Golden Kamuy ch148 raws

Full leaks are here. It's Wilk backstory time.

Other urls found in this thread:








Translation from the previous thread:
>30 years ago,
>a treaty was concluded that gave Russia the whole Karafuto island in exchange to the Kuril islands being given to Japan.

>It was decided to evacuate the Japanese that were in Karafuto on short notice…
>So the Karafuto Ainus living scattered through the southern coast heavy on fishing industry
>were asked to choose between the Russian or the Japanese nationality.
>On map: South of Karafuto

>The Ainus were 841 to apply for the move.
>Box: It is said that around 2000 Ainus were living in all the southern Karafuto at the time.

>The majority of Ainus who lived in Wilk's village boarded the Japanese boats to Hokkaido.

>Although his mother is Ainu, his father being of Polish descent, Wilk couldn't board a boat and had to stay back in Karafuto with his parents.










And that's it.

At this point, I have to wonder if Noda was bullied by someone with no eyebrows as a child re: Nikaidou.

I wonder if well get something about foxes' genetics. Even if the actual experiments started in the 50's.

Wait, what? Fill in an user who can barely read Japanese please?

What does he not want a badass stabbing hand?

Oh, I have no idea about what it says either, but fox breeding in Russia reminded me of this:


I can't read a lick but I assume he means trivia notes on how 'domestic' foxes bred in the fur industry begin showing unusual coat patterns and colours, and their ears begin to flop. I'm not sure if the fur quality changed like in raccoon dogs.

Wow. That's amazing.

I want a pet fox.

I wonder if this will become a trend.

What are you scheming about you bastards.

>ogata keeps glancing at asirpa

What does it Mean

He is interested in her sexually.

Can thursday come sooner?? Im thirsty for gossip.


Raccoon dogs by the way are thought to originate from what's now India and spread across China before making their way to Japan and splitting into smaller subspecies. They are a pest in Eastern Europe and Russia because when they were introduced up north their coats shifted into a coarse winter coat; this was great for winter clothes, but couldn't be sold for 20s-50s fashion wear. Farmers looking to jump a furtrade bandwagon imported the Japanese subspecies in attempts to breed softer fur and found those that didn't become coarse furred died before reaching a good size. Disappointed investors released them into the wild, and while they're not as handy as actual raccoons, even this outdated doggo is still adaptable and eats almost anything.

Just a shame their natural defence against predators is to stand very, very still. At least hedgehogs aim their spines at car tyres before being hit.

She is NOT for lewding!!

Thanks OP, a shame most of the pages are hardly readable.
And goddamn Nikaido is going to become a terminator if we keep on adding prosthetics like that

Is a raccoon dog fit to be a pet? Its so cute.

I love it when Sup Forums becomes educ/a/tion

I know there's been a trend for them as pets in recent years, to my knowledge they're fairly similar to foxes. You can train them with treats to sit, stay, and walk on a lead, but they'll still pee in the corner and dig holes in your furniture, and if they get loose they're off and don't give a shit about you. As wild dogs they're more comfortable with companions to explore with and aren't convinced that humans count. And you can expect everything you love to be chewed.

I know if you live somewhere with wild raccoon dogs they can be conditioned to show up on schedule for free food, but I've been told it's against the law in some countries because they don't want to encourage them digging up gardens and eating pets and plant life.

Nikaido will outlive everyone by the end of this manga.

>implying he won't eventually kill himself in the hopes of joining his twin brother

Oh, that's right, I almost forgot. I saw some Chinese fans theorizing that Noda might be building Nikaidou up to eventually snapping and being the one to kill Tsurumi, seeing as Tsurumi IS lying to Nikaidou right now so that he can use him. After all, there's no way Nikaidou can know that Sugimoto is working Tsurumi at the moment, and that Nikaidou can no longer kill him as promised.

Arisaka will rebuild Nikaido completely so that no original Nikaido remains. Even hus head will be replaced with Ogatas.

It's just chopsticks

You mean a shiv.

>Ch. 148

>Where have they come from.
>Who are they.
>And where will they go.

>(It's big!)

>Sealion skins are huge. What are we gonna do with these?

>We can cut the skin in a spiral to make a very, very long leather strap.
>These long and sturdy Sealion ropes are called Torara, used to tie up a lot of things like furniture.
>Never waste nothing, huh.

The fat can be used as a seasoning, tasty when you mix it in with Ubayuri Lilly stems and
Water caltrop fruits and rice.

>This Karafuto Ainu guy says he'll trade the skin with something he has.
>Also says he knows someone who's willing to buy off the meat, guts and everything.

