Was it a good show? Was it a good adaption?

Was it a good show? Was it a good adaption?

The show started out okay but I remember losing interest immediately once they started dealing with all the "is Dr Stein turning evil?" garbage. I hate that trope so much.

I remember watching until a part with snow where they were talking about the Brew, and then I stopped. I still liked it a lot when I watched it and lately I've been having the urge to rewatch parts of it.

it's a really bad adaptation , probably the worst original endings i've ever seen

>butchered the blackstar vs mifune fight
>butchered the maka vs the clown figth
>butchered the kidd & free vs mosquito fight

the only thing they did well was maka vs chrona, but they fucked hard the rest of the good fights.

that was your instinct user, when brew start appearing the anime also start to distance itself from the manga.


It's courage. And the manga ending didn't turn out to be any better.

It only adapts like half the series. So no, it's not a good adaptation. It's nice seeing some parts animated though.

The manga ending is great. The boob stuff is weird but it doesn't take away from the ending for me.

Yeah, that's basically it.
It's a good anime and starts off as a good adaptation, but when it started to get ahead of the manga it quickly went off the rails and the ending was retarded.

The manga is much better and has a lot more to it. My favorite manga chapter of any manga I've read is still Just a Simple Story About Killing A Person. The stylistic moments in the manga in general are fantastic.
Didn't midn the boob ending thing. It was silly, but also somewhat fitting with how silly most of the series was.

I first got into Soul Eater just because I thought the anime looked cool. I liked the bold, funky art style. The awesome intro also sold me. When I started watching though, I struggled to get through the three-episode prologue. I watched the first three episodes months apart because I couldn't stomach the one-note characters. It just wasn't grabbing me the way I thought it would. Admittedly, it gets better from the fourth episode onwards, partly because the screentime is split between the three main characters so their personalities are less overwhelming, and partly because Dr. Stein is awesome. It still dragged for me, though, especially whenever Black Star was on screen; the guy was borderline-show-ruining. I can't remember which episode it was (probably 33 or 34) where all three characters were trying to resonate together and Black Star kept fucking it up but Dr. Stein just kept blaming it on Maka until she fell in line and just gave up on fighting the fact that Black Star is a huge cunt to everyone for no reason. That was the episode that almost made me stop. I still wanted to see it all the way through though; that's how I got to see the infamous "bravery" punch in all its un-glory. Fucking horrible series. Certainly won't be picking this one up again anytime soon.

You should read the manga. There's still another 60 chapters or something after the anime ends and they don't kill the main bad guy during that arc in the manga.

Possibly the worst ending in the history of ever

If Black Star is just as bad in the manga as he is in the anime, then I sadly will not be taking your advice. I checked, and the episode I hate so much supposedly occurs before the big anime-manga split.

You think anyone would go for another anime that follows the manga a bit closer these days?
I'm pretty sure people still look at Soul Eater foundly.

What makes maka so sexy

Nope. The Gantz anime still exists.

I felt the series had a weak setting despite the aesthetic it had going for the universe.

What's the reasoning for starting animes before the manga ends? Popularity?

Didn't the manga end with Soul having a threesome with Maka and Blair so Blairfags didn't get mad?

Yeah. Especially with monthly manga you don't want to wait several years before even starting the anime. But then you end up with shitty adaptations that have to make up half the story.

I can see how people think it's implied but it's never outright confirmed.

>It was never outright confirmed
Of course it isn't, that's just how japan does these things.

That makes sense but how come it seems as if they don't even get the basic outline of the plot correct past the first half? Do the authors really not plan ahead enough to do so? Or do they make it a different ending so you can still enjoy both the manga and anime?

I can’t have an unbiased opinion on this because Soul Eater was my first anime

Black star after having trained in glorious nippon was the best character in my opinion.

It's not always a bad thing since occasionally you get instances where the anime director actually has more talent than the mangaka.

It can also allow the Mangaka to test the waters with certian ideas they might give to the director so that if it's taken poorly they can change the direction of the manga.

I too hated Black Star at the beggining, but he somehow ended up being my favorite character. I thought his brash personality, overconfidence and fear of literally nothing were really cool. His constant self-punishing workout sessions and desire to become stronger and stronger made him respectable to me.
"I walk, everyone watches. I speak, everyone listens".
He's an alpha, that's what he is.

