
This episode is an adult romance story with mature themes and complications.

What would you suggest to Ainz-sama?

this anime is shit

Lakyus a qt

Collar and leash for Lupu

You're shit

So was it implied Solution gave her an abortion and ate the fetus/baby?

>beated to death
>fucked in every hole until she got sick
I can't blame Sebas, those are some high tier tags right there.

Fucking shocked we didn't get any Climb in an intro episode to a new arc.

What if Momonga is actually an NPC made by Ainz Ooal Gown to serve as guild leader?

That just means more Climb goodness next episode.

He's not wrong. The anime is ass.

What sort of man do I have to be and what do I have to do to be rewarded with Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra's virginity?

>IP didn't change

Stop your autism

But it did?

You have to top her in Chuuni-ness.

say no more

Are you trying to move the goalpost?

>Sole highest authority in his Empire: capturing him makes sense. In Kingdom there are Nobles who share power with Royalty.
Your original post
>You don't take enemy royalty as POW for fucks sake where did you learn law?
You said no one take royalty as POW, I provided you a real life example.

>Implies there're several of them though.
Your original post
>There's none you faggot: they're primitives, tribes.
You said there is no beastmen kingdom, I provide counter-example.

I want to restore her smile.

tuare is pure

at least it isn't a lizard documentary

What is the temple? Is it for the sick or the dead?

I wish NPCs would respect him more.

Well that took long enough but we've finally achieved the isekai trope of rescuing the slave/whore/abused woman.
But does it still count if it's not the MC ?

It's just a church with priests who know healing magic

She's gonna die brutally, isn't she?

New IP here. Sorry user, the anime is ass.
The LN's not much better

Isn't he supposed to be OP as shit ?

Good spacing and good post.

She lives a happy life in Nazarick as a maid.

They are busy being jealous of best boy being created by Ainz-sama himself.

>samefagging this hard

>The LN's not much better
I agreed with you until this.

Ainz orders Sebas to kill her after he finally saves her from everyone else and brings her to the safety of Nazarick. Then Ainz revives her as a slave undead to serve as a mindless maid

What will Momonga think when he finds out?

She will be on the 9th floor when Climb attacks it and he will cut her clean in half when she tries to stop him.

Can Dragons and humans reproduce with eachothers ?

Fucking Climb.

Ainz won't do shit since Sebas is a Chad.


How'd you know?

He will want her dead, cause if he can't bone anyone, then nobody can.

Ainz is going to get Sebas to fist her. He likes the lewd displays

That seems like unnecessary edginess to me.

Is Climb so strong?


He's Touch Me undercover.

Compared to the average human he very much is.
Compared to everything else that is actually relevant he's dogshit.

Well yea because its not true and that user is playing you.

Is the hero who is fated to fight grand battle with the evil dark lord in his throne room strong?

Why does he tell him to do that? What benefit it is to have just one more zombie around?

>That seems like unnecessary edginess to me
>he doesn't know

What went wrong with this garbage season?

shota traps

>Compared to the average human he very much is.
He isn't. His feat is being able to defeat a tiger. An average Sup Forumsnon can deal with a polar bear.

>nasal fissure
they even fucked her nose?

I don't remember if the anime has mentioned yet that Ainz doesn't care about anyone outside of Nazarick. He only works to Nazaricks benefits. He even ordered the slaughter of the Lizardmen because he thought that was the greatest benefit until Demiurge stepped in.

Please post pictures of Lakyus

Stop bullying the anime-onlys.
They are humans too, if barely.

Let's hope she will save this season.

She couldn't even save herself.

Weird how he is like that yet he is absolutely obsessed about being the great and famous adventurer hero Momon

So many fake spoilers...

Momon is just him gathering information and LARPing

Anal fissure.

Anime onlys deserve the torture chair. You can force read them the ln until they cant take it anymore

>tfw you'll never have papa bone dna inside you
you can't blame them

I still think it's idiotic to fight a bear by poking its eyes out with your fingers.