>Well we do need the cash, especially since we lost our sugar grandpa.
>Shiraishi whining noises
>[Our dear daddy longlegs]

holy shit

>those facts
>sugar grandpa

You're a saint, user


>A fox farm?

>Foxes eat anything!
>Fish is the cheapest, but that's usually not nutritious enough, so we mix cow and whales and stuff.
>Sealion meats are just as welcome!

>They're all black foxes...
>The ones here are mostly Shtumpe-kamuy...
>[The Ainu believes black-furred foxes to be good gods]
>Foxes with dark fur with a white "streak" are called silver foxes, and their furs are considered a luxury

>They imported foxes, you see.
>And since Karafuto's extra cold, they make for some high quality fur.
>So business is good, huh? Awesome.

>There should've been a Karafuto Ainu village somewhere around here. Know anything about it?

>Oh yeah, used to be one here. An Ainu village was here some 20, 30 years ago,
>but there were no traces of it by the time I built this farm.

>You knew someone here?

>There was a village here, where your father... Wilk was born.

>And Wilk's mother... and her parents as well.

>Where have they gone?

>Grounded up and erased between the two countries
>of Japan and Russia

>Back in the day... Karafuto wasn't owned by either one.

>That was 30 years ago.
>The two nations signed a treaty that placed the Kurils under Japanese control, while Karafuto itself came under Russian rule.

>The Japanese residing in Karafuto were to immediately evacuate...
>And so they requested the Karafuto Ainus scattered across the southern coast, with whom they established a degree of relations through fishing, to choose their nationality; Japan or Russia.

>The number of Ainus who decided to move were 841.
>[It is said there were approximately 2000 Ainus across Southern Karafuto]

>A majority of Ainus from Wilk's village boarded the Japanese vessels, and immigrated to Hokkaido

>Wilk's mother was Ainu, but his father was of Polish descent, meaning he couldn't get on the boat. So he stayed in Karafuto with his parents.

>But a epidemic swept across the Karafuto Ainus who moved to Hokkaido, with half of them wiped out.

>The surviving Ainus returned to Karafuto
>But Wilk told me that not one came back to his village

>It was but the result of being thrown about by selfish reasons on part of Japan and Russia...
>And the Hokkaido Ainu will eventually follow the same fate.

>But there is a faint glimmer of hope.
>Wilk saw that glimmer in you.

>But then why did father betray and kill the Ainu?
>Why did he decide to steal Ainu gold to hand it of to me, an Ainu?!

>Those answers should like here in Karafuto.
>We'll get to them, as long as we follow the footsteps of your father you never knew existed...

>We've confirmed that Nopperabou was Wilk.
>If Wilk left a code that could only be deciphered by his daughter,
>that means the key to unlocking that code lies within Asirpa's head... Is that right?

>So even if someone collects all the tattooed skins, no one can find the gold
>as long as we have that girl.

>And if we can get the key out of her now, we'll have that much of an advantage.

>But she says she has no idea what that is...

>She actually can't come up with anything, or...
>Is she feigning it?

>Asking her by force isn't ideal.
>Causing distrust won't allow us to gain solid intel.

>If the land of Karafuto can make Asirpa grow up...
>I'm sure she'll bring it upon herself to tell us the key.

>Hey, think you could mark up the price on the sealion meats?
>Aw c'mon, business is good, innit?

>Yeah, for now.
>But ten years down the line, it's possible neither me or the foxes are still around here.
>Which is bad for the foxes, obviously.
>[The Karafuto fox farms reached their peak during the early Showa period, but as the surge of import items and synthetic fibers caused prices to tumble, these farms quietly disappeared.]

>[A hospital in the Abashiri area]

>I heard you haven't been eating.
>Bad Nikaido!

>He's been like a husk ever since you told him that Sugimoto is dead.
>And just stays under the sheets the entire time.

>Heeere Nikaido, come out come out
>You eat your food, and I'll give you morphine.

>He's shown his face!

>See, the food's there, so eat that.
>Now take your chopsticks and...

>Sir! Nikaido's had his right had blown off!

>Bring me a fork.

>Here Nikaido, brought you a fork.
>You eat your meal properly, and I'll give you morphine.

>He's looking, he's looking sir

>General Arisaka sir!
>Got a present for Nikaido-kun!
>It's a new hand!

Kiroranke: let's traumatize Asirpa with the reality of her people's persecution until she's ready to lead a rebellion


>Hey, look Nikaido. It's a wonderful hand!

>Yup, he's looking.

>General Arisaka, I'm assuming this isn't just some ordinary prosthetic hand?
>It does indeed have a trick up its sleeve!

>Oh he's definitely looking now!
>If you open up the middle finger joint...