This is the page if you're curious but haven't read the manga. Before this Blaire was teasing Soul like she always does and Maka goes to stop them.

They might not have much planned. I can't imagine that's that common though. I imagine too that the mangaka generally doesn't want the anime getting ahead of the manga even if they could. This is especially a worry with monthly manga like Soul Eater.

It's not that I think those qualities are inherently bad. After all, I still enjoy the character of Monkey D. Luffy, and he's all three of those things. However, I feel like Black Star dialed these characteristics up way past the point that I'm comfortable with; saying that he will surpass God (which is so cocky as to be nonsensical, how do you surpass a being defined by its infinite power?), and lashing out at Maka for the slightest hint of either noncompliance or inadequacy turned me against him VERY hard.

Black blood maka is the pinnacle of all anime.

i liked the anime, never read the manga, i should do that sometime

If you pick up the manga you have a ton of content that wasn't adapted for the anime to go through.

There was a small hope that Soul Eater could get a Brotherhood treatment, but it was murdered by Soul Eater Not!.

>Brotherhood treatment
It needs it, but please don't imply 2003 FMA wasn't amazing.

Black Star is the best character in the manga.

I didn't.
All I mean by Brotherhood treatment is an anime that releases initially as something alongside a running one, but either the manga or anime does so well that it gets redone from the start with a more faithful adaptation when the manga is over/nearly over.

First other example besides FMA that comes to mind is Hunter x Hunter (though obviously it's reboot didn't happen when the series was ending at all).

>becomes a Bushin to prove to Kid, that if you are dedicated enough, you can transcend all limitations
>his driving desire for Power was his Madness, but proved to be able to use it for a better tomorrow
>also got Kid to fall off his high from Madness of Order

I am glad Maka and Soul didn't become God's. Although didn't Kid cuck the guy with the horn hair?

I just remember everyone treated it like it was the first shonen anime they ever watched. Then that ending happened and everyone forgot about it.

Asura was an interesting villain until he was revealed to be Death's discarded fear. It completely ruined the build up of having normal human become a monster purely out of his own fear.

Also, it's conceptually retarded. You don't discard a negative character attribute from yourself in the form of a separate being and then have it work for you, then expect it not to completely fuck over everyone.

It was the same stupid shit they had in Brotherhood where all the homonculi were discarded negative character traits and sure enough one them betrayed you and the other was borderline seeking to replace you.

Black star is top tier, bad taste faggot. He also has the best waifu. Stein and Papa are also great. Chrona is a piece of shit and I could never appreciate Desu da Kiddo. I really wanted to like Soul but...yeah.

10/10 arc.

soul eater could have been much better if it had more focus on lore and played the character quirks off a tad more seriously. most of the lore we got was related to plot devices rather than worldbuilding. a fragment of death's soul is the personification of order, but that's all played off as comedic ocd, with the exception of a whopping 3 chapters, after which it's forgotten again. half of the main cast, including the one who's literally the show's title, just aren't compelling, which stems from their lack of development after their character arc ends. soul eater wasted a lot of potential.

The actual manga ending wasn't particularly good either.

The world building just wasn't there. They never clearly explained why Death was basically god-king of the entire world or the history of his beef with magic folk.

if my hazy memory is correct, witches and humans fought over... something, and death and eibon wanted to stop them using demon weapons, but they decided that the creation process was too inhumane. arachne copied their process, so death ended up hunting her (and all of the other witches for some reason). no hints as to where death and eibon come from, aside from the fact that they're considered elder gods or something. that all could have been something really interesting if the mangaka had bothered to do anything with it other than set up antagonists to get the plot going.

>and sure enough one them betrayed you and the other was borderline seeking to replace you.

because it was GREED

It was good right up to the middle of the series. Episode 26 and on are like ripoff-Naruto level of storytelling.

That's the point, you don't cut out a personal character flaw from yourself because all the other parts of you aren't going to be there to suppress it. >magic user wants to be pure so he cuts out his hate
>"Oh no, my hatred has escaped and started murdering people"
>Magic user cuts out his lust
>"oh no, my lust is raping people!"
>magic user cuts out his pride
>"oh no, my pride is trying to kill me!"

There is a proper way to deal with such a concept, and it involves imprisoning your vessels to keep them from doing bad shit. You don't enlist your own personal flaws, free of impulse control, as minions or you're going to find yourself fucked over.

