ITT: shit that fucking sucks. I'll start

ITT: shit that fucking sucks. I'll start.

OPs mum

FranXXturds BTFO

OP at trolling

>Complains about franxx threads in his dead VEG thread
>makes another franxx thread
The irony doesn't stop does it?

kek fpbp

Why you be hating on a fun show? Did you forget how to have fun mr pretentious shithead?

>can't differentiate fanbases from falseflags
I thought "Violet Evergarden Fan" was obvious enough.

Are you ironically replying how he wants or are you retarded?

Wow I am now really offended and upset.
Since you used that name, you are a obviously a VEG fan I'm going to troll your show now because of what you did.


Well, you posted it.

>t. eternally butthurt VEGfag

Are you fucking retarded?

You sure told me. I'll stop watching franxx right now i guess.

Absolutely retarded.

If it actually sucked you wouldn’t be talking about it.

VEGfags are literally seething.

why is trigger so fucking retarded?

Sup Forums's more your speed, cancer. Fanbase wars are for literal retards.


Trigger fag here. We get it, we suck. So stop spamming the catalogue please.

>t. Kyoanus nigger