>Chopstick come oooout!
>clack clack


>Next Issue: Go at it, Nikaider!

>ogata doesn't care about asirpa at all and he's paranoid about her the same way he is with everything

feels bad, man.

I expected nothing from Ogata, and yet I'm still disappointed.

My god a Golden Kamuy thread uncorrupted by fujos and shippers its a good day

>he says, to a mostly dead thread.

Wow, we really showed them.

Things got pretty dark huh

I'm honestly stoked to see Arisaka again, what a ledge

My god what goes Ogata want to do with the gold!!!!!!

There's no way he actually cares about the Ainu suffering and funding their rebellion. Right?


why is Tsurumi bothering with a handless, legless traitor who has completely lost his mind?
surely he's not that short on men

does anyone have that picture of ogata on the throne with all the asirpas

What am I saying. No. There's no way. He doesn't even give a shit about Asirpa, how could he possibly care about an entire people, even if it's just in some abstract, "as an idea, this inequality offends me" kind of way.


Great question. Now watch Nikaidou be the one to kill him as a result of this lapse in judgement.

I gotcha senpai

dunno why you want it after this chapter though.


I feel like Tsurumi's too important to be killed off by a character whose continued existance is a running gag at this point, but we'll see.

Noda doesn't keep characters around for no reason. Remember when we thought there was no reason for Ienaga, but then it turned out she was needed in order for Noda to excuse why Sugimoto got advanced brain surgery beyond what was possible in 1906?

Anyway, nobody expects Nikaidou to do anything important, therefore he will. Noda thrives on crushing our expectations.

By their tone of the conversation I really don’t think so. Noda.....what did Kiro offer to Ogata like others couldn’t? A huge dick? Promise to the battlefield again?

Kiro is a fresh and unbetrayed character, once he betrays him he'll change sides again, but I don't know who he'll go to considering he has at this point betrayed everyone including Huci.
Maybe he'll just fuck off from the plot to betray off panel.

You know, I've been tossing up the possibility that Ogata might be a closet imperialist and this is all just deep cover to foil the possibility of an Ainu rebellion, but then why go to such lengths? Why not just kill Kiroranke, and maybe asirpa for good measure? Why all this?

So, maybe he wants the rebellion, but as a means of causing chaos and spitting in the face of Japan. As for why he chose this cause above Tsurumi's or Hijikata's, idk. Maybe he thought native rights were the biggest hoagie to hurl out of the three.

this is such a random theory that hadn't been foreshadowed in any way, you guys can do better

Look, Tsurumi's lying his ass off to Nikaidou right now. Not only is Sugimoto not dead, Tsurumi is actively working with him.

What do you think the poor bastard's going to do if he finds out the truth?

Oh man a closet imperialist? Don’t think he cares about the state of japan but causing chaos in it for the lols. Its perfectly shallow of him to do so. With Kiro offering a position of a captain to him. I hope Noda along the line will fool us again with new twists about ogatas character. /indenial

I wish jpn fans will straight on ask noda if Kiroranke and ogata are fucking.

It's the state of Japan in 1906, it's not like it's a strange or uncommon view for him to hold. He also does things like refer to Koito as Tsurumi's "pet satsuma hayato", so he's not exactly woke lol.

But I already said I discarded the theory on the basis of Deep Cover being so much unneeded effort for something that could be solved with a bullet to the back of the head. Even if it was because he wanted Kiroranke to reveal his allies, they can't do shit without the gold.

If someone who can speak Japanese wants to, they can do it here:

If Sugimoto kills them without us knowing their true motivations I will be so mad.

Ogata/Tsurumi is a good pair. Both dirty lying snakes.

Noda wouldn't do that.

It's weird to think they were originally working together closely, it's been so buried by everything since then.

I hope for flashbacks when we will know why he chose Kiro instead.

He is loyal to his men.

New PV when?

Anime Japan 2018

Nikaidou betrayed him so no.

recklessly try to kill sugimoto as always
he needs to find inner peace and forgive

What's Asirpa saying?

He only did it to kill Sugimoto so maybe he's lenient because of that.

No? He was with Ogata's band of traitors.

I want Hijikata to be my hot sugar grandpa!

"sugar grandpa" was the one nice thing we got in this chapter.

The evil that is about to come will be so upsetting but I believe in Asirpa will withstand everything that comes in her way.

Kiroranke will eventually betray catman mark my words. He is final boss.


He couldn't even bring himself to stab Inkarmat. He's too weak to be the final boss.

Oh fuck you're right, he wasn't in that group that got fucked up by a bear but he did know who the other traitor was.
Maybe he just started feeling pity for him then.

I wonder if this will dent Ogata's popularity

>[Our dear daddy longlegs]