Do japanese nerds think westerners have shit taste in anime?

Do japanese nerds think westerners have shit taste in anime?

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Yes, although their arguments are only fueled by xenophobia.

Do you think they're wrong? Look at how shit Sup Forums is and remember that everywhere else is even worse.

ya but they be rascist and shit

Yes but moon otaku are far more pathetic than any of us.

Yes because we do.

How can we make japanese less racist against whites

If you like anime, then you've got shit taste by definition. So they do think this, and they are factually correct.

It's too late user. They remember the atom bomb. They've been wearing a shit eating grin ever since waiting for asia to become dominant again.

Fuck off, whitey, japs probably think you're worse than the blacks that you hate.

No, japs really hate niggers.
They hate whites similarly to how we hate niggers though, because they come in and steal their women and impose their culture on Japan.
Niggers are hated so much that they hardly have the tiniest foothold in japanese society.
My friend went to Japan as an exchange student for a year and when she came back, had to re-learn that saying "nigger" out loud in public wasn't socially acceptable .

doesn't look any more shit than their own, just different toilet

what about spics, esé?

They have much better taste in manga though.

They think we only like action anime, but they also think we don't like moeshit at all, which they think is good taste

Partially because they actually have relatively easy access to it all.
We in the west are at the pure arbitrary mercy of localizers and fan translators to make manga available.

Well it is. Most action or """mature""" anime are hot garbage.

Be less retarded and repulsing.

And most of them have shit taste so it's like some kind of filter that feeds us only shit

The only way the Japanese can keep their average IQ advantage is through xenophobia.

I don't watch any of those anime. I'm watching initial d right now

But then again, they rated eromanga-sensei as the 5th best show of last year and they think SC is the best part of JoJo instead of SBR. So I can't even tell who really has shit tastes here.

It's funny how Re:Creators is 9-10\10 and other shows barely are 4-5. I guess goyim can pick up one good show once in a whole.

do western nerds think japanese nerds have shit taste in anime?

are you insane?

Why would easterners hate nogger? It's not like they have any cultural background, 99% of the people in Russia, Japan and China have never seen a black man.

They look funneh

even my soviet ww2 vet great grandma is more prejudiced than those who'd be shouted down as nazis in the west today.
It's really ironic.

Yes. And they are correct.

>Wagahai up there
Not all is lost.

Because you are garbage where you go.
Even one specimen of you subhumans is enough to give most people to introduction in devolution.

> implying Eromanga-sensei isn't super interesting

If your skin is whiter than mine, you're either a vampire or a dead body. My skin is so white you woudn't able to spot me on snow.

Yes, but it would be misguided because the west holds the foundation for good story telling that the japs haven't had since Seven Samurai and so things we like that japs don't like tend to be better on an international scale.

>Re "I'm only here for Sawano" Creators
>a 9 out of 10

I know for a fact they have shit taste in waifus

Take that back, I dated the sweetest girl for 4 years and she is the best human being I ever had the chance of meeting. She was mixed but her dad, who was black as coal, was a total bro. He was born in a dusty village where he literally ran around naked chasing rats. He went to the army, graduated from military school, went on to become an engineer and now owns a financial compagny.
I left her because I am a human failure, but that's not on her ;_; /triggered

Well to be fair, we do have the same mindset, the only difference is that they actually DO have shit taste

That just means most of their exposure to them is going to be what they see in american moves and TV which can't be favorable

Black american marines stationned in occupied japan left a 'bad' impression to say the least

Do you care about Indian taste in Hollywood movies? No? Then why do you think Japanese care about westerner taste in anime?

pale = pure/beautiful

black = evil/ugly

this applies in every single east asian culture

>It's funny how Re:Creators is 9-10\10
Are you trying to prove that user's point?

Black people are just scary to them

this does not explain views from beyond the iron curtain, and anyhow news coverage from africa is far more negative than anything that the american media puts out.

Probably. a lot of the shows that were insanely popular, over here, failed in Japan. Cowboy Bebop, in particular, comes to mind

that's a korean family, and the nigger is famous

Its a meme, ive travelled through eastern europe and they were genuinely nice.

Japanese have a cuckold complex, they love whites because they beat them in war. They dont like anyone else.

Black people in Japan are so uncommon, that said. There's a black guy in the well-known long running Softbank commercials.