ive been rewatching it recently and have really enjoying it. an early 2000 classic in my eyes
What does Sup Forums think of Desert Punk?
Watched it way back when and I do agree that it's under-appreciated, also Norio Wakamoto is always nice.
Would watch it but I know it has an inconclusive ending.
That guy is a cunt.
A lot of anime have inconclusive endings, more often than not the show is cut short before the manga ends unless it's a series popular enough to warrant fillers to pad things out.
Most of Desert Punk is just random comedy and there isn't much of a narrative until past halfway into the series, so you can enjoy it as more of a post-apocalyptic comedy than anything that really needs a decisive end.
ya but a lovable cunt to me always like his goofy personality and all that
the MC is a retard, the only reason i've finished this show is because Junko and the meme english dub
No, he left his friends for some thot. I do not love him.
y'know what. that's fair. junko has a nice personality
But that isn't the ending, the manga goes on.
After i read the manga i realized how rushed the anime was. They jumped a lot of stuff, mostly isn't much relevant to story but they also changed a few scenes. Like how Kanta forces the Hulkosis kid to execute the bandits.
After Kanta betrays them the manga gets even better, but fucking translators stopped for some reason and the author has some kind of AIDS so he does a lot of hiatuses.
Whatever happened to her in the manga?
Ah it's still running didn't even realize.
I think she alies to the South Oasis together with Kanta
its awful
I'll have to catch up with it, haven't read it in years.
You prolly only go till Volume 15, which is where the translations stop. I read in Japan they're already on Volume 18 tho.
I hate nu-Sup Forums so fucking much.
Why the hell would someone watch the anime when the manga is a thousand times better?
This anime was made by fucking Gonzo FFS.
Do you have any translations past Volume 15?
It's not like you can only do one or the other.
I actually enjoyed the dub for this