I knew that, it just was incredibly under-detailed and the world sort of having parallels with real world places didn't help.

>tfw filling the hole with fire brigade

maki best girl

well, father WAS going for godhood user, can't be a god with flaws

The fact that he had flaws to begin with was retarded because he was never human, but a fragment of God bound in human blood.

This also makes Death retarded because he was already a god and yet he decided to puke up his fear and perfectionism?

Years later and I'm still mad.

A good majority of the anime is a fantastic adaptation, better than most manga can hope to get. The original stuff at the end was bad and it's a real damn shame the anime never got to cover the best parts of the manga.

That said the manga ending is awful too so the best outcome would've been for us to get an adaptation that goes all the way to the battle on the moon but with an original ending that would hopefully be better than the courage punch or boob madness.

Honestly I wish we could've at least gotten a good adaptation of NOT but Soul Eater's original staff was busy with the disappointing Captain Earth of all things and the team that took the reigns for NOT made a show that went down as the biggest blemish in Bones history.

The manga ending was fine.

These are delinquents from brooklyn.

>Was it a good show?


>Was it a good adaption?

No. But the Manga ending was pretty shit so Ill take the anime

with assymetrical tits

How has that been going? Didn't keep up with it past the early point where they went against the dom with the fan.

Patty is bigger because she's the sexual deviant of the two. Liz is probably a virgin.

I love Tsubaki

If RWBY gets decent returns in Japan then I bet they will give us a Soul Eater: Brotherhood to compete. Really hopeful, anyway. Bet it gets released by Netflix.

You suppose Kidd ever banged one?

>one out of a pair
Probably not.

FMA only got Brotherhood because it's one of the best selling manga ever and was getting close to ending. That's why they completely rebooted the anime after only 6 years. At this point there is no "brotherhood" option for Soul Eater, the manga ended ages ago. Maybe in like a decade when enough time has passed they might do a remake of the series that follows the manga.

>the Manga ending was pretty shit
>he doesn't like the madness of boobs

>The fact that he had flaws to begin with was retarded because he was never human, but a fragment of God bound in human blood.
He was born from Hohenheim though. And it's something repeatedly brought up throughout FMA that the homunculi, despite constantly looking down on humans, were really not much different from them.

The ending gave me cancer

Even though he was meant to be sort of like a malformed clone of honeheim, the divine knowledge instilled in him through being a fragment of god sort of took away from any human elements you could have bullshited on to him.

Ultimately the point of his character was he was a piece of god given a conscious form, who's nature was simply to return to god by seeking divinity of his own. It's sort of an interesting concept but ultimately the whole sin removal bit was unnecessary.

>The point of homonculi is that they look down on humans
Which doesn't make sense given that in brotherhood lore there is only one real homonculis. Does Father look down on humanity? Why yes, he's a piece of god. Is he like humanity? A bit perhaps, but only because he's taken a few traits from Hohenheim.

The other "Homonculi" are sentient, parasitic philosopher stones with personalities splintered from Father, meant to serve him. Their kind of existential situation is already 5x as fucked as 2003's concept.

I don't like that nothing was resolved beyond a character getting stuck on the moon boob

Shitty ending, but anime is still worth watching.

The anime ending was shit, but i can bare the manga ending. But besides that, the ride was fucking funny to me and Maka is a fucking best, she is my daughteru.

Also, the OP's and ED's are god tier.

I just finished it for the first time. I liked it up until the terrible ending. The black blood shit at the end and Maka's vicorty were pretty awful.

Maka is cute!


I completely missed the "fragment" stuff while watching the anime. Am I retarded or did they just glossed over it?

>people hating on my nigga black star
Are you people gay?

She is actually a miracle of the universe it should be impossible to be this cute.

Please don't post anything from NOT ever again.

>A good majority of the anime is a fantastic adaptation, better than most manga can hope to get.

This is right, and honestly the real reason it's still popular. Nobody would give a shit if the early fights weren't so well animated.

It's from the manga, it's how both Kid and Asura are Death's "sons". Asura is a personification of Death's fear and Kid is(was?) Death's sense of order. It's been a few years since I've read the manga so I don't actually remember if Kid connecting the lines and becoming the new Shinigami fixed his OCD or not.

Ending is a legit pleb filter and elder god-tier.

