky. Zaebok would mean something like "It's fucking good", and "Huevo" on your page — "It's fucking awful".

Huevo is literally egg though?
the page translates as something like
>the neighbour's hen's laid eggs


That's in spanish though, if you think slavic languages and spaniard speak coincides somehow — well, maybe, but not in this case.
It's "Some rusky Ivan saw huevo in spanish and couldn't stand but to reply something" episode, can relate to this a little bit, since it does sounds hilarious in russian. Here is the infamous meme pic from rusky internets.

anywho Tetsugaku Letra is a very good manga and Sahara Mizu deserves praise for another stand out work
thanks to whoever posted it in the last OPT







>result on Saucenao: The Jetsons
what the fuck