Climb the BEST
Ainzfag BTFO
Sebas сuckold
Demiurg good boy
Lupu good doge

reminder that Ainz won't show up for at least 3 more episodes and there is no more Albedo or Shalltear this season

Coincidentally she's Ninya's sister and Ainz owes Ninya post-mortem

>fake spoilers
>real spoilers
It's good if it's all mixed in don't you think? That way they will never actually be spoilered for real.
It only started like that since he always wanted to live a life of adventure. His face in the anime is supposedly his real life face which is why they never show us and why some of the people who saw him say he's not attractive but after Shalltear got Brainwashed he started using it for his scheming. Albedo mentions this sudden change before he fights shalltear. "Ainz-sama had the aura of a lost child but now it feels like he's become a man."

I'm just too lazy to read it so if you force read it to me its not a punishment at all.

>nasal fissure
that's a different blonde

Only one of those things is correct.

You can get healing services at a temple. Adventurers aren't actually allowed to heal random people for free.

Shalltear gets a manicure.

Unfortunately for you user, I was taught well by Demiurge. You will only be read the second half of the ln and another user will be read the first half. Then we will lock you both in a room thus forcing you to talk about each others experiences. You won't be allowed to watch the anime until you can recollect the entire ln in detail.

More Demiurge praising Ainz when?

I have no idea what the hell is going in the pic.

Guys hear this, what if Momon is actually the sorceror king?

>those fade to black transitions between scenes
Stop. Please.

Demiurg a best

>You can get healing services at a temple
Not for free.

>Adventurers aren't actually allowed to heal random people for free.
And the reason for that is because temples want their money.

Was Ainz cringing durin vol. 7 whitout anyone noticing?
>Ainz is emiting Green Aura while looking at the screens
>Albedo: are you ok Ainz-sama?
>Ainz: Umu

>demiurge good boy
You're right

It may sounded hard in theory but you will find it easier in practice. Just try it with your local bear.

>Jaldabaoth’s massive hand was closed around Calca’s legs. Those hands were wreathed in flame. She heard something like her flesh sizzling under the heated armor, and her helmeted face seemed to have gone mad with pain as she clenched her neat rows of teeth.

>He raised his arm, lifting Calca to his line of sight. Jaldabaoth flexed his arms. It looked just like he was making practice swings. There was a crack, and Calca whimpered in barely-suppressed agony. Unable to bear the force of Jaldabaoth’s overwhelming power and the weight of her own body, the joint of her knee now bent in a direction it was never intended to face.

>Calca squirmed and struggled desperately, but she could not escape Jaldabaoth’s hold.

>Splat. Calca could not protect herself in time, and her face smashed viciously into the ground. After that, Jaldabaoth slowly raised his arm again, and Calca dangled limply from his hand, having lost the will to resist him. Her helmet was open-faced. That was to raise the troops’ morale with her beauty. However, that beautiful face was now a mass of fresh blood. It would seem the bridge of her nose had been crushed flat, because that part of her face was a smooth expanse now.

>Jaldabaoth swung his weapon at the paladin, with a speed that did not seem like he was holding a human body. The two of them collided, and the paladin was sent flying with a thunderous crash of metal.

>Perhaps it had been knocked loose by the impact, because her helmet had flown off and her long hair played wildly in the wind. Her inverted face was a bloody mess, her nose smashed and her front teeth shattered, her eyes rolled up and a faint moan leaking from her throat. Her beauty, regarded as a national treasure, had vanished without a trace. Her present state was too tragic for words.


If SuccuSatoru was an M would Wrath do the same to her?

the only real strategy against a bear is to go for the tongue

So fucking nothing happened in the entire episode?

You dissapoint Demiurge if that is your version of a punishment. Just give it to me as an audio book or something and then I can talk to the other idiot about it.

An average human can defeat a tiger if he knows what he's doing

He needed to make sure that sebus was still loyal. That was the only way to be sure.

Nope. His heart is no longer human. Even when tasked with killing thousands of humans in vol 9 he realizes he's not even slightly nervous, just curious.
So long as it's unrelated to Nazarick's safety or his old friends, he can approach anything emotionlessly. Sadly, he is paranoid and perceives nearly everything through the filter of Nazarick's safety.
Besides, he asked them their goal before the start of the tomb raid. They all answered "money" - the wrong answer.

edgy, but hot

Yeah, I can see it now. How unfortunate.

>nothing happens, the series
what did you expect

The volumes this season is adapting happen to have almost nothing to do with the main character and it's extremely unfortunate that things played out this way.

You wouldn't take a girl with syphilis and worse, anons.